Wednesday 5 June 2024

Old Timey Sapphists


Tom said...

...more pride, less prejudice, Amen!

Travel said...

I have a space in the country cemetery in Michigan, I have tried to give it away, I will haunt anyone who plants me there. But I have thought about a headstone, for the two of us, to let the yokels know what happy Gay men exist, even in hicktown USA.

Boud said...

Medical classmates indeed! Life mates.

Marie Smith said...

I pray for the day when people can be who they are without fear! I would love to live to see it…

Bob said...

That headstone makes me sad and happy at the same time.
Sad that they couldn't live their lives as openly as they might have wanted, but happy that they did live their lives together and chose to be buried side-by-side.

Pixie said...

I wonder if the world will ever stop hating on people for whatever reason. Who you love is nobody's business and I don't think that a person's soul has a gender anyway, so WTF people.
Sending hugs to you for PRIDE month:)

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Pick me!
I want to be very close friends in a historical way!


Kathy G said...

Memes from old to new!

Cleora Borealis said...

My favorite lesbian reference ever is from the old "Kids in the Hall" show. Guys sittin' playing poker and they start talking about lesbians...which is already hilarious. One of them looks wistfully into the distance and says "I wish I was a lesbian...they get so much done in a day!" 🤭

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Cleora Borealis -- Hahahaha, that's right -- lesbians get shit DONE!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Love all the memes!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

That headstone reminds me of my Aunt and her "friend" of over 40 years. I loved this aunt. I wish she could have been her true self to everyone.🧡

Parnassus said...

Hello Debra, I feel sorry for Dr. Hope. She outlived Dr. Marion by twenty-five years.

Kirk said...

That headstone is a powerful retort to anyone who thinks the past was less gay than the present.

Joanne Noragon said...

My favorite aunt was a nun. At her funeral a friend of hers said to me, "I prayed to die last night so I could be buried next to Ruth forever." But another nun died first. That cemetery was line after line, row after row of good women, buried one after another. Women who served and helped each other.

Katerinas Blog said...

So many technological wonders are happening,
our society is progressing...
but there are still prejudices,
too bad!!

Alison said...

What's the saying? "Love is never a sin, just the lack of it."

e said...

Love these memes, Debra. Ghost or Lesbian? You decide!

My dad had an aunt who had a 'special friend' that she lived with her entire adult life. I was so happy to hear about her!


Mr. Shife said...

So many great ones, Debra. I love the more pride and less prejudice one. And the medical classmates one too. My folks just told me that my grandpa had a roommate when I was growing up. When I realized that my grandpa and his partner were more than roommates, I had quite a conversation with my parents. It's a shame people had to live like that.

Jamie Ghione said...

Yes, more pride and less prejudice.

roughterrain crane said...

I like to go to botanical gardens, too.
The plants have no prejudice. They show their beauty as they are.

Ol'Buzzard said...

Good for you
the Ol'Buzzard

DB Stewart said...

Yes, yes, YES to less prejudice.

LA Paylor said...

no that's just a lesbian... oy vey
My first intro to lesbians was in a gay rights group at the uni center,..
I thought, yea! good for them.
I mentioned seeing the gathering to my mother who said stay away from them.

unlike my family I love to be around people who are different from me, and have integrity about it. You can be taught or you can learn by negative example

Fundy Blue said...

The headstone is so sad! What has happened to gay+ people over time is heartbreaking. There were two "friends" who owned and ran the Hedley House Inn in the Cove for decades. Everyone knew they were gay ~ even me before I knew what gay meant ~ lol. One of our friends across the street in the Cove when we were kids was gay and we all knew it from the time he was maybe four at the oldest. What I'm trying to say is the people in the world have never been only heterosexual. A range of gender has always existed. It's biological. The discrimination must stop, and all people deserve fundamental rights. I'm sorry if I've gone on, Debra, but that headstone was like a knife to the heart!

Liz Hinds said...

At least their relationship was acknowledged and they were buried next to each other. I love the ghost/lesbian one.

Lady M said...

Great post - happy pride month friend.

baili said...

Such things are touching indeed I mean two students of medical school dear Debra