Friday 23 February 2018

Tarot Soul Card -- Magician (Number 1)

[Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot]

People whose soul card is the Magician are skilled communicators. They have analytical minds and think quickly on their feet. They speak well, write well and are very persuasive. Magicians can also be gifted craftspeople, especially with their hands, producing work of exquisite detail and accomplishment. Magicians tend to be self-motivated, focused, strong-willed and individualistic people. Often it is hard for Magicians to work for someone else; they much prefer to be their own boss, if possible.

If Magicians stray from a positive expression of their soul path, they become easily distracted by new ideas. Sometimes they refuse to grow up and take responsibility for their lives, preferring to live for immediate gratification in the moment. If Magicians really get lost in life, they can become glib grifters or con men, silver-tongued fast-talkers who play games and create illusions for their own personal gain.

There are two other major arcana cards in this constellation which influence a Magician's soul path: the Wheel of Fortune and the Sun.

[tarot art by SpaceTurtleStudios]

The Wheel of Fortune turns constantly, bringing both good and bad experiences to everyone's life. Whereas most people are scared of such changing fortunes, Magicians understand the Wheel's nature and are philosophical about its movement. Because of this, Magicians are more likely to gamble and take risks in life. Magicians learn through change. They are flexible and willing to grasp opportunities when other people simply cower in the face of the unknown.

[Tarot de Marseille]

As for the Sun's influence, some Magicians quite literally have sunny personalities. They are cheerful optimists and enthusiastic leaders who enjoy being in the limelight. They love having friends and partners who are equally as interested in the Magician's work and ideas -- someone who can be the Magician's Assistant, so to speak!

However, for other Magicians, the Sun's influence on their soul path can be a hidden factor (or, in Jungian terms, their Shadow). These Magicians lack confidence and keep their many talents hidden. They do not trust others easily and fear that if they show their true selves, others will hurt or punish them. The challenge of these Magicians' soul journey is to bring this hidden factor into the open, to learn to trust themselves and others, to let their true magnificence shine out for all to see. As Jung taught: when the Shadow is integrated, wholeness is achieved and a person will finally live their true life and reach their full potential.

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Next Week: the High Priestess Soul Card

[NOTE: If you haven't yet determined what your Soul Card is and would like to, please go to the introductory post of this series found here, do the calculation and play along!]


Moving with Mitchell said...

I’m no Magician but I’d like to buy a vowel.

Marie Smith said...

I’m not a magician but this is interesting!

Anonymous said...

oh yes this does sound like a few people i know for sure!! Spot on!

DEZMOND said...

I bet Hiddlestud is a magician... in all means of the word....

Adam said...

Are you a wizard?

Frank said...

Hate to say it, but my card is a VISA. Sometimes it does magic too.

Turn The Page said...

Cool! The Magician card from my Enchanted deck chose me last week! And I followed through with a wonderful altar display in its honor, complete with a smudge of sage! Have a fine day! Aloha!

Susan said...

Yes, on most all fronts.

Miss Val's Creations said...

Very interesting!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'd say that's pretty accurate.

Toni said...

Not a Magician but it does sound like a couple of peeps I know. I'll do the math and see if that's their card!

Rain said...

I'm a Magician according to the calculation and I'd say that most of the description is ME alright! Though I'm NOT a risk-taker at all. Well, maybe in some things, like the art and the cooking...but I guess when I think of risk, I think stock market or something.

Your last paragraph about trust and fear is me to a T.

Thanks Debra. xx

e said...

Well, well. One of my besties is a Magician and it seems quite apt. She was a high school English and Drama teacher until her recent retirement. Never afraid of the limelight! And, yes, a sunny personality as well.

Interesting series!

LL Cool Joe said...

I don't have anything to do with Tarot cards, but I wanted to let you know I'm around again!!

Dr. Theda said...

That is my card (reversed though)... (also the King of Swords (also Reversed)... Things "hectic" here at present...
"Drama" came by... and doctor's visit called for more scans soon...

Dr. Theda said...

The Sun's influence (we prefer the dark... and avoid most people... as for the "Wheel"... well, seldom a "dull-moment", good Lady Debra...

Martha said...

This was very interesting to read! I can think of a few people who fit this description.

NanaDiana said...

I love this post. I have a beautiful set of antique Tarot cards that were gifted to me. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Debra. xoDiana said...

Are you a Magician, Deb? It sounds like you - I'm not, though I'd like to be. Wait, HRH is one, right?

Hope you're having a great weekend.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Rawknrobyn -- Ha ha, I suspect you're right that HRH is a Magician, but one of those glib con artist types of Magicians, LOL! As for me, I'm a Chariot (#7) and I'll note that again when I post about that Soul Card.

mshatch said...

I'm not a magician but many of the characteristics fit me. Not the risk taking though. I took enough risks when I was a teenager and made it out alive. Now I want to stay that way!

^.^ said...

... ok, what ever u say, friend D ... and further news? Love, cat.

This N That said...

Interesting read..Love the colors in the Wheel of Fortune...Enjoy your week..

Rain said...

My tomatoes thank you! :)))

Magic Love Crow said...

This is so interesting Debra! Thank you!

Lynn said...

No magician, but it's interesting!

Bill Lisleman said...

speak well, write well, very persuasive - Magicians must make great bloggers

Magaly Guerrero said...

I shall wait patiently for the Emperor.

baili said...

will be back to read it all

baili said...

wow this is terrific post Debra!

i did not try to find out mine yet though i found this really cool!

thank you for sharing something newer to me and very interesting

Rosemary said...

An interesting read Debra - thanks very much for letting me know when you posted this.

Fundy Blue said...

This is all fascinating, Debra. Thanks for sharing this!

Unknown said...

Thank you im a magician, my personality card is also the wheel of fortune and my hidden factor card is the sun! <3 that's weird!

Anonymous said...

I'm the same way