Sunday 7 July 2024

Loose Change, Falafels, Painting, and Sexy Vicars

I miss doing those periodic Sunday Seven summaries of miscellaneous goings-on that I started posting last year. But quite frankly, some weeks it was darn hard to come up with seven items for it! So I've decided to rename the series Weekly Roundup instead and free myself from the tyranny of a numbered format. So here are my little items for this week -- 

In December 2023, the Royal Canadian Mint started issuing coinage in the name and image of Canada's new head of state, Charles III. I finally found a King Charles toonie in my change this week -- it only took six months for one to circulate down to me, LOL!

Friends told me that M & M frozen falafels are really good, so I bought a bag to try. They are indeed delicious! With some roasted garlic hummus and small whole wheat rounds, now I'm making my very own tasty falafel wraps!

I was supposed to start a new art class this week -- painting in gouache (opaque watercolours) but alas, not enough people registered so it got cancelled. That's the problem with summer classes -- people want to do other things while summer is here and the weather is nice. Hopefully, I will be able to pick up this class in the fall or winter instead.

Anyone else watching current season 9 of Grantchester, the British cozy mystery series on PBS? I think the new vicar Alphy Kotteram (Rishi Nair) has brought renewed life and welcome diversity to the series. And it doesn't hurt that he's so handsome! (Not that I'm batting for the other team now, don't worry, but a girl still has eyes).


Tom said...

...Canada has coins?

roentare said...

Falafels M&M looks very interesting.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

haha, he is cute!

Bob said...

A Chuckie coin; I'd forgotten Canada was part of the Commonwealth. I always picture it as it's own independent country.
I love falafel; I wonde rif they sell that product here.
I have watched Grantchester here and there but that Rishi Nair is dee-lissh; luckily, I play for that team!

Travel said...

A reason to visit Canada (August 2025 I have a conference in Toronto).

Green Monkey said...

I forgot all about Grantchester.Thanks for the prompt! Handsome indeed!

Boud said...

Sorry about the cancelled class. Are you going to teach yourself, maybe? YouTube is your friend! I always feel like painting in summer, the light, maybe, or everything growing. I'll cheer you on if you do it.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your weekly roundup. I’ll start paying more attention to my change, looking for the King. Jayne from Ontario.

Liz Hinds said...

Really gone off Charles. Becoming a republican in my old age. Hope you find a good class in the autumn.

Marie Smith said...

Love the new vicar in Grantchester. He is a wonderful addition and easy on the eyes.

Old Lurker said...

Listen to Doctor Boud. It is time to make some art! Maybe art with faces so you can participate on Fridays.

Nobody is accusing you of batting for the other team, but you could be a switch hitter.

Pixie said...

Did you watch Fleabag? That priest was very yummy.

I don't trust M&M, haven't had much success with their meals. I may try this.

BootsandBraids said...

"A girl still has eyes", LOL. I hope he's more entertaining than the last vicar because, after the naughty vicar, the one that fell in love with a Black woman, moved to America, the vicar that replaced him was kind of a snooze for me.

Leanna said...

I hated losing my art classes due to insufficient registration for that class. I missed out on so much because the art classes that were rescheduled later always interfered with my Lab Tech Program studies. I just never bothered to try to go back to it after college. Now that I have time, I wish I could.

Moving with Mitchell said...

Hadn’t even heard of Grantchester. 9 seasons, huh?!? We’ve got to get our VPN set up!

So, that’s a 2 dollar toonie!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Pixie -- Yes, I find M & M kind of hit and miss too. Sometimes I think it's due to reheating in a microwave, but these falafels are done in the oven. I haven't seen "Fleabag" yet but it's on my "to watch" list. The actor Andrew Scott who plays the yummy priest, as you say, is a favourite actor of mine.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ BootsandBraids -- Yes, I found the last vicar to be dull too, but this new one seems promising in the naughty department.

Ellen D. said...

Yes, I have to remember to tune in to Grantchester again. I used to enjoy it and then stopped watching when the time it was on changed...
I've never tried falafels at home - I'll have to check my grocery store... Thanks!

Lady M said...

I hope you get another class - especially if you invested in the paints. What does toonie stand for?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Lady M -- It's a bit of a circuitous explanation. When Canada introduced its $1 coin, Canadians called it a "loonie" because there is a loon pictured on the back. Later when Canada introduced its $2 coin, Canadians called it a "toonie" because it rhymed and also referenced "2."

Katerinas Blog said...

The falafel looks delicious!
The coin shiny!
Too bad the lessons didn't take place but don't be afraid you can practice yourself with pinterest or youtube!
I don't watch the series so I have no opinion!
Loved this column with product or event of the week reviews, no strings attached!!
Good Week Debra🧡

Guillaume said...

Unfortunate first name these days... Rishi. Hope nobody mistake him for the other guy.

Sassybear said...

Holy Guacamole. I just shared the same sentiment on MY blog about my Sunday Sevens and also changed the structure. I am honored to share a like thought with you!

angela said...

I haven’t seen any Charlie coins as yet. I’m sure I’ll come across one sooner or later.
Let the people who run the class know that you are definitely interested in doing that class and to put you on the waiting list for it. That way you’ll not miss out

Joanne Noragon said...

Your falafel sounds delish.

Janie Junebug said...

I've never watched Gratchester, although I watch a lot of British series. He's definitely eye candy. It would seem strange to me to have a coin sith someone living on it -- if he's living.


Kirk said...

"Not that I'm batting for the other team now, don't worry, but a girl still has eyes"

So do boys. For years I saw myself as bi because I was VISUALLY attracted to girls, until I realized an exchange of glances hardly consummates a relationship.

Parnassus said...

Hello Debra, I have tried Trader Joe's frozen falafel, and they were quite good, even surprisingly spicy, but I don't want to eat fried food more than once in a great while.

roughterrain crane said...

I am sure your art class is full of creativity.

Jeanie said...

I like the new toonie! And I'm so sorry about your art class. I know you'll find good uses for the supplies but it is always disappointing. As for Alphy -- Wow! I've always loved the series and he is definitely kicking things up a notch!

baili said...

i think you did great to unburden yourself from fixed type of posting dear Debra
i enjoyed knowing you found some very tasty MM bag and how smart of you to creating your own wow
they look compelling for sure :)

sorry that art class you wanted to join was cancelled due to insufficient number of attendants . i hope something better will come up soon by the grace of God and you will be able to enhance more magic in your incredible drawing skills :)
the series you mentioned sound cool

baili said...

hope my long comment did not vanished ?

e said...

I don't watch Grantchester but a pal of mine does and she also likes the new vicar. I agree, he is pretty.
I hope they hold the gouache class in the Autumn!

Bruce.desertrat said...

I cannot believe that no one has thought to ask if those M&M falafels are peanut or plain chocolate. (Dumb yank joke 8-P )

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Bruce.desertrat -- THOSE kind of M&Ms are my favourite, no joke about it!

Alison said...

I'll let you in on a not very secret; a lot of the British clergy are gay. Or as I call them, Father Whatawaste. :)

Busy Bee Suz said...

A girl still has eyes. LOL. thanks for making me laugh.
The falafel looks yummy to me too. I hope your art classes pick back up sooner rather than later!

LA Paylor said...

I bought a different set of goache and it takes getting used to opacity. Less blending and more hard lines, a different style. They do mold after opening sometimes so like you I got the tubes not the pouches.

Fundy Blue said...

Here's to freedom from tyranny of a numbered format, Debra! I hope I find a King Charles III toonie when I go home soon. I was quite surprised to find calendars featuring a year's worth of gorgeous, sexy, Roman Catholic priests in Italy. It somehow seemed inappropriate, but I enjoyed looking at the priests featured nonetheless. I may bat for a different team from you, but I have eyes that appreciate both sexes. Happy weekend!