Thursday 24 February 2022

Vote On This Controversial Issue!

Which way do YOU fold your bath towels?

Vote for Method #1, #2 or #3 in the comments. 
Explain further if you want
to PROSELYTIZE about your choice.

On Saturday I'll post the voting totals
and reveal which method I use --

i.e. the CORRECT METHOD, lol!

(But no judgment, no, no, no)


yellowdoggranny said...

Ok....for years I folded them in thirds, like the middle one. But in my bathroom I don't have a lot of room so I have found that if I roll them I get more in and easier to get now I'm 3..

Travel said...

Number 2, because they fit in the pull out of the custom cabinet I had made for my bathroom folded like that, and no other way will they fit. Previously, before the cabinet was replaced, #3.

Bob said...

I fold #2 because it's RIGHT!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

None of the three ways shown..
First fold towel in thirds (long ways). Then in half for hanging on bar or half again for putting on shelf.
This way, your monogram will be visible and centered.
You do have monogrammed towels, don’t you?

Kris said...

I fold #1 method because the square shape fits EXACTLY on the shelves in my linen closet -- although I turn the nice soft rounded edge outwards toward the viewer. :-D Kris

Boud said...

What about 4. Chucked in a heap?

Anyway, 1 being the approach my fuddled brain can handle, is it. 2 would be aspirational.

Marie Smith said...

The second here.

Liz Hinds said...


Deedles said...

Fold? That's a thing?

BootsandBraids said...

No. 3 because, to me, it saves space and is eye appealing ... even though my eyes are the only one to see them.

Frank said...

Method #2 because that's how they fit on the shelf best.

Cop Car said...

None of the above, but close to #2. I lay the towel flat with long-length running left-to-right. I fold about 1/3 of the towel by bringing the far, long edge toward me. I then fold about 1/3 of the towel by moving the near, long edge away from me. I then fold in 1/2 along the axis perpendicular to the long edge, and fold in 1/2 again to produce a towel that looks nearly like #2. A friend taught me this method when we took turn helping one another clean our nearly-the-same-floorplan homes - hers on Monday, mine on Friday. OTOH, Hunky Husband folds as shown in #1.

whkattk said...

#2 and #3 - depends on the towel and the linen closet and how much space we have. LOL.

Martha said...

Leave it to me, none of the above. I use the tri-fold method.

Busy Bee Suz said...


You can ask Marie Kondo, the Queen of folding and she'll agree with me

Moving with Mitchell said...

I use style #3 for towels that get stood up in a basket. I use MY style #4 for towels that get hung on a rod. MY style #5 is another tri-fold version to fit towels in a specific closet or drawer. I never use style #2, although I find it attractive. I MIGHT use style #1 for storing towels in a stackable organizer IF I then fold them again to create a square. So, I abstain.

Breenlantern said...

I started rolling all my towels last year, whihc fits my cabinet spacing better and makes it easier to see and grab the towels I want.


Leanna said...

I am a control freak. I fold my towels the #2 way. David folds them the #1 way which makes me have to go into the linen closet and refold all the towels all over again.

JM said...

I fold them using number 1.

Mike said...

Fold? Towels? Why would you take them out of the towel laundry basket until you need them?

JM said...

I don't think my vote went through. I fold using 1. The screen went somewhere unknown when I hit publish...LOL

DVArtist said...

#2 for me.

Tasker Dunham said...

2, and so should you. If you aren't folding them 2 then you are folding them completely wrong and it's just not good enough and you need to up your game.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I do number 2, but the Manfriend got me into number 3. I have a love-hate relationship with towels because they're too bulky and I have no space for the bedsheets. It's tragic.


Cederq said...

The only correct way, #2...

brewella deville said...

#1 here, but now that I’ve seen #2 my mind has been blown. What else am I doing wrong just because that’s the way my mother did it?

e said...

Ooh! This is exciting! Towel folding is an art. I'm happy to see that many of your readers fold in order to maximize space in their linen closet (or other storage space.) That is the most sensible route to take, whichever way they get there.

Your example is bath towels, which I used to fold like #2, but now fold like #1 because of the shape of my linen closet. But, they must be folded long way first so that they can be efficiently hung on the towel bar when needed.
Hand towels are a completely different story.

Also, in your photo, all of the examples should be turned around to present the smooth, rounded fold to the front and the (hopefully well-aligned) edges to the back.

I have many more thoughts on folding laundry of all kinds... because, obviously, my life is extremely boring. But, I like it that way!

dmZapp said...

I fold #2, practical and compact, I like it best. I do roll my vast collection of tee shirts though and the obvious issue with them, even though they are separated by color……once you need one from lower down, the neat piling arrangement is often broken, shirts (and would be the same with towels) are messy and I am ocd to some extent. So, even though no one sees them, I am soon rearranging the whole section of tee shirts. Counterproductive to say the least, I have more important things to do. #2 ROCKS!

Marcia LaRue said...

It has to be #2 ... It's the only way!

G. B. Miller said...

Option the 1st, as I'm too lazy for the 2nd and the 3rd takes too much time (which is funny if you really think about the fact that I'm gainfully retired).

I used to use option the 4th (and we all know what that truly lazy option is) but put on my big boy pull-ups and got with the program. said...

Well, I do #1 because I'm not correct and neat and orderly so as to be able to do #2. #2 is likely your way, because it's the most proper. #1 gets my vote, however.

Tundra Bunny said...

Towel folding is the same as the over-under placement arguments about toilet paper rolls: WHO THE HELL CARES AS LONG AS THEY'RE CLEAN?

Mistress Maddie said...

Im definitely a strong #2 folder!!!!!

Gene Perry said...

3 obviously

Bruce.desertrat said...

I am a random fold person, so sorta #1. But at this they're at least folded.

My fitted sheets just get wadded up and stuffed in the cabinet, like the filthy animal I am :-)

jaz@octoberfarm said...

me too.....2!

Dunstan Skinner said...

I think it is #2, but I'm not certain. Here's what I do: I fold the short side in half, then I fold the long side in thirds. Many years ago a girlfriend asked me didn't my mother ever bother to teach me..? She didn't say it nicely, so I never forgot. I'm sure whatever I was doing before that was horrible since I never went to boot camp.

Anne Johnson said...

Wait. People fold their towels? What's wrong with them! Do their cats just sleep on a cold, hard floor?

Polly said...

This is fun, #2

JP said...

Roll a towel??? It has to be number 1.

Laurie K-R said...

Well, obviously, THREE! Geez!

Joanne Noragon said...

1 if they go at once to the towel bar; 3 for the shelf.

Bohemian said...

No. 3, since I put them in a Basket and it's the one way all the Men in this Multigenerational Family wouldn't mess up ALL the Towels when they grab one.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I cast my vote for #3
Coffee is on and stay safe

DB Stewart said...

Mostly number 3...but I'm reformed from number 1 as my wife has taught me.

Kirk said...

Sometimes one, sometimes two. I guess I'm non-partisan on this particular issue.

River said...

#2, always and my kids have learned it too.

Unknown said...

I like them folded like #2, but come on get real, too much trouble, I fold them like #1.

Parnassus said...

Hello Marie Kondo, I think we have found a new contender for the "nothing could matter less" category. If I think about it, I guess that I fold them according to how they are going to hang, but I usually turn out to be wrong. Even then, the edges never line up as in your examples.

Laura J said...

Oh like swans of course!

This N That said...

None of the above..I fold them in thirds and then in half twice...LOL
Enjoy your weekend!!

pam nash said...

Well, the correct way is obviously #2. Towels then fit nicely in any cabinet or shelf!

Adam said...

Whatever takes the least amount of effort 🦥

Richard said...

I fold them in thirds if it is for guests . You can also fold them in half and roll them up. If i was fleeing my country, like it is in Ukraine, i would still carry towels. Because i might need a towel. You never know. In my bathroom, i don't bother, i just dry off and hang it on the back of the chair.

baili said...

hot topic indeed dear Debra
we hang towels on hanger sadly but as for as is towel from bathroom concerned we have to hang it on the wire fixed in yard to burn under sun so he can cleanse his soul (i mean make it dry lol)

Martha said...

I used method #2 for a long time. But now I'm using method #1. No other reason than because the towels fit better that way in the linen closet.

Guillaume said...

1, I think. But it depends of how much room is left in the cupboard.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Maybe we a how to dry ones towel might be in order. I like mine freeze dry on clothes line in winter.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Ur-spo said...

I am late but I do #3, which stand uptight in a large wicker basket outside the walk in shower.

Rommy said...

All of the above!!!! Muahahahahahahahahahaha

Barbara said...

I lived in a house that had a linen closet that was so shallow it wouldn't hold towels folded the normal way. My kids used to complain when I made them fold the towels a certain way so they would fit. They still laugh at the thought there were correct ways to fold a towel. Yeah, get your own house and let's see what happens.

Fundy Blue said...

Well, you obviously picked an important topic to survey, Debra! LOL! The comments are fascinating! I am a control freak ~ Seventy-one years in, and I'm still trying to control things, even though I know I can't. I'm insane!

Pilar said...

2, that's how I fold my towels.

Magic Love Crow said...

Are you sure you aren't judging me? LOL! Big Hugs!