Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Halloween Aloha!

Happy Halloween, everyone!

We're not spending Halloween in Edmonton this year. No, today we're at the big annual Halloween street festival in the town of Lahaina on the island of Maui!

That's a long way to go for a party, isn't it? So to justify the airfare, we're going to stay in Hawaii for a few more weeks before heading home.

Editorial Note from Debra She Who Seeks --
I'll be back to regular blogging at the beginning of December, but I have it on good authority that my blog will host a Guest Post right before American Thanksgiving in November. A free book giveaway is also rumoured to be involved! So keep your eyes peeled for that!

Editorial Note from Her Royal Highness the Cat --
NO, the Guest Post is NOT going to be written by ME. My shiftless human is NOT going to SUCK ME IN AGAIN to do her WORK for her while she's LAZING ABOUT on holiday! Believe it or not, she's found some OTHER poor sap to fall for that old con this time *shakes head sadly.* People! Will they NEVER learn?


Rosemary said...

That sounds a really exciting way to celebrate Debra - have a wonderful time in Hawaii and enjoy your blogging break.

anne marie in philly said...

WOW! you and your rare one are lucky indeed! have a FABU time!

Anonymous said...

I wasnโ€™t sure if you were just teasing us or if you really are on holiday, you have a sense of humour so much like my husband lol, I am excited for you!, This is wonderful! You really deserve a holiday, you have had a rough patch this year, enjoy!

Moving with Mitchell said...

Ooh, Maui Wowie! Have a great time. Havenโ€™t been there in a hundred years, more or less.

Marie Smith said...

Enjoy! Enjoy!

Bob said...

I used to live in Lahaina and know you'll have a fabulous time!

Enjoy enjoy enjoy!

mxtodis123 said...

Enjoy your break. You will be missed.

Harry Hamid said...

That is fantastic!

Not the guest post, although I'm sure that will be fine, too. No, I mean the long break. That is wonderful and I hope it's a relaxing and memorable time.

DEZMOND said...

Wait, what? You are spending a few weeks at Hawaii? Well, thanks for taking us with you.... geez, selfish much.... Hope HRH takes over your blog and changes the password so that you cannot enter again :)))

Mistress Maddie said...

Have a great time... and Happy Samhain๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ’€๐ŸŽƒ

CraveCute said...

Hope you're having an amazing time. Happy Halloween!๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿฑ๐ŸŽƒ

Lady M said...

Ok - I am green with envy and I was not intending to do green for Halloween. Have a great time - hope Hawaiian Halloween is amazing.

Martha said...

Oh what fun! Have a wonderful time!

Susan said...

Why is it that I am having a difficult time imagining Halloween : Hawaii? Is it because I think the sun never sets in Hawaii? Is it because I am insanely jealous?

Parnassus said...

Happy Halloween and have a great trip!

Leanna said...

Lucky!! Have a great time my friend. Aloha!

John M said...

Happy Halloween!๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿ‘

Miss Val's Creations said...

How fun! I hope you enjoy paradise!

jono said...

Do you think the ghost of Kamehameha will show up?. I have never been anywhere at Halloween where I could actually sweat. I can't imagine how enjoyable that might be.

^.^ said...

Wishing you well, friend D โ€ฆ So happy for you โ€ฆ Seems like peeps are leaving Edmonton for warmer climates โ€ฆ as does my daughter for Argentina and now you for Hawaii โ€ฆ Anyway, me not jealous cuz me will spend XMas in Mexico โ€ฆ smiles โ€ฆ Much love, and have fun, eh? โ€ฆ Much love, cat.

Barbara said...

Wow. That sounds great. I'm jealous. We'll talk to you when you get back.

Laura said...

Hawaii?!? Have a wonderful time and bring back some pictures!

LL Cool Joe said...

As you know I don't celebrate Halloween, but I hope you two have loads of fun!

e said...

Ok, I didn't know there was a big Halloween thing in Lahaina! Have a spooktacular time tonight and a great warm weather break. :^)

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

Happy and safe journey!

Rain said...

Oh how cool! Enjoy your vacation!!! Happy Halloween and a Blessed Samhain! xx

Janie Junebug said...

If you're going to Hawaii, then it seems silly not to stay for a while.


Adam said...

I hope you have fun.

holli said...

Halloween in Hawaii- wow!!! So exciting! Have tons of fun.

Anonymous said...

How exciting and fun! I expect lots and lots of pictures! You know I love my beaches...bring me back some of that HI sand :)


Liz Hinds said...

How wonderful! Have a marvellous time.

bj said...

Off blogging for a whole will so enjoy your vacation...I hope to go there someday. Both my kids and their families have been there and they loved every inch of the beautiful islands.

Carol Blackburn said...

Have a blast!

Kay G. said...

Hawaii! Oh, how wonderful. And to stay for 2 weeks? Sounds good to me. ALOHA!

This N That said...

LOL.. You tell that snooty cat of yours that I was actually looking forward to a post from her. Never again. Are you really in Hawaii? If so have a ball. You will be missed in the interim. Enjoy yourself. Life is short.

yellowdoggranny said...

keep your eyes on the hands and not on the keenypopo

bella said...

wow. I should have stowed away in your luggage. Have a wonderful time!

Rommy said...

That sounds like a blast! Enjoy the gorgeous scenery and have a great time. :)

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Not the most obvious place to carve a pumpkin, but it sounds like the perfect Autumn break. Enjoy!

Magic Love Crow said...

Amazing Deb! Have fun!!!! You will be missed! Big Hugs!

Guillaume said...

A belated Happy Halloween.

Hena Tayeb said...


Bill Lisleman said...

Wowy Maui

Professor Chaos said...

Halloween in Hawaii? I could not be more envious! said...

I am SO excited for you! HRH, you get the house to yourself! Party on.

I'm also excited for Deb (and Rare One, I assume). Have a glorious time. Soak it all up and in. Be safe too.

Lynn said...

I'm normally not envious, but right now I'm ENVIOUS! I hope you have a lovely time in that beautiful place.

baili said...

Haha the note by highness made me laugh dear Debra!

i envy you to spend festival in Hawaii
such a fun i bet!
enjoy and stay happy my dear friend!

hope you are with us in decemeber soon

Magaly Guerrero said...

Her Royal Highness always knows what to say, and how to say it so that wee poor humans continue to yearn for her snarky wisdom.

Read you soon, Debra. I shall keep an eye (or three) open for the guest post.

Wendy said...

Lucky you!

Sandy said...

Hope you had a good trip. Makes sense to stay longer and make your time there worthwhile. Happy Belated Halloween.

Jenn said...

Fun!!! I imagine every holiday is better in Hawaii!

Fundy Blue said...

I hope that you have been having a ball! I think that would be a lot of fun.