I know many of you out there in Blogland are jonesing hard for autumn to get here so you can celebrate cooler weather, fall colours, fall foods and Halloween.
Joyce of Octoberfarm, Guillaume of Vraie Fiction and Lady M of Lady M's Haunted Parlor, I'm looking right at you!
Autumn is my favourite time of the year too. So everyone, just consider this post a little amuse-bouche of imagery to fill us with anticipation for the coming fall season!

Soon, my pretties . . . SOON!
I'm so looking forward to it. We're getting a taste of it right now, only it's just a tease. Heating up before the week is out.
At the moment It doesn't feel at all autumnal here - the sun shines all day long, the skies are blue, and it is hot.. I am definitely not ready for it to end yet.
i loved fall and i do dear Debra
colors of autumn are sad poetry of the nature and my heart wants to read it But only in my native town :(
thank you for absorbing images ,it's quite autumnal here right now :)
waiting cat made me laugh
Those are all wonderful images.... but NOOOO, not yet. The calendar still says August! I love, love, love Autumn, but really don't love what comes after it. -Jenn
If it wasn't still ungodly hot outside here I'd also think Autumn is here as all of the leaves from my hazelnut trees went gold and fell down in just one night... Welcome, Autumn, fuck off, evil summer!
We've just had two days of rather cool windows open dinner outside weather and it makes me want Fall now; sadly, Summer will kick in for the next week, though.
My whole life I've lived for summers. I never thought I'd say, "can't wait for it to be autumn" but it has been and continues to be so HOT here in New Mexico, it just sucks the life out of you. We will be taking a week at the beach in California soon...cooler and saltier.
We've had the strangest summer ever. More days of fog than sun and when the sun did come out we had way too many cool breezes to really call this summer. I go to the mountains for my dose of sun and heat.
All that being said, still am ready for Autumn for it is my heart's desire.
oh the shame.....but tough crap....I LOVE FALL!!! i don't care who knows it!!! i am eternally ready for Fall!
No! Just NO Debra, don't even! No. Summer still has a few days left.
Actually it was close to frost here last night. In four months Christmas will be over, lol.
I wouldn't have a problem with autumn if it didn't inevitably lead into winter.
"A mix of sun and cloud. 30 percent chance of showers early this morning and late this afternoon. Risk of a thunderstorm late this afternoon. Wind northwest 30 km/h gusting to 50. High 17. UV index 6 or high. Tonight Partly cloudy with 30 percent chance of showers early this evening. Becoming clear late this evening and overnight. Risk of a thunderstorm early this evening. Wind northwest 30 km/h gusting to 50 becoming light this evening. Low plus 1 with risk of frost." … (I just love pregnant weather girls cuz they remind me that a Spring birth is on its way … smiles …) Wishing you a very happy new week, friend D. Much love, cat.
I LOVE summer and am always really sad to have it end, to have fall and football come.....argh. When summer ends I miss the flowers in yard, I'm not a football fan and hate how it occupies the fall...hubby being a huge van. Me.......not jonesing...me moaning loudly!
Nooooo! No! No autumn! No no no no no!
I'm surprised at you, Debra. You live in the frozen North. You know what comes next!
I am SO ready for Autumn!! Although we haven't hit much above 100* this summer, it just feels like it has! Ready here for some hot apple cider!
I don't like hot weather, so yes, bring on Autumn! Crisp air, astounding colors, rain rain rain... Oh, yes, I am a lover of Autumn!
I don't mind fall but I hate the thought of the days getting shorter. I love daylight until 10 pm. Darkness is not good for my soul. Neither is winter
Your choice of pictures is lovely.
my dislike for winter makes spring my favorite. Those taffy apples look delicious.
the local garden center has pumpkins outside. but summer is still part of the weather round here.
Your enthusiasm for fall lifts my spirits!
Best things come to those who wait. Summer has only one more week before September is here and we can start getting ready for pumpkin spice everything, sweaters, socks, hats, and scarves. *heavy breathing*
Soon, yes. Soon! Thank you for the reminder. You've instilled hope.
Have a great week.
Yes! I am counting the seconds till I can harvest pumpkins! It has been a long hot summer - can't wait for that first crisp morning. I hope you are making some exciting autumn plans.
It's 100 degrees F out here today! I am so looking forward to cooler climes. Unfortunately, fall happens to be fire season around these parts. I much prefer spring, and the way things are moving, it will be here in no time!
There will be enough time for knees to knock and teeth to chatter in another month or two. I'm sunbathing……...
I am actually ready for fall.
This weather is just too icky.
Always hated summer. I hate the heat and the sweating -- and the way office buildings totally overdo it with the air conditioning. There have been 100-degree days when I had to take a heavy coat to work because it was so often uncomfortably cold inside the building. And the glaring, dazzling light -- I call it the "migraine glare" -- it's like something on some horrible alien planet.
This particular year we've actually had a pretty mild summer so far, here in Portland. Even a few cloudy and rainy days during August, which is very unusual, but it's a welcome relief from the heat. But I'll be happier when summer is over and the threat is permanently lifted -- at least until next year.
I Love Autumn best, I Love the Autumnal vibe and all of it's Holidays most of all! Even tho' it's still 118 outside Today here in the Arizona Desert, I've got some of my Halloween Decor out in a Hallway Vignette just to kick off the Season early! Of coarse, with our sensibilities and interior Decor aesthetic year round, most people think I've spent Months doing the whole house for some Haunted Attraction in October! *LOL*
Sitting outside in the moonlight drinking some coffee enjoying the night air. Good times.
I'm with you, Debra! Stick that pumpkin on my head and let's go! Where do you find these funny things? Hope you are doing well, my friend.
Autumn? What is autumn? Oh, yeah, it starts in December or January when the leaves fall off of the tree in my front yard.
Can't come soon enough for me..I've had enough of summer..Autumn doesn't last long enough..
I look forward to cooler weather... and to Halloween. Can't believe I actually look forward to that now but the Halloween party at our favourite restaurant is SO good!
it's August in Texas..it's 113..our fall is about 45 minutes in november
My remaining child at home and I will be getting our PSL on this Friday as a reward for organizing the house. LOL, even if my eldest wasn't away at college, he wouldn't join us. He doesn't drink coffee OR tea.
Oh Debra, that was beautiful to see...BUT...I still want summer to last a little longer! :)
I love the Fall! Especially since we moved to Atlanta with its hot humid summer's. Fall is like Heaven!
Halloween is my favorite holiday nowadays.
Hello Debra, I love the fall, and this year I will get to experience a bit of it still in Ohio. I called the apple farm today, and at least some of the varieties I like will be available before I leave!
After seeing those two groups of nine photos I feel ready for autumn! But first we're off to the hot hot sun of Italy.
The grocery stores have Halloween candy out since last week... there.. you happy now!?! I blame you for this! :D
Great post Debra! I'm ready!! Bring on Autumn!! Big Hugs!
Autumn has definitely arrived here! Thanks for all the great photos, Debra!
Been ready since the Summer solstice! At least.
yes yes yes I am so ready for autumn with all its lovely and halloween coming up.
I love the long days of summer and the cooler temperatures of autumn.
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