Friday 21 June 2024

June Full Moon Altar: Nike

This month's altar honours Nike, the Greek Goddess of Victory. I am shamelessly invoking her aid on behalf of the Edmonton Oilers to win the 2024 Stanley Cup! In the 7 game final series, the Oilers are down 3-2. They must win both the remaining 2 games to accomplish a rare "Reverse Sweep" in order to win the series and the Stanley Cup. 

Nike presides over the Stanley Cup banner on the altar lit by orange and blue candles, the Oilers' team colours. My Nike statue is a reproduction of an ancient Etruscan statue which I bought about 20 years ago at West Edmonton Mall. She holds the laurel wreath of victory in one hand and the owl of wisdom in the other.

May we hear the Oilers' victory song play twice more -- once tonight and once again on Monday night!


[Photos #1, 2 and 4 © Debra She Who Seeks, 2024.
Photo #3 is from the internet.]


Tom said..., my God it's summer!

Travel said...

Hope they are victorious.

Liz Hinds said...

Go Nike! Go Oilers!

Boud said...

Hockey? Ah, I wondered what sport it was! I used to know a real life Nike. I don't know how many people knew how to say it.

Old Lurker said...

Let's see. On Florida's side they have Jesus, who is well-versed in fulfilling sportsball prayers. On Edmonton's side they have an anorexic goddess named after a shoe company. I WONDER WHO WILL PREVAIL?

Frank said...

Seems like Luna gets all the attention here. But shouldn't Solis get at least an honorable mention on the Solstice? As for hockey...or sports in general...yawn.

Pixie said...

I hope they win.

I didn't know Nike was a goddess. I wonder if Nike, the company knows:)

Kathy G said...

I don't really follow hockey, but I know it's been a long time since the Oilers won. Good luck!

bruce.desertrat said...

Not gonna lie, it looks more like she's holding the horseshoe of good luck...

Busy Bee Suz said...

I hope Nike can help your beloved team bring home the beloved cup!

baili said...

Loved the lady of full moon alter dear Debra ❤
Heartfelt best wishes for your favourite team !!!

Moving with Mitchell said...

Go Nike! I mean Go Oilers! Is La Bamba their actual victory song? I recently wrote about the family we had dinner with. Their from Seattle. The 19-year-old daughter is not just a hockey fan, but a serious player. I thought of you!

Marie Smith said...

The Oilers surprised me with that comeback! Go Oilers!

Tundra Bunny said...

Finally, a full moon altar I can understand, LOL! You've invoked Nike and I've prayed to the Walleye Gods, rubbed all four of my paws, and have everything crossed that can be crossed for an Oilers' victory tonight... GO OILERS!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Moving with Mitchell -- Yes, "La Bamba" is the actual victory song played in the arena after every Oilers win. It's a tribute to a former equipment staffer named Joey Moss from the Gretzky era onward who passed away not too long ago. Joey, who had Downs Syndrome, was the Oilers' biggest fan and "La Bamba" was his favourite song. After every win Joey would say "Play La Bamba, baby!" and they would.

BootsandBraids said...

Hope the Oilers appreciate all the effort you're putting into helping them get this win.

Rosemary said...

Do let us know if your lovely Nike statue works for you re: the Oilers.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i am conjuring...oilers, oilers,oilers...

angela said...

Ohhhh I’ve never thought of invoking Nike to help my team What a great idea
Good luck to your team

Fundy Blue said...

OMG! This might be my favorite altar yet, Debra!!! LOL! Less than an hour to go until Game 6 starts. Of course I'm cheering for the Oilers! Go Oilers!

Fundy Blue said...

I don't want to see any victory rats tossed on the ice!

Joanne Noragon said...

Well, it's nine p.m. here, so I assume the game has yet to start, so GO OILERS.

Kirk said...

Here's to Nike and the Oilers!

I'm curious. The Houston Oilers (before they moved to Tennessee and became the Titans) took their name from their home city's biggest industry. Is that also true of the Edmonton Oilers? Are there a lot of oil wells where you are?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Kirk -- Yes, that's true of the Edmonton Oilers as well. Our province of Alberta (sometimes referred to as "the Texas of the North") is floating on a sea of oil. In these days of global warming, our oil industry attracts a lot of opposition and condemnation, but the truth of the matter is that it drives the entire Canadian economy.

Moving with Mitchell said...

That is the best story! And I am now a forever Oilers fan!

e said...

Heartfelt prayers to Nike! Bring the Cup back to Canada!