Wednesday 29 April 2020

Are You Working from Home?

Then this post is for YOU!

Enjoy the commute!

This pandemic is proving to us that
SO MANY people are totally capable
of working from home!

Even working animals can perform
their duties from home!

But be careful!
There ARE a couple of pitfalls 
when working at home --

Who DOESN'T love meetings
by video conferencing!

But here, too, AVOID PITFALLS!

Okay, you've had your break now.



Parnassus said...

Hello Debra, I think that home archaeologist is the one for me. I won't break up my marble floors (although unbelievably most of the people in my building have replaced theirs with cheap-looking tile), but my back room could provide the material for years of excavations.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Fantastic! I did read about the reporter working from home who accidentally broadcasted how well married she was. LOL
And the routine gets muddy sometimes. You do have to create a schedule. Otherwise the hours just blend into each other and it's a chore!


anne marie in philly said...

THOSE LAST 2! bwhahahahahahahahaha!

Marie Smith said...

Lol. The audio and video meme is my favourite.

DEZMOND said...

I admit I licked the screen two times at that conference call! I'm not even sorry.

Rommy said...

LOL, I've been working from home for years now, and video off is the default for me. Sometimes I'll have a heated bonnet on while I deep a deep hair conditioning treatment during a half hour meeting.

Travel said...

Will I ever return to my office? If I do, do I have to wear pants?

^.^ said...

HaHa … Me going back to work tomorrow :) Love, cat.

Bathwater said...

We have a video conference on Friday's. About 30 people attend. Only about six of us us our cameras. We spend the time in the meeting trying to get the others on camera to do silly things.

Martha said...

BAHAHAHAHAHA! These were hilarious :)

Frank said...

I will say it's boring being retired at home. The garden is planted, the home projects done, the spring cleaning just about what?

Bob said...

Luckily, the very little bit of work that I can do right now doesn't require me to shower shave dress or video.
Which is good because right now I look like a serial killer.

pam nash said...


Bob Johns said...

So many great ones! Thanks for the laughs today.

Mistress Maddie said...

Wilson the sleep herder!!!!!! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha!!!!!!!!!!

This N That said...

LOL..You have some good ones there..Love the video conference call...These are strange times indeed..I guess we'd best get used to them...Stay well..

The Blog Fodder said...

A superb collection of hilarity.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Hahaha, I saw a picture of a man being interviewed at home, dressed in a nice suit jacket, shirt and tie, he didn't realize the camera lens picked up that he was sitting there in his underwear.

Leanna said...

That last one was too funny. What an idiot.

Anonymous said...

So when Carol Baskin said she didn't feed her husband to the tigers, technically she was telling the truth?

Lady M said...

OMG - had to check out that naked shower gaffe - too funny!

Tundra Bunny said...

These are all funny, but I got a real kick out of the guy riding his shower rail and the astronauts working from home! Gaffs are to be expected from people new to video conferencing, but those last two -- LOL! The guy in the white shirt looks creepy/psychotic -- even with some clothes on... sure am glad I don't work with/for him!!

The Happy Whisk said...

Oh my god. The shower and the husband in the back. Is that for real? Too funny. I laughed out loud at the this is a boring show, again, this is a zoom conference.

Excellent fun.

DVArtist said...

Good ones. All made me laugh.

e said...

I'm so glad that I'm retired! I don't have to pretend to give a hoot!
I've had a couple of Zoom get togethers with friends and often the background in everyone's square is more interesting than what we are all saying.

Professor Chaos said...

Ha! Those were all great!

You might enjoy this:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Professor Chaos -- Best use of a treadmill I've ever seen!

Guillaume said...

I love working from home. Because I hate my job, my commute and most of my colleagues.

Joanne Noragon said...

Took me a minute to figure out her husband was not showering in a tiny shower room.

Sue Bursztynski said...

Chuckle! Actually, you’d be surprised what archaeological finds you can make in your own home if it’s old enough. My father found some newspapers from the turn of the 20th century under a carpet, and one of them contained a cartoon I had seen in a much more recent newspaper!

Another bunch of newspapers from the 1920s were found by a workmate, who offered them to my school library. I couldn’t look after them, but I gave them to a friend who writes mysteries set in Melbourne in the 1920s, for her research.

Anonymous said...

I have been the audio one a few times. I love not waking up at 0430 to get ready but a couple times I slept too late and then I'm like, "Oh my gosh, I'm going to be late!" So I run to my computer in my fanciest sweatpants and craziest hair and shower after work. haha

Stay healthy and safe,

Karen said...

hahahaha... omg the mortification! I do work from my home office so that's a plus for me, for sure. I just hope I don't lose my job now that so many small businesses are suffering and not spending money on advertising.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Those were hilarious! I loved the Dog Wilson; reminded me of Callies's former herding life.

Ol'Buzzard said...

Been there
Done that
It sucked
the Ol'Buzzard

Forsythia said...

These are hilarious. Don't know which one made my laugh the hardest--think maybe the marine biologist. Love your memes.

John M said...

Great collection. I especially like the one with the man's backside showing in a mirror.

Liz Hinds said...

One zoom meeting I totally failed to concentrate on because it was evening and I'd already removed my bra. Even though they only saw my head it put me off.

Mike said...

Trying to think of something that already hasn't been said. ... I'll have to get back to you.

Polly said...

ha,ha OMG those last two, out there for everyone to see forever - priceless. I love Wilson.

Sandy said...

Lots of good ones there for sure. I've heard of a few people having some um...oophies with their conference video's. Practice makes perfect. Make sure you can do it before the important call. I've added a background to my skype of 2 Martini Glasses, lol for fun. I only use skype for friends not business since I'm retired. Added a beach scene to zoom for the same reason. Facetime is just my boring messy office, lol

G. B. Miller said...

Some sports guy in Spain was doing a live spot while in the background, his quite nude mistress was strolling by.

Anywho, my office is the proverbial man in the basement of his my mother's house joke.

LL Cool Joe said...

Yeah dj-ing from home is no fun at all! :D

Adam said...

I wish I could work from home

Brian Joseph said...

I am actually working from home. I am finding that I really like it. I am more productive as all the energy that once went into getting ready and into my commute is now going into work.

Very funny memes :)

yellowdoggranny said...

damn..if I had that taking a shower in my place..I'd volunteer to work from her home.

The Captain said...

I'd hate working from home. The cat would object too.

Miss Val's Creations said...

Love these! I know some people can't stand working from home but I love it. Whoever has a lion in their living room deserves to be attacked!

Ur-spo said...

My patients are loving this. I am curious to see if the bosses/liability insurance company/medical insurance companies allow us to continue telephone/zoom appointments or it all goes back to business as usual.

Bea said...

The WFH sheepdog had me snickering. Thanks for this.

baili said...

the archaeologist hahahaha

you filled my stalk pf laughter to full hahaha
God bless you

Fundy Blue said...

How do you find these? They're brilliant, Debra!

Magic Love Crow said...

No, I am not going back to work! LOL!