Monday 12 February 2018

Words of Wisdom



^.^ said...

... uhm ... k ... Love, cat.

anne marie in philly said...

I was just thinking about HRH this morning...

my fave = "know thyselves, bitches!"

Carol Blackburn said...

Oh, such fun! Husband loves the one "someone cares, not me". He needs that one for work. Only 79 days until he retires. He's getting antsy. Have a great day.

Moving with Mitchell said...

I love so many of these. The words of wisdom that oversimplify life drive me crazy, so I'm grateful for "What matters most in life... And here's a picture of a tree." The one real truth, Life is NOT all lovely thorns and singing vultures. AND... spontaneous orgasms could be embarrassing. I'd hope for invisibility at the same time.

DEZMOND said...

Furbulence lol

Bob said...

I love the Lao Tzu one.

Marie Smith said...

Lol. Love her inspirational message to friends!

Anonymous said...

yup,,, all of them,,, perfection!

Jeanne said...

I love Morticia's life philosophies. ♥

Harry Hamid said...

That cat certainly knows how to smile. It's sort of an evil grin, but it's definitely a grin.

Adam said...

I'll be going on my first plane trip soon, I'd prefer one human pilot and a cat copilot

Her Royal Highness said...

You can't tell me what to do! You're not the Boss of Me!

Kirk said...

Ha ha ha! Thank God it was hijacked!

Susan said...

It starts so...normally. Then it gets fabulous!

Leanna said...

I Have one that says, "Fuck this shit, get the bong."
Anywho, I just sent the one that was for the bathroom. Yeah, he says his shit don't stink.
HRH is so funny. Thanks.

e said...

So glad that HRH is finding time to torment you from beyond the veil! She's got a wicked funny sense of humor!

I showed these to Pierre. He nodded sagely, shrugged in that Gallic way and then sauntered over to the heater vent for a lie down. He knows how she is...

Joanne Noragon said...

The cats rule, of course.

Parnassus said...

Because if medicines had positive side effects, they would be sold especially for that purpose at double the already exorbitant cost.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Parnassus -- Yeah, goddammit JIm, you're right.

Toni said...

Jackpot! Great cartoons.

The Martin Buber meme reminds me of a great little book. The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George. Heavenly little book with surprises around every bend.

How true, worrying takes away today's peace.

R's Rue said...

Thank you. said...

Fun and honest mix here. My favorite is the one about being wrong versus right.
Have a great week, Debra.

Lady M said...

I thank the cat for hijacking that one. It was a little to sappy at the start but OMG that updated bathroom sign - to funny. And the side effects of the medications? Priceless!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Nicely done, you got me with this one.

Jono said...

Some of those are truly memorable!

Bill Lisleman said...

great stuff here - especially the picture of a tree

Rosemary said...

I appreciate the words of wisdom from Rumi and I am reminded of the moment when I visited his shrine at Konya in central Turkey.

Rain said...

LOL...anal leakage...
I think I'm married. :) Great post today Debra! Loved it! :)

Tammy Theriault said...

Love these. Especially the I want you to know someone cares one. Hahaha

Martha said...

HAHAHA! Hilarious. And wise words. Hey, it's a good day when your underwear doesn't ride up your ass :)

Magic Love Crow said...

Great post Debra! LOL! Love HRH smile! LOL!

LL Cool Joe said...

That horrid bathroom plaque needed fixing! The benefits of wearing boxer shorts is they don't ride up my arse too often.

Lynn said...

I knew HRH had taken over! Thanks for the morning smiles. :)

Karen said...


Sandi said...

Rumi!....sigh... :)

Frank said...

What Mitchell said.

Magaly Guerrero said...

I shall ride my weird!

A Heron's View said...

This elderly man sends his appreciation via his blog

baili said...

thank you for the treasure and the smiles
you are an expert of all grounds of humour

Lois said...

I quite love quotes and will be writing a few of them down!!! So glad HRH is still up to mischief. She is pretty wise... L

The Captain said...

Many of these are worthy of there own fridge magnet!