Friday, 7 March 2025

Friday Face OFF -- Paul McCartney

For this week's Friday Face OFF link party
of art featuring faces, hosted by Nicole of

Here's another quick freehand sketch
done directly in ink and ink wash.

I'm very happy with how this turned out!

When Beatles music hit Canada in 1964,
I was in Grade 2 and immediately became a Beatles fan,
with a huge crush on Paul McCartney!
Be still, my beating heart!

I remember saving up my allowance so I could buy
a great big Beatles button for 35¢ (a huge sum!)
and wearing it to school every day.

Does anyone else remember those black-and-white
Beatles trading cards with the rock-hard stick of pink gum? 
I used my allowance money for them too, LOL!

And I remember how shocked and appalled adults
(especially men) were about the Beatles' "mop top" hair!
"They look just like girls! Disgraceful!"

I bet many of you have memories
about the Beatles too.

Confess all in the comments!

[Art and photo of art © Debra She Who Seeks, 2025]


Marie Smith said...

The Ed Sullivan show appearance! Speechless! It changed the world.

Moving with Mitchell said...

I was nearly 9 when Meet the Beatles was released, and my sister bought it, and nearly 10 when they landed at JFK and Beatlemania arrived. I never had a crush but I was obsessed with them and their music. I remember all the reports and comments about their ridiculous, girlish mop tops. Hilarious to consider just a few years later.

sirkkis said...

Super drawing 👍
I'm older and it was my wedding year when they become worldwide stars. So I had more interesting things in mind 👰

Bob said...

I love your art work; very cool and Dreamy Young Paul.

Tom said...

...their first music was good, but quickly lost interest.

Mary V said...

True confession ,I wrote my one and only fan letter to George. I was 14.

Liz Hinds said...

The Beatles were the Best. I changed favourites regularly but mostly between Paul and George.

whkattk said...

Ooooo, I was 12. The haircuts were verboten, as was their music, but I did manage to whine my way into Beatle Boots! LOL. And their music opened the gateway to allow my sister to buy Elvis' records.

My name is Erika. said...

I don't remember trading cards. But I could definitely tell that was Paul. What a great sketch!

Valerie-Jael said...

I LOVE your handsome Paul. We waylaid Paul in front of a theatre and I got a kiss, wshat a treasure! Hugs!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

OMG love the story!!
And Paul WAS very cute.


Iris Flavia said...

Wow, that is GREAT work! Chapeau!
No Beatles for me. a) I came around only 1972 but especially b) my Dad did not "allow" such music. Result: I later turned to The Sex Pistols...

Parnassus said...

Great drawing of Paul--maybe you even got a little of Elvis in the sneer. In the name of diversity, does this mean that next time you are going to treat us to a drawing of Lawrence Welk ?

Gidget Blue Sky said...

i remember seeing them on ed sullivan. i had a 45 that was Love Me Do / PS I Love You

lady m said...

I got into them much later as I was small when they first became famous. My sister and I love them and had most of there albums. I enjoyed the movie A Hard Days Night and had a brief crush on John Lennon after watching it.

carol l mckenna said...

Great portrait sketch ~ Wow! ~ The Beatles were a special music group ~ fond memories of my youth ~ hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Jamie Ghione said...

I wasn't alive when the Beatles were around, but I still enjoy their music.

Ellen D. said...

I loved George as I thought I had a better chance with him since most of my friends loved Paul and John! I was a screamer at the movie theater when I saw Hard Day's Night and Help! GEORGE!!!

This N That said...

Loved the Beatles..I remember The Ed Sullivan Show appearance like it was yesterday..My hair was always cut like Paul M..and I used to be called a Beatle..My hair was cut like that long before we knew about the Beatles..
Love your drawing...great sketch..I have no ability when it comes to faces...

e said...

Instantly recognizable sketch of Paul. He was so pretty! I was luckier than most of my friends because my parents were hip and we had all the Beatles albums and the Rolling Stones. Well, we had lots of other albums too. Great memories...

Kay G. said...

My sister and I had the Beatles DOLLS! Their heads bobbed around and everything! Of course, our mother left them when we moved house telling us later, we were too old for dolls. Beatles fan forever!! Your drawing of Paul is spot on!

Christine said...


Anonymous said...

I still refer to my daughter as Paul's daughter to my BFF. Of course, it's not true.....

DVArtist said...

Wow! This is a stunning piece of art. I would be proud of it too. I was a bit older than you when the Beatles hit the US. I had everything Beatles. My walls were plastered with Beatles, I even cut my long hair to the Beatle style. Thanks for the memories and for joining FFO. Have a great weekend.

DB Stewart said...

It captures Paul's eyes very well. I can't remember a time when I didn't love the Beatles but I wasn't born until the late 60ish 60s so my experiences are all secondary.

Fundy Blue said...

Beautifully rendered, Debra! I had a huge crush on Paul too, but I saved my allowance for records. I remember the mop top controversy. 😂. I still love their music.

Gillena Cox said...

Breat sketch. Bravo
Happy you dropped by AFFF


Lisa said...

I was in first grade when I first heard “I Want to Hold Your Hand”. I was outside playing with my best friend who got a transistor radio for Christmas. We were living in Ft. Benning (Ft. Moore) at the time. While the song was playing a platoon of soldiers were marching by and stopped to listen with us. When the lyrics “I want to hold your hand” played they all swung their rear ends in time with the music. I didn’t know it then, but that may be the first flash mob I ever saw too.

Janie Junebug said...

I don't think dementia will even be able to drive the memory of their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan show out of my memory. My older sisters and I screamed. I was five. Mother smiled. After a visit to my oldest sister at her college, she had presented us with Meet The Beatles, which I still have. My parents never complained about our music (they complained about everything else, though). The best night of my life was July 4th, 1989, RFK Stadium, with Paul McCartney. Linda was still alive. It was amazing to see my Beatle boyfriend even if we were in the nosebleeds. Tickets were $25. In a few months I'm going to see Ringo and his All Starr Band. If I have another opportunity to see Paul, I will take out a loan if necessary to buy the best tickets! I love your Paul.


Kirk said...

I was still in grade school when the Beatles broke up, but they remain my favorite rock band. Like your drawing of Paul.

Cloudia said...

Yeah you definitely caught his look!

Mike said...

I was in the Army reserve from 67 to 73 and had to have short hair the whole time.

angela said...

It’s a fantastic pic of him. Well done. I like the Beatles but I wasn’t even a twinkle in my dads eye it year lol

Tundra Bunny said...

Alas, the Beatles were well before my time, but your Paul McCartney sketch is really good!

baili said...

Incredible art dear Debra ♥️
Eyes shading is amazing and very impressive wow !

I become familiar to English music in my mid twenties and listened many wonderful singers including Beatles on mtv 🥰