Wednesday 29 April 2020

Are You Working from Home?

Then this post is for YOU!

Enjoy the commute!

This pandemic is proving to us that
SO MANY people are totally capable
of working from home!

Even working animals can perform
their duties from home!

But be careful!
There ARE a couple of pitfalls 
when working at home --

Who DOESN'T love meetings
by video conferencing!

But here, too, AVOID PITFALLS!

Okay, you've had your break now.


Monday 27 April 2020

Who Doesn't Love Pizza?

But even pizza is not without CONTROVERSY.


Friday 24 April 2020

New Series -- Stuff Around My Home

Since the coronavirus quarantine commenced, several blogging buddies have started posting about their home decor and favourite treasures. It's a great way to produce interesting posts since no one can get out and about to take photos of other things.

"What a good idea," I said to myself. "I could do that too!"

So here's the first post of my new series! Other posts will appear from time to time, in between my regular ramblings and usual meme posts.

But first, a disclaimer. Well, two disclaimers, actually --

(1) My photos were all taken on my iPhone and are not particularly accomplished. Be prepared for some blurriness and bad lighting.

(2) After having previously RAVED about my favourite gay interior designers on TV, Colin & Justin, I must confess that much, if not most, of my home decor would make The Boys positively SHRIEK in horror.

You will see the truth of that statement over the course of this series.

But oh well, I YAM WHAT I YAM.

Where to start? Hmmmm. I should really try to start off with a bang . . . .

How about my collection of Superhero LEGO Minifigures on top of my microwave? Oh yeah, together with two little windup toys of Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth. Admittedly, not superheroes but that's okay because I'm not a purist or anything.

Behold the full, magnificent display --

Here are Prince Charles, Odin, Thor, Loki and Wonder Woman --

And over here are Captain America, the Winter Soldier, Iron Man, Wolverine and Queen Elizabeth --

YES, I know what you're thinking -- this series can only go UP from here!

We'll see, my friends.

We'll see.

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Monday 20 April 2020

Monday's Merry Meme Miscellany

Today, a selection of memes that I find funny
but which have no overarching theme
except for the effing coronavirus. 

Keep smiling, everyone!