Monday 1 January 2018

Today is the First Day of the Rest of My Life

Happy New Year, everyone!

Guess what? I am now officially RETIRED!

After 10 years working part-time in high school/university and 35 years working full-time in my chosen profession, I have finally kissed the workforce GOODBYE and taken early retirement! For the first time since 1972, my life and my time are ENTIRELY MY OWN AGAIN!



Moving with Mitchell said...

Woohoo is right. Wishing you a happy dance every day for the rest of your life!

DEZMOND said...

Oh, my, imagine the fun of not working anymore :) Is YRO happy about or not? :)
I don't think I shall ever retire, our laws are very strict about it even if I live to be old which I probably won't :)
Happy New Year, happy new retirement!

anne marie in philly said...

YEE HAW & HELL YEAH! congrats! you and squire john gray of "going gently" both retired early last year. more power to ya! enjoy! celebrate!

Marie Smith said...

Yay! Happy dance indeed! I wish you many years of health and happiness. The best is yet to be!

Kay G. said...

I am very happy for you!
You know there are people who are lost when they retire, as their only interest was their career. I know that will NOT be you, you will fully embrace your new found energy pursuing the things you like to do! Good luck to you!

mshatch said...

Ooh you lucky dog! I am very envious and cannot wait to say good by to work, unless it's the kind of work I like, of course :) Happy New year and Congratulations!

Rosemary said...

Enjoy these new days of doing exactly what you feel like doing and when.

AntiquityTravelers said...

wow that would be a happy dance for me as well! Congrats to you and enjoy every moment

Ol'Buzzard said...

Now you will find out how busy retirement really is...

the Ol'Buzzard

Jeanne said...

Woo Hoo!!! May the rest of your life be filled with late mornings and leisure cups of coffee in a huge sun puddle! :o) Enjoy! ♥

Jeanne said...

Happy New Year!

Contrary Guy said...

Happy New Year and Congratulations!

Joanne Noragon said...

Congratulations. Stay busy. Stay happy.

Bob said...

Live, laugh, love, enjoy!

Lady M said...

Wow - don't get into too much trouble now!

Mistress Maddie said...

Congrats!!!!!!!!!!! Now a new chapter will take place sure to be filled with labyrinths of course!

And A Happy New Year Indeed!!!!!

e said...

Big CONGRATS, Debra! What a milestone!

Just fyi: you are going to love it!

Happy New Year, and Happy New Way of Living!

Rain said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! How wonderful, I'm so happy for you! So...what's first on the list? :)

Hot guys said...

Happy New Year, Deb! :)

Valerie said...

YAY! Wishing you wonderful adventures!

Leanna said...

Congratulations!! Now you get to legally go to the local senior center and play with Elmer's Glue and not be thrown out. You get to take bus rides to nowhere. Or you could stay under the bed covers and keep warm. It's cold out. Old people like you don't do well in the cold so make sure you put lots of layers on and don't forget to keep a hat on all the time. Oh, and don't forget to eat plenty of good hearty soups.

Bob Johns said...

Woo Hoo Congrats!

Martha said...

That is wonderful! Congratulations. I hope you love the freedom as much as the most amazing man in the world does. Happy New Year!

Dr. Theda said...

Wishing you and yours a great new year, dear Lady Debra !!!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Well....Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy to you. Enjoy and go forth and harass any and all. xoxo Oma Linda

Vanessa Morgan said...

Happy New Year and have fun with your retirement!

Janie Junebug said...

Happy Retirement!


NanaDiana said...

Oh!!! That is absolutely wonderful news! Once you have settled a bit into retirement you are going to wonder how you ever found the time to work---trust me--it happens.

Blessings, Love and Happy New Year to you- xo Diana

Birdie said...

That’s awesome! Congratulations.

Besides sleeping in, do you have any plans?

Magic Love Crow said...

I am so happy for you Deb!!! Happy Dance!!! Congrats! Happy New Year!!!

Barbara said...

Good for you. I'll be interested to hear your report this time next year. Retirement is a whole new life and I found it very strange to get used to again. Hahaha. Kind of like having too much chocolate - if there is such a thing.

Sandy said...

Congrats to you. Good dancing too, lol. I'm over retirement age, but still at it. Though I would like to retire, hubby's not yet interested in retiring himself or having me retire. I do keep reminding him I'm a year older than he is, lol

Sandy's Space

Jenn said...

Congratulations! What a great way to start a new year! HAPPY NEW YEAR AND RETIREMENT!!

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

Happy New Year and OMG!!!! Well done!! I have four more years to go. I have a little stickie on my corkboard at work with a monthly countdown. Every month I count down. I just passed my 31st year in health care this past November. Not long now! :)

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Lucky lucky you - I've been retired just under 10 years now and love love love it. I can barely find time to do all the fun things I have planned - but I take it slow and enjoy it as I go along. Have a blast!

John M said...

I love being retired. I'm happy for you.

yellowdoggranny said...

well you know what I always is the first day of the rest of your don't fuck it up..haha
on that and your rare one should take a little trip down south..way down the heart of Texas...and visit me in West..come for Westfest..labor day weekend.

Buttercup said...

It really is! After 40 years of working full time I retired four years ago and I still marvel that I don't have to go to work in the morning. These are some of the best days of my life and I hope they are for you, too.

Adam said...

If Trump steals my SS money, I might not get to retire. said...

WOOT!! What a fantastic way to start the new year! It's very well earned. Huge CONGRATULATIONS to you, Debra! Enjoy every moment of your time on your clock and nobody else's.
Happy 2018!

Tammy Theriault said...

That's awesome!!!! Relax and enjoy the year!

jadedj said...

Good for you! From what little I know of you, I have the feeling that you are going to love it. I don't regret doing it one iota.

Anonymous said...

congratulations,, you have paid your dues,, time for fun,, the possibilities are endless!!!I'm so happy for you,,

jaz@octoberfarm said...

congratulations! what a perfect way to start 2018!

Fearsome Beard said...

Dance, dance dance, Dance!

Theresa Y said...

Congratulations to you. Now starts another chapter in your life. Hope its exciting and fun-filled!

Kirk said...


Mich said...

CONGRATS!!! Go nuts! Take a tone of road trips!!

Susan said...

I am green - green with envy! And so happy for you! Congratulations and enjoy the rest of your (long) life to the max!

Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoy a long and healthy retirement.

Bill Lisleman said...

Congratulations - Enjoy that initial vacation feeling but I do find that retirement still requires planning. I often wonder if retirement in Canada is easier than in the US.

This N That said...

ENJOY!!!! It's a good feeling for sure...Love your Happy Dances!!! WooHoo!! On to another chapter..I hope i's long and healthy and fun...

Toni said...

How exciting! Retirement is the best. It's like Act III of you life and you get to totally script it! Congratulations!

Lynn said...

Congratulations! Love all the joyous dancing! I dance in spirit in your honor.

Miss Val's Creations said...

Congratulations!!! I am really looking forward to that day of my happy dance. A great way to start off a new year. I hope your days are filled with happiness. :)

Linda d said...

CONGRATS in the biggest way possible. Judging from your blog and comments retirement isn't going to slow you down.

All the best.

LL Cool Joe said...

I hope retirement works out to be great for you! So what are your plans? Sky diving, pole dancing?

Turn The Page said...

Oh I jealous!!! CONGRATULATIONS, and may you enjoy every bit of it!

Anne Johnson said...

Congratulations, you lucky lucky person! Now you can take that long-awaited trip to Philadelphia, visit Anne Marie and myself, and stay in my guest room!

klahanie said...

Hey Debra!

Awesome stuff and welcome to the world of retirement. Now you can practice being an "old RAGE pensioner!"

Have a nice, relaxed 2018, eh.


Davoh said...

Merry Season change.

Doctor Z said...

WAHOO! Congratulations!!! And a MOST Merry New Year to you.

G. B. Miller said...


bj said...

Congrats, dear friend. Retirement is HEAVEN !! I retired while in my early 50's because our grandkids started coming along and I couldn't stand the thought of letting then go to child I kept them.....a great time in my life.

I LOVE all your cool dancers...:)

jimserrettstudio said...

Congratulations! Enjoy!

The Happy Whisk said...


baili said...

I want to give you a hug and say I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU !!!

i am a house wife and waiting for one too which will come someday i think


Willym said...

I've been remiss in my blog reading the past week and totally missed this! CONGRATULATIONS! Welcome to the wonderful world of "yeah I'll shower sometime today and maybe even get out of my pajamas". I'm sure I'm not the first to tell you that you'll have no trouble filling your days and napping is a good thing. A really good thing!

Now excuse me I think I'll just sit here in my bathrobe and read another chapter - I mean it's only 1430!

Hugs and kisses

Guillaume said...

Congratulations and enjoy!

Fundy Blue said...

Wonderful news to read, Debra! Wishing you all the best in this next chapter of your life!

larrymuffin said...

I was told you had retired. Wonderful feeling for sure. Happy retirement, do you have any big projects now? Don't sit in front of the TV not the thing to do in retirement.