Wednesday 16 February 2022

February Full Moon Altar: Venus and Aphrodite

To mark Valentines Day, February's full moon altar honours Venus and Aphrodite, the Roman and Greek Goddesses of Love, respectively. However, these goddesses actually have nothing to do with love, romance, hearts and flowers, let alone such concepts as marriage, fidelity and family. On the contrary, Venus and Aphrodite simply represent the raw, basic, primal sex drive which powers and perpetuates all of life. When Venus/Aphrodite enters your life, she is not always convenient, appropriate or respectful of conventions or expectations. Her power and intensity can equally fulfill your life or wreak havoc in it. She can turn your life upside down and inside out.

My Rare One bought me this little Venus de Milo at a kiosk in Rome's main train station when we were in Italy in 2008. The statuette of Botticelli's Aphrodite I bought years earlier in a gift store in Toronto's gay village. On the altar I have surrounded them with six Major Arcana "Lovers" cards from various tarot decks.

These are from the Gaian deck and the Legacy of the Divine deck --

These two are from the Daughters of the Moon deck and the Light and Shadow deck --

And these final two are from the Morgan-Greer deck and the Runic Tarot deck --

The passion-red heart-shaped plastic altar cloth, valentine gift ribbon sidebars and little gold candles all came from Dollarama. No expense was spared, LOL!

[Photos © Debra She Who Seeks, February 2022]


Frank said...

Is it just me or are these full moons coming faster and faster as I get older?

Mistress Maddie said...

Lovely and festive! Aphrodite is my favorite goddess, along with Hera.

Boud said...

Lovely setup again. I look forward to your full moon posts. And the sourcing is a big part of it, such high end buying!

Breenlantern said...

"When Venus/Aphrodite enters your life, she is not always convenient, appropriate or respectful of conventions or expectations. Her power and intensity can equally fulfill your life or wreak havoc in it. She can turn your life upside down and inside out."

Grrrrrrrllll.....don't I know it!


Lady M said...

Dollarama is a great place for little stuff like that. February is the snow moon and I think it will be a full moon tonight.

pam nash said...

Lovely alter. I like your thoughts using different tarot cards to express feelings.

Marie Smith said...

Great finds at the dollar store.

Adam said...

We had a girl at work years ago named Athina and guys called her the goddess of love

She was on drugs and pretty dumb

Athena was the goddess of wisdom

Naming fail said...

"the raw, basic, primal sex drive which powers and perpetuates all of life." <-Whew-weee, that's hawt! I like it. Thanks for warming me up this morning.

Mike said...

"the raw, basic, primal sex drive which powers and perpetuates all of life." The whole reason we are all alive.

Guillaume said...

I call her Aphrodite. I generally don't use Roman names.

DVArtist said...

Now this is a beautiful post. Thank you.

yellowdoggranny said...

venus used to rule me back in the 60's boy howdy.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Raw and primal sex drive?
Where do I sign up for this? I may end up with something similar to this. Totally worth celebrating.


Linda said...

I wish they would visit more often.

Richard said...

I always enjoy these altars. They are good. I woke up early this morning because the moon was very bright. I thought of our Artemis. She was looking fierce and it was almost like daytime.
Aphrodite is powerful, but she is cruel. Oh the stories she could tell! I don't trust her.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Now I'm wondering how many tarot decks you have.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ peppylady (Dora) -- Ha ha, peppylady, I try NOT to collect tarot decks because there's a million of them out there, but I do seem to have acquired 17 over the years. Plus 4 oracle decks as well.

River said...

That's a very pretty altar.

Moving with Mitchell said...

Beautiful! I love mighty Aphrodite. We have our own Fuengirola Venus, which was dug up at some nearby Roman ruins. I would love a life-sized replica for the terrace.

Parnassus said...

Hello Debra, Your altar reminds me of the old limerick:

There once was an artist named Phidias,
Whose sculptures were never thought hideous.
He made Aphrodite,
Without any nightie,
which shocked all the ultra-fastidious.

Happy February Holidays,

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Parnassus (Jim) -- Hshahahaha, that's my kind of poetry!

e said...

A lovely altar dedicated to love. Well, sex. Those primal urges!
Thank the Goddesses for the Daughters of the Moon deck because, woof, those dudes are... too much!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ e -- Yes, I know -- most tarot decks are pretty relentlessly heterosexual in their imagery!

Jennifer said...

Question, Debra: where in your home is your altar located? I'm thinking of making one and I can't decide where to put it. In a main room where it's immediately obvious to all, or a more private space?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Jennifer -- My altar is on the corner of my dining area's sideboard beside my table and chairs. So it's right in my main space. It's the only convenient place I have for it, but since I'm very open about my leanings and predictions, it's no problem for me to have it there.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love your commitment to your full moon altar and these ladies do not disappoint. Thanks for going the extra mile at the Dollar-ama.

Kirk said...

Sounds more like the Goddess of Lust.

Rommy said...

Aphrodite causing some drama when no one asked her, LOL. That is a cute display. I love the creativity of using tarot cards.

baili said...

nice post for valentines day my friend :)

rare one has unique taste for gift indeed .

wishing you lots and lots of love in life dear Debra .
hugs and blessings!

Ur-spo said...

Have you seen "Overly Sarcastic Productions" lecture on Aphrodite. it is the best I know of.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Ur-spo -- I'll have to check that out, thanks!

Martha said...

Such a beautiful altar! Oh, I love this post! Right up my alley :)

Fundy Blue said...

Another beautiful altar, Debra! I love the different tarot decks. Next time I'm in Florence, I am going to the Uffuzi and seeing the Botticelli. Valentine's Day is a blur for me. We returned from Honolulu on the 9th, madly packed unpacked and packed again between a crush of appointments, and left for Vegas on the 22nd and back to Hawaii on the 24th. Crazy! But Himself wanted more of the tropical sun. I can't say I blame him. LOL!

Magic Love Crow said...

Very passionate and beautiful! Love your altar!! Big Hugs!