Tuesday 26 March 2019

Enter My Tin Foil Hat Contest!

Oh, sure. We've all been there. Trying to stop aliens or the Government or whoever from reading our thoughts. Or even more importantly, trying to stop them from reading our cat's thoughts.

But tin foil hats are not what they used to be! For example, now there's a handy-dandy, easy to use, multi-pack of tin foil hats especially designed for kitties! Her Royal Highness has instructed me to stockpile a few caselots of these in The Bunker (shhhh, its location is a secret) so she won't run out during the coming End Times.

And I'm going to up my own game too. No more ugly, crinkled, half-assed tin foil hats for me! I'm going high fashion, baby!

Well, maybe I won't go quite this high fashion though . . . too girly-girl for me. I don't want to compromise my lesbian street cred.

But I have always looked rather fetching in a fedora, if I do say so myself . . . .

The Viking Board of Directors over at Dr. Spo's blog recommend the following model but I don't want to be accused of cultural appropriation by wearing one. Those vicious Social Justice Warrior types are everywhere with their mean accusations! They skeer me.

I hear that all Trump's red hats are, in fact, lined with tin foil. He's no fool, you know.

Hey, I just spontaneously had a great idea while writing this post!

Let's have a Tin Foil Hat Contest!

Create your very own tin foil hat and email me a selfie of you wearing it to tinfoilhatcontest@gmail.com -- contest will close in two weeks time at midnight on Tuesday, April 9th, 2019.

[Yes, I created a special email account just for this contest. I don't want to use my personal email address because there are just too many crazies out there whether or not they wear tin foil hats, amirite?]

Or, if you'd prefer, email me a photo of your pet wearing a tin foil hat. Good luck putting it on!

This contest is open only to official followers of this blog! In your email, please identify yourself, say whether you follow me on Google or Bloglovin, and provide a link to your own blog. I reserve the right to refuse any entry at my sole discretion.

All accepted entries will be posted on my blog, along with the creator's blog handle and blog link. And at the end, there will be awards in various categories, none of which I've figured out yet, but hey -- just trust me! Hahahahaha, that's an inside joke, as you well know. TRUST NO ONE.


Moving with Mitchell said...

This is hilarious! You are so clever... and I’m inspired. Let’s see...

mxtodis123 said...

Ha Ha. Definitely going to try to enter this one.

Parnassus said...

Hello Debra, That last photo expresses my philosophy exactly!

Miss Val's Creations said...

Great contest! People are wacky!

Leanna said...

Oh my Goddess! These are so funny. Thanks for the quick laugh.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

oh cool...another project! this should be fun!

Bob said...

"Because crazy doesn't have to be tacky" is my new motto!

Joanne Noragon said...

Haha. Could be fun, especially on my cat. I wonder if we have any tinfoil.

NanaDiana said...

Hysterical!!! I remember seeing these around years ago and I think there people that were deadly serious about the way they blocked brain waves. IF I had time I would certainly enter...hmmm...maybe I will make time anyway! xo Diana

Mistress Maddie said...

My good blog friend has one every year of tin foil couture and I always miss it. Oh...this is sure to be fun!!!!!

Deedles said...

Ha! The expression on that poor cat's face with the Bill Engvall doppelganger in the first picture, is priceless! It's like, what am I doing here with this freak?
I'd totally enter this contest, except I don't blog, my dog (the one with working teeth) would bite me, I don't selfie and my tin foil is used to line pans to make bacon clean up easier.

bobbie said...

Thanks for my first great big grin of the day!

e said...

Good thing I recently bought foil at Costco! I've got miles of it!!!

As an aside, long ago I lived near an old couple who covered their entire house with tin foil. A simple hat wasn't enough, they were very, very concerned about space rays!

Anonymous said...

You can't fool me. That e-mail address connects anyone who enters directly to the Red Squad's death list, doesn't it? Listen up, sheeple!

Marie Smith said...

Lol. Good luck with the tinfoil hats for cats indeed!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ brewella deville -- I am awestruck and humbled by your paranoia level, my tin foil friend! But you are WRONG. It's a legit email. SERIOUSLY. You're doing me no favours, you know, LOL.

DEZMOND said...

looks better on cats!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Hey since you were nice enough to host your contest on my birthday, I'll play. Cuz being bat shit is right up my alley.

^.^ said...

Dat funny, friend D … Oh my, me have no tin foil in da house … but I do have a pack of smokes in da freezer … would that count? Anyway, love, cat.

Susan Kane said...

Now, must go buy some boxes of foil. What a great idea!

miruspeg said...

Debra I love your wackiness, you are one of a kind my friend.....never change.
Peggy xxx

Guillaume said...

Not sure if I'll try this. Or maybe I can take a picture of Wolfie with a tin foil hat? He'll find that funny.

BootsandBraids said...

I luv a creative challenge. I'm in!

Martha said...

HAHAHA! This is hilarious. I have to try to get a tin foil hat on our younger cat. She just might let me do it :)

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

OMG kitty tinfoil hats!

People are insane, btw


Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

Haha! What fun! Is HRH entering? I hope not. She's a sure winner.

Old Lurker said...

Careful, everybody! Those sheet metal products you think are tinfoil are actually made of aluminum! Do you think the government would let us get our hands on real tin, so that we could ACTUALLY block their transmissions? As if!

LL Cool Joe said...

Haha, I look forward to seeing the entries. Personally I'm too camera shy and I have no pets. :D

Magaly Guerrero said...

I'm totally entering. I've never made a tinfoil hat before, but... making something new is half the fun (I heard knowing is the other half *cough*).

holli said...

Oh my goodness, those cats expressions are hysterical. They are plotting their owners death for sure!
I am so excited to see the entries you receive. What a fun idea!!!

Kirk said...

I don't know that I'll enter this particular contest, but I'm sure I'll enjoy seeing how it all plays out.

mshatch said...

Can't wait to see the pics ;)

This N That said...

LOL!!! SO clever..never saw these before..even HRH has gotten into it!!

baili said...

haha you are always so clever with bringing in new hilarious ideas to have lots of fun :)

i am thrilled to see pics of all participants

Carol Blackburn said...

Ha, ha, ha.........I love it! Can't wait to see the results.

yellowdoggranny said...

I'm looking forward to this

Liz Hinds said...

Posted my entry.

Magic Love Crow said...

Are you serious Deb?? I'm going to buy some tinfoil tomorrow. I've been sick and still am, that's why I'm so behind with blogging. This sounds like so much fun! I hope I can create something! Big Hugs!

Rain said...

Oh Debra you are too funny! I will have my tin foil thinking cap on while I decide what style of alien proof hat I will submit! :)

Professor Chaos said...

I can NOT believe HRH or any kitty would tolerate a tinfoil hat being placed on her heard! A tiara, maybe.

Morgaine Pendragon said...

Oh these are great!!!

I totally want a tin foil top hat!

Mildred Ratched said...

I'd love to enter your contest but alas, I'm allergic to tin foil. I think it must be an alien thing! :)

bj said...

WELL....I was thinking of entering but now that Deville woman has me scared....i don;t wanna end up on someones HIT LIST...:)

Anonymous said...

I think I like the Viking one best lol,, I have missed you,, I made a fresh start, new blog, I hope you visit me there,,my profile will lead you there,

The Liberty Belle said...

I hooted and howled as I read this post! In fact, I'm cackling even now. Brilliant!

Ur-spo said...

Oh! I love the tinfoil viking helmets!

Please send 6 as soon as possible!!

Bea said...

Super fun idea! The photos of dour-looking cats in tin-foil hats made me smile.

Green Eagle said...

My sister actually knew a woman that wore a tinfoil hat. Years later, we learned that she was the great granddaughter of Richard Dadd, the famous Victorian painter who killed his father, thinking he was the devil, and spent the last decades of his life in mental hospitals, painting increasingly bizarre works.

Jono said...

Gotta get me a new fedora!

Hena Tayeb said...



Rommy said...

LOL, I can't wait to see what people come up with!

BrightenedBoy said...

I wish I had a cat just so I could buy that hat and put it on him.

Wendy said...

Just when I thought my crafting for the day was done and I could move onto housework! That cat is already giving me some crazy ideas...

Fundy Blue said...

I'm thinking! I'm thinking! Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!

Jenn said...

Is it weird that I already have a partial tinfoil hat?

Empty Nest Insider said...

This is such a clever and timely idea! Hey, it’s catchy. Though I’d like to shield my unearthly hairdo, I look forward to tuning in to see you and your other followers’ tin foil hat selfies. Good luck to all!
