Thursday 25 July 2024

Food For Thought

Here's some!


Tom said...

...amen to real luxuries.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

wonderful! i love that fence!

Boud said...

Definitely swiping some of these. They're great. Also timely.

Moving with Mitchell said...

After the first one, I was waiting for the punchlines on all the rest. These are wonderfully inspirational. “How long would it take YOU to name yourself?”

Marie Smith said...

That description of hope is perfect!

Bob said...

I love the Chief Crowfoot quote.

Travel said...

May we all live in luxury.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

This is fantastic.

But you know what hit? That I would not name myself first when naming the things I love....


Anonymous said...

Lately I’ve been writing down a few inspirational words before going to sleep. Thank you for these, I especially love the fence.

Kathy G said...

Some great food for thought here. Thank you.

Ellen D. said...

These are really good, Debra. Thanks.

gz said...

Did Jung ever do "cat's cradle"?

Katerinas Blog said...

I really liked everything Debra,

but especially the second and the last one!!
Really food for thought!

e said...

Such good reminders, Debra! Thank you for the uplift...

Mistress Maddie said...

I liked the hope one myself.

Jamie Ghione said...

Some good ones.

Cleora Borealis said...

Hope having a tooth missing is perfect for right now! Yesterday, I heard soon-POTUS Harris saying "you're not one day on one side of a barrier and the next day on the's hard. They will come for you, they will cut you, they will try to make you lose hope." Now, hope and I are ready for battle! ✊🥊

Mike said...

"Live imperfectly"
I've got that down pat.

Barbara Anne said...

Worthy words, one and all.
Thank you!

Mr. Shife said...

Some real deep thoughts, Debra. I can't believe you expect me to think on a late Thursday afternoon. Native Americans have lots of wonderful wisdom. Can you imagine how things would be if we collaborated with them instead of dominating them? Thanks for sharing all of this. Great stuff.

angela said...

Love them all.

roentare said...

Love Jung quote!

Guillaume said...

Love the last one.

DB Stewart said...

Love this, and (finally) feeling hopeful again after exciting developments in the US.

Joanne Noragon said...

A wonderful collection of life.

Kirk said...

You're going to live imperfectly whether you like it or not, so might as well take delight in it.

Alison said...

I like the first one. Sums up my feelings about our existence. We are a very tiny cog in a very huge wheel.

Pixie said...

I love these, thank you for the inspiration this morning. I needed it.

LL Cool Joe said...

I need convincing that a long walk is a luxury!

Lady M said...

A beautiful post full of wisdom. Thank you.

Sandy said...

Hope and a spider web made me cringe. You know how icky it is to walk through a web you don't see? I have that happen often in the back yard when mowing or doing yard work. So my hope is, I don't run into any. Some interesting food for thought.

miruspeg said...

The Jung one is super Debra.
Peggy xxx

Ur-spo said...

the last one is missing bourbon no rubbish types.

Liz Hinds said...

Absolutely agree with life's luxuries. Love the hope one and the third one made me wriggle uncomfortably.

baili said...

All Beautiful
But Last Ome❤

Fundy Blue said...

Profound quotes, Debra. Thanks for sharing.