Saturday 1 June 2024

Saturday Night Dance Party Tribute

Today, various bloggers are creating a "Saturday Night Dance Party" post in memory of our blogging buddy Anne Marie in Philly (From My Brain To My Mouth) who passed away unexpectedly around this date three years ago.

The Warrior Queen lived up to her name in every way. She was a passionate supporter of human rights and civil rights for all, a fierce feminist, an outspoken advocate of BLM and a proud ally of the LGBTQ+ community. She had no use whatsoever for Trump, the GOP, Q-Anon, anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers, or any other right-wing anti-social nonsense. All this was clear in her blog, as well as her love of cats, her artistry with knitting needles, and her enjoyment of a good gin cock-a-tail. Anne Marie was the soul of kindness to her blogging buddies, always remembering and noting in her blog birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions and passings.

Anne Marie was passionate about music and especially liked to "kick it old school," as she put it. Her blog was filled with videos of the best dance music from every decade since the 1940s onwards. So in her honour, I am posting three of my most favourite recent danceable hit songs -- enjoy!

Dua Lipa: Dance The Night (2024, from the Barbie movie)

Adam Lambert: Holding Out For A Hero (2023)

Beyoncé: Texas Hold 'Em (2023)

And I'll conclude with one of Anne Marie's favourite quotations of hope and inspiration --

"Keep believing. Keep marching. Keep building. Keep raising your voice. Every generation has the opportunity to remake the world.” - Barack Obama, July 2018

We miss you, Warrior Queen!


roentare said...

What a great way to commemorate her

Tom said...

...Amen, Barack!!!

Moving with Mitchell said...

A great tribute. She was one of a kind and she said so many things I never had the nerve to say. What a kind and generous soul.

Bob said...

As Anne Marie would say, "GAYmen!"

Travel said...

She was a survivor, who spoke up, and meant what she said. (Post later today.)

Pixie said...

Love the songs. I'm going out tonight and maybe I'll even dance. When I was a young woman, the only reason I wanted to go out was to dance and I miss that. Thanks for the inspiration.

FearsomeBeard said...

Hell yes!

Mistress Maddie said...

Fuck Yeah! I love me some Dua Lipa!!!! I still miss her and our texts and 4 hour lunches. Spin on Debs!!!

Ellen D. said...

I didn't know her, Debra. Thanks for sharing her with me.

Jennifer said...

YES!!!!! We love and miss you, Anne Marie!!!

Marcia LaRue said...

I never knew her either ... only knew of her through some of the blogs I was reading! I do recall the shock by others of her passing!

Liz Hinds said...

That's a different version of Holding Out For A Hero! I like it.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I did not 'know' her but your tribute was beautiful.
And that B.Obama quote is excellent.
We all need to do better.

Mike said...

On Anne Marie's header...
"I intend to live forever. So far, so good." - Steven Wright
Me too Anne, me too.

Parnassus said...

Hello Debra, Anne Marie was unique in the world of blogging, and I miss her super-direct comments.

Chris said...

Always sad when a blogging friend dies, great way to remember her.

Marie Smith said...

Beautiful tribute! Great songs!

Fundy Blue said...

What a lovely tribute to your friend, Debra! Anne Marie sounds like a great lady. I enjoyed the dance songs you posted, especially Adam's.

Sassybear said...

Wonderful tribute and great song choices. You did the warrior Queen (and all her blogger buddies) proud. Thank you so much for thinking to do this and suggesting it to Shawn, who sent the invite on to me. I doubt anything would make her prouder than knowing she inspired and facilitated so many of our blogger circle connections, that remain to this day.

Ur-spo said...

What splendid choices you picked! I am glad to have seen them.
I know now we are a sort of ersatz couple thanks to AM. I think this makes you my future ex wife?

Agnes Goldberg-DeWoofs said...

I would dance but my old feet are worn from the dance floor at Maddie's. You all are such good friends to keep her memory going. Didn't she want to live forever?

Old Lurker said...

I wonder what AM would have thought about the Barbie movie?

Thanks for initiating this memorial, Debra.

Kirk said...

I didn't know her very well, but those are three great videos.

Travel said...

Being remembered in immortality

Anonymous said...

Watching the Oilers at CIRCA! Go Oilers!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Anonymous -- Is that you, Louise! Yes GO OILERS! One more period to go!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Oilers win!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Anonymous -- Watch out, Panthers, here we come -- WE WANT THE CUP!

e said...

That's a lovely tribute, D. How wonderful that Anne Marie lives on in memory.

And... GO OILERS! The Cup should be in Canada!

Frank said...

Re-making the world will be a bigger project than one could imagine.

baili said...

I think i had visited her many times in early years of my blogging
I enjoyed her sharing
Loved your picks to tribute to her .
May she rest in peace amen