Oh, is it our National Day again?
Time to wave the flag!
The question of Canadian identity has long seemed
to be somewhat of an enigma --
But no! We Canadians know exactly who we are!
Canadians always think that Americans ask
the stupidest questions about Canada, like this one --
But yes, yes, that is exactly how we elect our leaders.
So who's stupid now?
Americans know what's what.
Oh yes, our beautiful universal health care system,
free via our taxes to all Canadians!
But we still save costs wherever possible,
like in Quebec during maple syrup season --
However, most Canuck babies are born in hospitals.
But sometimes Canadians short-circuit the procreative process
by using one of these Canuck Condoms instead.
Hmm, what else is there about Canada?
Oh yes, let's not forget winter.
And speaking of Timmy's --
Don't underestimate Timmy's importance to us.
Apart from the usual coffee-related crime sprees, however,
most Canadians are polite and law abiding.
And sometimes we're leaders in both law and religion!
Of course, Her Royal Highness the cat
wishes everyone a happy Canada Day too!
Oh, thought I couldn't work superheroes into this post?
Well, think again!
Oh c'mon! Doesn't everyone secretly want to be Canadian?