Tuesday 23 July 2024

Ink Time!

Now here's a TRUE Winter Soldier
and Captain America fan!


Boud said...

Tattoos show you show up and tolerate pain well! Sounds like a good reference.

Mistress Maddie said...

The girl with the North Pole all over her back?!?!?!?

Just NO!!!!!!

Tom said...

...I will never understand tattoos!

Bob said...

I have several tattoos and I love them but some of these ... Santa? Really?

Alison said...

Definitely not for me but both my kids have them. My son loves Transformers and has a huge collection, part of which is on his skin!

Marie Smith said...

I love the look of many tattoos though I am not brave enough to have ne.

baili said...

i don't know i feel bit uncomfortable when people show up with whole body cover up with tattoos dear Debra

small light art work is okay otherwise ,it seems to make sense

Old Lurker said...

Uh oh. Are you testing the waters for an ANNOUNCEMENT?

Babies don't have to be permanent. If you don't like yours there are ways to get rid of them that do not involve lasers.

Travel said...

My feeling about tattoos are as varied as the quality of the artwork. Hmm, maybe there is something in that thought.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Old Lurker -- Nope, no new ink for me.

Moving with Mitchell said...

The North Pole on your back, all year, forever and ever. Just, no.

Have a baby!

e said...

I have a cousin who loves Christmas to the point of obsession but she has never gone quite this far. Well, since she doesn't rip off her shirt ever... how would I know???

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Love tattoos.
Have several.
If that man with the Winter Soldier/Cap. America tats takes his shirt off near me, I'd faint.

That kitty and their human?? *faints*


Cleora Borealis said...

1. 😻 Cat heart tattoo...besties!!
2. I like tattoos in moderation. I have two. On my back, a happy face with crossbones because I'm friendly, but don't push me AND on my left clavicle a cute frog looking lovingly up at my face.
3. I'm the ultimate 70 y.o. Marvel fan girl so I don't wanna be a dick about that really cool last one BUT unless I'm confused by the mirror image, the Winter Soldier homage is on the wrong shoulder! It shouldn't bother me, but In my heart of hearts, one doesn't mess with Sebastian Stan!! 🤨🥰

Kirk said...

Quite frankly, I would like that Winter Soldier with or without the tattoo, but that's not the one I want to comment on (even though I just did.) That very first one, the advice from a mom to her daughter, just nails society's odd expectations. It doesn't get more satirical than that.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Cleora Borealis -- I think the WS/CA tat is okay because what we're seeing is the image in the mirror. I even went and mimicked his movement in my own bathroom mirror just to check that it is, indeed, his left arm. Phew, I haven't done this much scientific investigation since high school!

Kathy G said...

I have no desire for a tattoo, but can appreciate well-designed ones on other people.

Tundra Bunny said...

I'm not a big fan of tattoos, but I actually like the Winter Soldier/Captain America on that nicely built young man! Jeebus, I'd hate to see it when he's 80, translucent, wrinkled and saggy though, LOL!

roentare said...

This is a great series on tattoos

Parnassus said...

Hello Debra, That analogy is faulty. I have never seen a baby that I did not admire, but precious few tattoos that I did.

Joanne Noragon said...

If I ever had a tattoo, it would say "Nevertheless, she persisted."

Lady M said...

I am not really a big tattoo fan but I supposed if it was like spider webs I could get into it.

DB Stewart said...

Planning my first tattoos. We'll see how things unfold. No regrats, right? lol

Mike said...


Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ DB Stewart -- Oh, I hope you'll blog about it and post a photo! Exciting!

Polly said...

I have a small lizard tattoo on my shoulder and planned to have another on the top of an arm, but never got round to it!! I love the cat tattoo, I'm not keen on large ones, and today I saw a woman with tattoos on her face - scary!

Liz Hinds said...

If tattoos weren't permanent and didn't hurt I would get one!

G. B. Miller said...

I would love to get a tattoo (I even have an entire design created for it), but my wife stated that when she had met me, I had no ink, so she wants me to remain non-inked. I respect her wishes.

However, both my children have tats, with my daughter possessing a large cicada on her chest and another that starts at her waist and goes downwards (she hasn't shown me but have told me about them), along with another dozen.

Important to note: they aren't visible in a professional setting, except the small quote she has on her neck. I think that's the important thing to remember when you get inked is how it could potentially affect what kind of career you choose to have.

LL Cool Joe said...

My younger daughter is training to become a tattoo artist. So far she's avoided asking me to practice on.

Ur-spo said...

I could get one as I would grow tired and want a new one/different one

aliciahursley3 said...

Haha I love the Santa one! It's certainly a choice or a really expensive lost bet. I mean, my husband lost a bet with a guy who owns a dumpster rental company and now he is the "proud" owner of a big red dumpster tattoo. At the end of the day what's worse? haha