Wednesday 3 May 2017


Well, Monday's post was so very nice and sex-positive, wasn't it? But to be fair, I've gotta give some equal time to those with opposing sensibilities . . . so c'mon fellow sinners, let's repent the many, many bad-but-so-gosh-darn-pleasurable things we've all done over the years!

Well, there's any number of things this could refer to, isn't there? Hmmm. Oh sorry, just drifted off for a moment there, lost in fond reminiscences.

But now, here's a word of warning that, without a doubt, is pertinent and timely for guys 'n gals everywhere -- not for me, of course, but for many of you, I'm sure.

And yes, guys, this means either your own or somebody else's, so smarten up!

This next warning must be of ancient World War II vintage. It appears to be aimed solely at women --

But what I want to know is -- why does Hitler look like a member of the classic Archie comics gang? Ewwwww.

Sometimes sexual taboos differ from country to country. Here's a couple from the USA --

And now for a uniquely Canadian sin --

[Canadians will "get" this gag right away, but a long-winded explanation is necessary for all you furriners. To keep Canadian culture from being overwhelmed and sidelined by the massive presence and influence of American culture in our country, we have a government agency called the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) which regulates what percentage of cultural content on our airwaves must be Canadian in origin. Proving compliance by showing that something is demonstrably "Canadian" can sometimes be difficult.]

And finally -- "No sex, please, we're British!"

Ooooo yeah, baby, yeah, I love a nice slow pour!


Anonymous said...

This post was hilarious. But I think it had the opposite effect, it makes me want to hold so much dick I'm using my feet. Also, "furriners" sounds like an off-shoot fetish of furries, like someone who is into people dressed as mascots that are specifically from Belarus.

anne marie in philly said...

I never understand WTF is so wrong with self-love. the religious freaks don't want you fooling around before marriage, so you would think that self-love would be a good choice. SMH

how do you make something "canadian" - add more hockey, more labatt's, more tim horton's?

Jeanne said...

Hilarious! Especially the billboard. I have actually seen something similar, on more than one occasion, in the South!

Bob said...

That is some Erotic Tea!

DEZMOND said...

but isn't one already in heaven when one's hands are full of....

Leanna said...

Bondage and Sado Masochism on the New York subway. Hmmmmm, I'm in!!

Marie Smith said...

Lol. Gotta love the CRTC, eh?

Mistress Maddie said...

Hell, how long do we have to list our sin of sex here?!?!?!? I did pretty well too, till the tea. Then I fell off the wagon.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i'm gladly climbing down the ladder into hell with my hands full of penis.

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

Pfhahahah the ladder one!!! Too funny!!

Theresa Y said...

I used to read Archie comics. That poster is really creepy! Love the teacup. That pour is niiceee and slowwww:-)

LL Cool Joe said...

Oh is wanking wrong too?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ LL Cool Joe -- Of course it is! Keep those hands ABOVE the covers!

Susan said...

Who needs a neti pot when I can read your posts whilst drinking my morning porn.

Martha said...


Rain said...

Hitler looks like Reggie lol...That one really made me laugh. We watch a lot of movies from the 40's and some of the attitudes towards sex and women are definite eye rollers! There was one we watched where a man cheated on his wife and his big feel-sorry-for-myself- excuse was "I WAS SEDUCED!"...Alex and I laughed our heads off at that one, he said "can I use that one?"...funny post Debra!

Miss Val's Creations said...

So fun. You would think my husband and I are British considering the amount of tea porn in our house. I got a kick out of Hitler looking like an Archie comics character. The original artist was from my city and the Riverdale high school is based on the old high school here (since converted into our City Hall.

Anonymous said...

Handful of Penis, Sergio Leone's lesser known sequel to Fistful of Dollars.

Dr. Theda said...

A "fun" post, dear Lady Debra... not only gave us a "Smile", but we even got a Laugh from a couple of these images... LOL... took a bit to stop coughing... but we were still Smiling.... a very pleasant day to you and yours...

Bob Johns said...

Can't climb the ladder with a penis in your hand blah ha ha has me rolling! But wait does the pertain to the corporate ladder as well?

Lynn said...

These are all hilarious! Love the Canadian spin on it. :)

Birdie said...

I don't know which I love more. The posts or the content comments.

How on earth does staying pure equate with dating Hitler?

And yes, the CRTC. I do have t admit some of the best music is on CBC Radio.

Jono said...

Those rungs have a familiar feel. Was it good for you, eh?

The Happy Whisk said...

I actually new that about you guys, but then, I can look out my window and see you so ...there's that. But yeah, I remember when Bryan Adams and a few more musicians tried to fight it. Interesting stuff.

PS: Loved the penis one. That's funny.

Anonymous said...

BDSM in the Bronx, huh?

No wonder NY is so popular.

FYI, I made the big move away from Blogger and can be found at:

Elsie Amata

Janie Junebug said...

Stay pure or I'm dating Hitler? What about all the men who got STDs during both world wars? The women are always the evil ones.


Bill Lisleman said...

these are great - can that anti masturbation one actually be real? They could also point out that you can't climb that ladder (a ladder really?) if you are having any type of sex. Sex on a tall ladder would be dangerous but if you climbing on the heaven ladder then you are already dead. Hmm, the logic here is getting too twisted. said...

Jesus is watching porn? That renews my faith. Good for Him.
Another great collection of funnies, Debra.
Thank you.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Yep, he does look a little like Reggie with a tiny stash. Now I'll think twice about using a ladder. This was fun!


Mark said...

If Jesus really wanted us to get into heaven he would have made it an escalator.

Silke Powers said...

OMG you made me laugh this morning! Especially that billboard - which, living in the South is all too real... :)

e said...

That tea gif is brilliant. Really nicely made! Soothing.

Stay away from penis... good advice!

Willym said...

Snort... snicker....

This N That said... the ladder...

Magaly Guerrero said...

British porn looks super delicious!

Magaly Guerrero said...

And yes, NYC transportation is rather rough. But we like it. :-D

John M said...

Great collection, thanks.

Professor Chaos said...

It's possible the Hitler poster may have been drawn by the Archie comics guy. He did some really horrible Christian comic books in the 1970s

baili said...

thank you for sharing your light side my dear !

Davoh said...

" .. and that, Jimmy; is the tale of my first colonoscopy .."
(there is, Jimmy; no way that i could tell you the anecdote of the first (and last) time i put my penis into someone elses anus ...
Long time ago).

yellowdoggranny said...

some of my favorite tv shows are canadian tv shows..Cardinal is over and that makes me sad.

AntiquityTravelers said...

the hubby wants to know why I'm laughing silly .... particularly like the 'Jesus is watching you' just tempting you to go right on in to that adult video store. Given the blue skies, I would imagine this is somewhere in the 'Bible Belt' ha!

Magic Love Crow said...

I can't stop laughing Debra! LOL! Thank you!!! Hope you're having a delicious weekend! LOL!

Ol'Buzzard said...

Heaven without sex, liquor, pot, nudity or tobacco (did enjoy tobacco once upon a time) - no place I want to go to.
the Ol'Buzzard

Fundy Blue said...

LOL! Just what I needed to distract me as I listen to all the depressing Washington DC news.