Monday 23 September 2024

Everyone Loves Lawyers . . . Don't They?


Tom said...

...thanks for the chuckles.

Parnassus said...

Hello Debra, These are definitely in the laugh-with-not-at category. I often notice that people complain about lawyers until they need one, when suddenly the lawyers become appreciated. At my father's funeral, those crying the hardest were his old clients--perhaps he had gotten them out of jail, or perhaps he was their only friend during an acrimonious divorce or bankruptcy.

Marie Smith said...

The names are priceless. Great chuckles this morning, Debra. Thank you!

Mistress Maddie said...

The cat one reminds me of a meme I once saw, with three shifty looking men in suits with comb overs, and below it is read, The Law Firm of Dewey, Sueim and Howe. LMAO!!!!!

Travel said...

A good collection, we need to be able to laugh at ourselves.

Bob said...

That face on the four-day-old partner will stick with me all day!

Jamie Ghione said...

Love the Legal Action Figure and the M.F.!

roentare said...

4 year old making a partner is the actual reality

Pixie said...

Thanks for the laughs this morning:)

Tasker Dunham said...

They get paid a fortune though. The ones I know have so much money they don't know what to do with it.

Fundy Blue said...

Too funny! I laughed at all of these, Debra, especially Clawyers. I suffer from PTSD from being sprayed with water when a friend was trying to spray one of his misbehaving Scotties. I'm going to send him this ad. Have a great day!

Cleora Borealis said...

🥺 But where do I find a lawyer who specializes in suing my cat for damages to hoomin and property?!

e said...

Good lolz! I hope it doesn't hurt lawyers feelings that it is always open season on making fun of them... Some of my actual friends are lawyers!

Boud said...

I love the fraudulent breaking of one biscuit and passing it off as two!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ e -- Most lawyers positively REVEL in how much the general public dislikes and disparages our profession. They teach us how to have thick skins in law school and in practice. It's just water off a duck's back to us.

How do we know said...

Oh, awesome!!!

Hena Tayeb said...


Lady M said...

Hee hee Dick Talkin - that's a hoot.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

OMG the kitties! Love that!
And 'you may be entitled to compensation' is literally Pandora's Box magic words.


DB Stewart said...

These are funny, but I'm also quite happy that my lawyer lives next door, haha.

peppylady (Dora) said...

A few time my husband and I have hired lawyer. End the long run they end up helping.

Joanne Noragon said...

My daughter is married to one. She loves him. He's OK.

Kirk said...

I think Matt Flannery knew exactly what he was doing when he put up that billboard.

angela said...

I definitely think my dog would def sue over the half treats lol

Janie Junebug said...

These are all so funny, Debra. I wouldn't be able to say the name Dick Talkin without breaking down and laughing because I'm about 12 years old at heart. Penelope and Princess would also like to complain about treats broken in half. They want you to be their lawyer.


Mike said...

It's a good thing you were never a... wait.a.minute!

Tundra Bunny said...

"Attorneys At Paw" and "Clawyers" for the win, LOL! Reminds me of the old joke, "What are a thousand lawyers at the bottom of the ocean called?"... A good start!

Moving with Mitchell said...

Dick and M.F., truth is stranger than fiction.

baili said...

nice humor dear Debra :}
when one of the nephew got prison ,a girl layer helped a lot for three years ,wife of my brother adored her a lot and keep praying for her even her son is out since an year almost

Kay G. said...

Dick Talkin.

Bea said...

Feline Law Firm could be a really weird cartoon program. :)

Ur-spo said...

Having grown up in a family of attorneys I was sort of shocked to hear them tell lawyer jokes. Mostly the told judge jokes which made judges sound awful.