Tuesday 1 October 2024

Welcome to October at She Who Seeks Blog

Editorial Comment by
Her Royal Highness the Cat --

my devoted fans.

OCTOBER is just going to be
more of my human's




like ALWAYS.

But with a

Sheesh, WHY do I hang around this dump?
I don't get paid ANYWHERE NEAR ENOUGH for this gig.


Tom said...

...I remember well The Twilight Zone! It was a wonderful show. I wish you an Outstanding October.

Bob said...

I'm bracing myself for the terror!

Mistress Maddie said...

I think HRH, The Cat has been hanging around Miss Moorecock. Those could be her exact words about working at the Casa du Borghese.

And I love Halloween!!!! Halloween and my birth month!!!

Jamie Ghione said...

These are fun. I love the cat and "Get in, Loser. We're getting spooky."

Tundra Bunny said...

Suck it up, HRH. Where else but on Debra's blog could you get ANY attention?

Boud said...

Rolling my eyes along with HRH!

Her Royal Highness said...

@ Tundra Bunny -- I'll have you know I am in HIGH DEMAND in the blogosphere and MANY OTHER BLOGS want me to post guest blogs on their sites! However, the cheap bastards all think they can pay me in a bit of CATNIP for that privilege. I NEED COLD, HARD CASH, BABY! She Who Seeks only pays me 5 bucks once in awhile, but it's better than nothing. THAT'S WHY I STAY.

Travel said...

Meow! Meow! You are loved!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i just know my favorite month will fly by! i will enjoy every second of it!

Kathy G said...

What a fun photo of Her Royal Highness!

Mike said...

Send the guy with the chainsaw over to my house. I've got a job for him.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Spooktober is here!
And I LOVE the old Twilight Zone! It's my fav binge watching in October!


Marcia LaRue said...

🙄 Good grief! 🍂🎃🍁👻

baili said...

you succeed to make me scare as you do with making me laugh
hugs and best wishes dear Debra

Leanna said...

Excuse me HRH, but if you come to work for me I could give you catnip 3 times a week. Not that nasty dried-up garbage they sell in stores, but the real deal. Primo, top shelf, fresh out of my garden. Also fresh water from my sink not water that's been layin in the water bowl for the past 5 months And fresh Red or Salmon, poached with an exquisite white wine. So whaddaya say?

Her Royal Highness said...

@ Leanna -- Sorry, no can do. I'm all about COLD HARD CASH, BABY! Or diamonds. They're a girl's best friend, you know.

Polly said...

Admit it HRH, you know you're onto a good thing!!

Moving with Mitchell said...

HRH thinks she gets. paid?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Moving with Mitchell -- Yeah, I actually do throw her $5 every once in awhile, just to placate her and keep her from going to the police with utterly false allegations about me.

Her Royal Highness said...

@ Polly -- Au contraire, it is DEBRA SHE WHO SEEKS who is onto a good thing. This blog would be a TOTAL PIECE OF CRAP without my presence and contributions. SHE'S LUCKY TO HAVE ME!

angela said...

I loved the twilight zone. I often will do the music from it when something strange of creepy has happened.
Southern Hemisphere here. So we have Beltane. Enjoy your spooky season

roentare said...

Love the actual suspense and wickedness from the series

Lady M said...

Glad to see you will be spooky all year.

Kirk said...

HRH should at least look forward to the traditional Halloween black cat.

Liz Hinds said...

I actually looked behind me on the creeping up on you!

Katerinas Blog said...

Getting ready for Halloween! I really liked The Twilight Zone, it must have been from the 1990s or 2000s!
Have a nice Oktober🍁🧡

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

October is so horribly fun, especially at your home in blogland. Yippee for that!

Soma @ InkTorrents.com said...

That eye roll!! Happy October!!


Fundy Blue said...

I'm looking forward to the laughs, Debra!

Busy Bee Suz said...

So, I'm not the only one who rolls their eyes out loud? Bring on the Halloween Shenanigans!

Jenn said...

haha I looked behind me...just to make sure...