Thursday 1 February 2018

Imbolc Cyberspace Poetry Slam

[statue of Brigid by Paul Borda of Dryad Design]

Imbolc is a pagan holiday which celebrates, not Spring, but rather, the promise of Spring. It is also the sacred day of Brigid the Bright, Celtic Triple Goddess of healing, creative handiwork and (most importantly for today's post) poetry.

The Imbolc Cyberspace Poetry Slam has been celebrated for quite a few years now by many pagans around the blogosphere. On February 1st or 2nd, people post a favourite poem written by themselves or by another so that, collectively, a vast internet web of poetry is woven to honour Brigid, the Goddess of Poetry.

This year I'm posting a devotional poem that I found somewhere or another several years ago. I'm afraid I don't know who the author is. Possibly the poem may be based on a traditional Celtic blessing. Either way, it's charming and I offer it to all of you as an Imbolc gift as we await Spring --

The blessings of Brigid be about you,
on your going out,
and on your coming in;

in the name of She
who blesses each doorway;

in the name of She
who calms the waves;

in the name of She
who brings us safely home.


Moving with Mitchell said...

Happy Imbolc... or is it Merry Imbolc... well, Feliz Imbolc. Sorry I didn’t pick up my box of Imbolc cards this year.

A Heron's View said...

The 1st February is Brigid's Day and Imbolc the first Fire Festival of the year is on the 3rd of February as will confirm.

Anonymous said...

such a beautiful blessing,,

Jim said...

I think I like Brigid's Day. The poem is lovely, Debra. Thank you....a good way to start my day.

NanaDiana said...

Love the poem!!! It is a wonderful blessing for what is to come...Spring! I can't wait! xoDiana

Jeanne said...

A Blessed Imbolc to you! ♥
We are having a false Spring here. Me wonders what true Spring will be like.....

Marie Smith said...

Love it. Thank you!

Toni said...

Wonderful blessing for Imbolc. It is a time to celebrate possibilities!

Blessed Imbolc!

Adam said...

Silly pagans, Jesus Christ brings spring every year after he rides down from heaven on a dinosaur with a bald eagle flying by his side with a flat tax bill in its claws.

Leanna said...

Blessed Imbolc my dear.

^.^ said...

Blessed be, friend D ... Love, cat. PS: Adam's comment is priceless ... smiles ...

Linda d said...

A blessed Imbolc. I love the idea of celebrating hope.

e said...

Blessed Imbolc, the promise of Spring. Well worth celebrating. Honor to Brigid the Bright, and heartfelt thanks for bringing the light.

Martha said...

A lovely way to start the day. The promise of spring...such a hopeful message!

Kirk said...

It's getting a jump on Groundhog's Day!

Anonymous said...

There once was a woman named Brigid
Who worked to bring hope to the frigid
The people would sing
and dream of the Spring
To reference this poem just use ibid

Miss Val's Creations said...

This is beautiful!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ brewella deville -- Love it!

Parnassus said...

Hello Debra, I hope that Brigid will visit us all this Imbolc, with her special gifts of healing, handiwork and poetry.

Do you know Deana Sidney's blog, LostPastRemembered? Her recent post might interest you, about an early Italian silent movie "vampire" with strange powers over men, i.e. self-empowered and not limited by men:

Plus, you always get a related recipe!


Barbara said...

Beautiful work of art. I looked at their web page. Very Interesting.

Rue said...

Lovely! We were blessed with a bit of snow this morning - just enough to look pretty before it melted. It's a good reminder that winter isn't done with us yet. I get a bit too excited once February hits, but Old Woman Winter doesn't usually let us go until March. I hope your winter days and nights have been safe and warm. xo said...

That's so nice - a blessing for all that we need.
Thank you and Goddess Brigid.

Susan said...

I much prefer the promise of spring, then one can cling to hope and is not disappointed by the reality that it only comes for a week. In early June. A blessed Goddess Brigid Day to you!

Guillaume said...

That sculpture looks like a thing from Dungeons&Dragons.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Parnassus -- Thanks, Jim, I'll check out her blog. It sounds interesting!

Ol'Buzzard said...

Female deities are so much better - Why in the hell did they feel the need to create a male deity with the attributes of Donald Trump?
the Ol'Buzzard

Magic Love Crow said...

This is so beautiful! Imbolc blessings to you and your Rare One!

Rain said...

That is a lovely poem Debra, thanks for sharing it. A Blessed Imbolc to you and your Rare One! :) I'm celebrating with FOOD, wouldn't ya know it? :) And I'll be planting some flowers. Darkness is waning...light and Spring will be here sooner than we know it! (I always laugh when I say that, looking at the -25C on the thermometer!!!) :) Hope! :)

DEZMOND said...

Oh, Brigid, you so lovely!

Davoh said...

Spring??? Depends on which (or witch) half of this planet one lives in.
Australia's "summer" (40 degrees Celsius or more) is deep sheiss "winter" in Nordamericano ...
wry heh ...

Davoh said...

Ooops, which brings me to another random thought. Have any of the Northern Hemisphere - gods,goddesses (myths and legends) ever actually visited Australia? (yer, i know, don't quibble).

Which brings me to another odd thought. Give us enough time - and we can 'invent' our own .... oooer, heretic ....

Magaly Guerrero said...

I hope your Imbolc is full of blessings and new growth, my dearest Debra!

Magaly Guerrero said...

P.S. Autocorrect wanted to change "Imbolc" for "Limbo", bwahahaha!

Onevikinggirl said...

In Ireland, I was taught how to make a Saint Bridget star from straw - which it turned out today I had forgotten how to do. Just as well, these new religions, nothing good can come from these modern saints...

bj said...

Oh, I thank you so much for this adorable and heart tugging blessing.
It is so pretty and makes me feel safe, just reading it.
Since Mr. Sweet passed, I seem to be afraid of things I've never feared before...just going to the groc store makes me nervous...why this is, I don't know other than he was my rock for almost 60 yrs and now, I am on my own. I think the part of CALMING ALL WAVES made me close my eyes and repeat it. I really needed this today and I thank you, dear friend.

The Happy Whisk said...

@ BJ:

If you're reading this BJ, big
hugs to you. It is scary. But
you're doing it. Even if you're
nervous, you're doing it.

@ Debra: Happy Promise of Spring!

baili said...

thank you for the introduction of beautiful tradition and poet dear DEbra
i am loving the theme