Friday 7 March 2014

Short Hiatus

See you in April! Be good and behave yourselves, eh?

Wednesday 5 March 2014

In the Confessional

Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It's been *mumble* years since my last confession. Through my own weakness, I have committed a mortal blogging sin, the circumstances of which are as follows.

A couple of weeks ago, Leeanna of Can We Have a New Witch, Ours Melted surprised and delighted me with both an ABC Award and a Sunshine Blogger Award! And then Kestril Trueseeker of Kestril's Rhythms and Groove honoured me with a Sunshine Blogger Award too!

As a recipient, I was supposed to come up with 11 facts about myself plus do an A-B-C meme that looked like a lot of fun. And then, of course, pass on the awards to other people.

Yes, Father, I promised the girls that I'd do so. Yes, I faithfully promised them. But I've been so christly busy -- oh sorry, Father, just add it to my list of sins -- that I haven't had time to do it and now I've run out of time and . . . and . . . *sobbing loudly* I won't be able to do it after all! And I feel soooooooooo guilty! I can't eat. I can't sleep. My hair is falling out from the stress of it all. Please, Father, give me absolution so that I can move forward from this transgression and live a productive life again!

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So whaddya say, Blogosphere? Would you forgive this miserable sinner? What penance should the wretch do?

Monday 3 March 2014

Truck Nuts

Truck nuts are popular in Alberta. You can hardly drive down the street without seeing some half-ton sporting a pair. Personally, I think they're hilarious. My Rare One does not think they're funny. They really piss her off. We all have our pet peeves, I guess. What's yours?

Sunday 2 March 2014

Yay, It's Oscar Night!

Don't you just LOVE the Oscars? I do. I've watched them every year since I was a kid. Here are my fearless predictions for the top categories to be awarded this evening:

Best Supporting Actor: Barkhad Abdi, "Captain Phillips." Just because he ad-libbed the best, most chilling line in the entire movie: "I am the captain now."

Best Supporting Actress: Lupito Nyong'o, "12 Years a Slave." She is amazing in that most distressing of all movies.

Best Actor: This is a toughie but I'm going with Matthew McConaughey, "Dallas Buyers Club." Hollywood loves anyone who gets skinny for a role.

Best Actress: Everyone says this is Amy Adams' year to finally win an Oscar. She's not a particular fave of mine and I thought her part in "American Hustle" largely involved just showing a lot of cleavage but okay, I'll go along with majority opinion here.

Best Picture: "12 Years a Slave," if there's any justice in this world.

Best Director: Steve McQueen, "12 Years a Slave." That agonizingly long-held shot of the tippytoes hanging/strangulation scene was brilliant direction of unspeakable horror. Appalling and haunting, all at the same time.

So we'll see tonight how right or wrong I turn out to be! But there's no contest about the next award. The Oscar for Sexiest Butch in a Tux goes to . . . .