Monday 26 September 2022

Everybody Sing!

Oh, did you think your
musical PUNishment 
was over with my last post?

Think again, LOL!

Where would we be
without the joy of
musical instruments?

Or the joy of beloved
musical performers?

Thursday 22 September 2022

The Autumn Equinox Is Here

In the northern hemisphere,
today marks the first official day of Fall.

Time to get out the warm, comfy sweaters!

Maybe bake an apple pie?

Or enjoy a hot toddy?

Let's go crunching through the fallen leaves!

Even Her Royal Highness the Cat
has her special Fall rituals!

And to those of you who
celebrate the Old Ways and
the Turning of the Wheel --

And to those of you who
love Halloween, just be
patient for a little while longer --

Monday 19 September 2022

HOW Many Years Have I Been Blogging?

That's right! Fourteen years today!

Even Her Royal Highness the Cat
is excited about this blogoversary!