Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Tariff Trade War? BRING IT ON!

And now . . . 



Tom said...

...bring it on? In war and particularly trade wars, there are no winners. Just a bunch of losers.

Barbara said...

I can't imagine how stupid we look to other countries, especially our friends. During the election I head many people say I don't like him but I think the economy will improve under him. I wonder if all those government workers being laid off still think he is helping the economy.

sirkkis said...

A kick from me, too😖

Liz Hinds said...

How do you feel, Debra, about the UK's lack of comment? Or indeed the King's?

Moving with Mitchell said...

Love this. May the trade wars blow up in Drump’s stupid face.

Jennifer said...

Right on! Bring it! Nothing will turn Dump's supporters against him faster than rapidly rising prices. They're about to get what they voted for...time to stock up on popcorn.

Val Ewing said...

I don't think the idiot really understands how much crap he is asking for.
Canada Strong!

Lady M said...

The orange moron, being a man of low intelligence, has no idea what he is doing and the mess he is making. But of course you will survive and thrive. As the US isolates itself, it is us who will suffer.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Liz Hinds -- I'm not one of those complaining about King Charles' silence because I understand that a constitutional monarch speaks only as directed by his government. The silence of the UK government does show a lack of courage but, in a situation where a bully is playing hardball, allies often melt silently away so as not to draw the bully's attention to themselves. I understand it but am still annoyed by it.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Tom -- Canada has done everything it can to avoid this but when push comes to shove, it's time to go all in and inflict as much reciprocal damage as we can. In hockey parlance, ELBOWS UP!

Marie Smith said...

Canada strong!

Bob said...

The Felon doesn't have a clue that he's hurting the American people and our place in the world because he's dumb as a bunch of fat dumb rocks.

I will be singing Canada Will Survive all and I stole Good Morning & Fuck [The Fleon]

Rade said...

I love Canada! #TheIdesOfTrump

Travel said...

We LOVE you, it is him, not US.

Pixie said...

Thank you for making me smiles this morning. I didn't know elbows up, now I do:)

Frank said...

I know you guys will survive…but will WE?

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i am sick about all of this. it's not about trump, it's putin. i expect a cyber war with russia is in our future. trump will be cast off by putin when he no longer needs him. it's the end of the world as we know it and i'm not fine.

Mary V said...

Dear Canada, I love Quebec. Will you let Me visit next year? Love new anthem too .

Kathy G said...

Nobody wins when the tariffs come out to play.

whkattk said...

Love that 3rd one! And the new Canadian Anthem. It's going to be painful for everyone --- but if I'm reading correctly, it's the Red States that Canada is aiming at. Good. Bring them to their knees.

Anonymous said...

Just watching the markets crash, it looks good on the dumb as a plank orange creep. I just went to costco and noticed that there were very few US products to be found. Being Toronto, products come from all over the world so most US things have been substituted. I understand US booze is coming off the shelves again. That will really hurt Kentucky. Our provinces will need to start trading together for us to stand stronger. Elbows up. Eh? Gigi

DVArtist said...

I love these and yes fuck the "thing" A saying I use is, "Don't take my kindness as weakness." That's Canada.

Gidget Blue Sky said...

Fuck Trump!! he izza idiot!

Cleora Borealis said...

🇨🇦🤣🇨🇦🤣 Oh, yah, you betcha, doncha know?! A national anthem with a beat I can dance to and no bursting bombs...I'm in!! Suck it, Sphincter Face!! ✊️👏

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I love that Canadians are not letting Orange Mussolini bully them. Everybody tried to avoid this and Cheeto went right ahead. Because he's a businessman. Businessman my ass. He's a con man with a thin skin and a huge ego.
It's gonna hurt. I decided I'll have to keep my car four more years.


Kirk said...

It's Smoot-Hawley all over again. I don't blame you for fighting back.

Mike said...

Awesome parody!!

Mary Kirkland said...

I still can't believe that so many people voted for Trump.

Anonymous said...

Codex: Love the song. Debra you're falling behind saw incredibly good cartoons. Along with:"The DOW is one tariff away from getting EU citizenship"

Polly said...

Go Canada, love the anthem 🇨🇦

roentare said...

Yeah, trade wars only make all of us losers

ArcticFox said...

we used to read a comic here called The Beano.... there was a character called Dennis the Manace and he got up to all osrts of mischief.... (a bit unpolitically correct now) when his dad caught wind of Dennis' antics, he always got a slippering.... and to counteract the sting of the slipper on buttocks, Dennis used to shove his copy of the Beano down his pants, in anticipation..... i feel it's time for the world to shove the Beano down their pants now!!

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

Damn, this was it! The medicine I needed! You all should be and stay effin pissed - LOVE IT! - just so long as the sweet Canadian Border Patrol Security people release that package of mine to BB. Deb, I GOT UP AND DANCED THIS THE SONG! Thank you.
Thank the Goddesses that I met you and traveled to Banff when I did too. Orange mofo's messing with the wrong people! So proud to be (part) Canadian now.

Mistress Maddie said...

And I love that you guys are removing all American-made Liquors from the shelves. That'll learn them sons of bitches. A part of me hopes he screws so much up so badly and ends up getting kicked out of office.

Tundra Bunny said...

FUCK TRUMP and all those who support him! We're not keeping our sticks on the ice anymore -- time to pull a few MAGA jerseys over their heads and punch the crap outta them -- elbows up! Love our new national anthem too...

Guillaume said...

Trump truly is a see you next Tuesday.

Guillaume said...

Trump is like a real life John Iselin.

DB Stewart said...

Elbows up! Anxious about the future, but proud of my country.

The Blog Fodder said...

No Frills has all Canadian products labeled. We do not GAFF about Red or Blue States. It is YOUR country, Deal with it. #Elbows Up!

ALLIE NYC said...

At first I was like what? When I saw the title and then I was like ooohhh. OMG you are lucky you do not live in the United States. It is exhausting living "in the greatest country in the world" And Friday was beyond shocking. A couple of years ago I looked into moving to France (my step family lives there) but it pretty complicated, they do not make it easy that is for sure.

Allie of

Joanne Noragon said...

That anthem says it all.

Ur-spo said...

Thank goodness the Canucks have more spine and determination than the Yanks who voted him in. I hope you bring him down where we have failed.

elarciel said...

As a trump-hating American, I have to admit I started by cheering and ended by sobbing. What have we done to our best friends?

Mich said...

If you would like to adopt an American, I can cook very well and have been told by some that I am quite funny. Please dear god I want to get out of here

Nutkin Natters said...

I have just landed on your blog and am so heartened to read that not all Americans are supporting the Orange One, Warmonger Extraordinaire. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Janie Junebug said...

These are great. Fuck Trump is right.


Breenlantern said...

I stand with Canada, Ukraine, and Europe. If we can't convince enough Americans to stand against this fascist orange traitor, then we will gladly stand with those who will help us close it off and burn it all down to avoid allowing our infection to spread to the rest of the world.


e said...

Love the hat. Yes, Canada has always been great.

This N That said...

i put your new national anthem and "Elbows up" on our FB...We are an embarrassment and ashamed..Good post

Iris Flavia said...

YES, keep fighting. That´s all you can do against a bully. Read that- sorry for the American people - Canada will stop delivering energy. Dark, cold times for Orange, hope "his" people will stand up!