Thursday 29 October 2015

Halloween Miscellany

As the Witching Hour grows near, it's time to clean out my remaining Halloween pictures in one big image dump. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

I love that first picture. What is up with the "honk for Grandma" thing? If it's a joke, great joke. If it's real, that's really twisted.

Blogoratti said...

A delightful post, made me chuckle. Thanks for sharing.

anne marie in philly said...

heh heh heh, you said "dump".

great post - my first read on thursday!

mxtodis123 said...

A wonderful morning chuckle. Thank you.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i need that bath mat!

The Cranky said...

The last one could (almost) be me!

Debi said...

Your home must be a riot! I do love to visit your blog chat! Funny monster! xo

Martha said...

I had a good laugh with these, especially the shower rug and 'death and beyond'! BAHAHAHAHA

Jeanne said...

Great pics! Love the first one - a classic. But also love the car w/coffin on top. Happy Halloween!

Mark said...

As someone who is a little lactose intolerant I'd totally wear the lactose intolerance costume.

Jim said...

Death and Beyond!! I'll never see this sign the same again!!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha Debra, all very funny, thanks for the laugh, and have a Happy Halloween!!!

Insomniac's Attic said...

Honk for grandma ... I'm going to show that to my kids and request the same thing! LOL

Lady M said...

Tee hee - honk for Grandma! Where can I get that bath mat??

The Happy Whisk said...

Happy Halloween with a great big side of dehydrated eyeballs and rotten candy.

Miss Val's Creations said...

I love the veterinarian's decoration!

Anonymous said...

Honk honk!

Leanna said...

These are great! I tried to find that bathmat because I'm a morbid type person, It doesn't exist. Pissed me off to no end. If there ever is one for sale in the near future you know I'll be buying it.

yellowdoggranny said...

honk for Grandma..Oh I want them to do that for me.

Magaly Guerrero said...

I can usually pick one as my favorite, when you choose your funny pics. But all this are pure yumminess! Well, maybe the Wendy's cannibals made me laugh a bit louder than the others. ;-D

greekwitch said...

The atheist mosquito was my favorite!!!

Adam said...

God actually hates silk

HappyCrone said...


DEZMOND said...

such delight

Guillaume said...

Hilarious. And the first one is very eerie.

No Sacrifice Bags said...

I always end up laughing when I visit your blog!

This N That said...

Enjoy, I did ...Thanks..Happy Halloween

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

What a hilarious bunch of photos!

Vanessa Morgan said...

Brilliant. All of them. I really like the veterinarian's Halloween display and the shower rug ;-)

Mistress Maddie said...

The bath mat is funny as hell!!!! That could go many ways...and not all good. Have a happy Hallowee'en Debs!

Toni said...

Love these pics. I want to live next door to you. You're fun!

CraveCute said...

OK just catching up on your Halloween posts.... you never fail to amaze me! Spooktacular as usual!

Magic Love Crow said...

LOL! Brilliant!!!

Ol'Buzzard said...

another year passing by.....
the Ol'Buzzard

Unknown said...

I dont celebrate Halloween, but i enjoy watching the scene and what people do with costumes and stuff.
And some good scary movies always appear during this season.

Anonymous said...

Lol. These are fabulous.