Monday 24 June 2024

Calling All Lesbians!



Tom said...

...I wish you a wonderful week.

Frank said...

A lesbian couple are responsible for us moving to this tiny town in the middle of nowhere New Mexico. Glad we did.

Boud said...

Hilarious stuff! I thought lesbian first dates involved a Uhaul. And maybe a toaster.

Marie Smith said...

Something for everyone in the range of styles…perfect!

Bob said...

"60 hour first date.

I may have that beat because I flew across the country to meet Carlos so our first date lasted 11 days!

Travel said...

The world would be a better place if we all wore Spo shirts.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Wait, there's a Trans Masc & Butch Lesbian Coordination Coalition?? Where do I sign??


Moving with Mitchell said...

I want to be a fun stereotype. And, oh, that lesbian fashion spectrum!

e said...

Waves hand: Answering the Call!

Great memes, as expected. The Hawaiian shirt wearer actually looks just like a dyke friend of mine. Lol

Thanks for the representation!


Kay G. said...

The Birkenstocks! HA!!

Game 7! Will be thinking of you!

Mike said...

I heard a leak in a dyke can be plugged up with a finger.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Mike -- That's why lesbians sometimes refer to their hands as "Dutch boy fingers," LOL!

peppylady (Dora) said...

I like Queen card.

roentare said...

Always quirky and cool from your post. Happy kissing

Kirk said...

Lesbian queens? Are you reading the same LGBTQ playbook I am?

baili said...

lesbians outfit spectrum sound good though it took this post to got them

Lady M said...

I have to say I am pretty shaggy too!