Monday 24 October 2022

HRH's Halloween Post

Yes, my wee demons, it is I,
here once again to celebrate
in the month of October.

Like ALL cats, I LOVE this time of year!

We cats COME INTO OUR OWN at Halloween --



. . . and ARTISTS of the MACABRE!

I predict a SPOOKY HALLOWEEN this year!

Now BUZZ OFF, I'm busy.


Travel said...

Such sweet kitties,

Mistress Maddie said...

Exactly where does one buy to leave me alone potion? I seem to go through that a lot on Mondays.

Jamie Ghione said...

Love the cats.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

The Leave Me Alone Potion!
Also, I need that mat STAT. It'd make a fab gift for some kitties I know.


Boud said...

I love the tarot reader.

Bob said...

I need to bath mat, not for the cats, but to scare Carlos, and I could use a Leave Me Alone potion every so often.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Ha ha! Love the one-eyed jack o'lantern! My housemate in university had a cat when she was young who was injured and had one eye as a result. They renamed him Wink. -Jenn

Mike said...

A bloody bath mat! Why didn't anyone tell me? I looked it up. They have a bloody shower curtain too.

Ur-spo said...

Oh but I miss my black cat!
If ever I am to get another, it will be a black one.

Lady M said...

Happy Halloween to you HRH - I hope you haunt Debra and the Rare One this season until they leave a bowl of rancid sardines on the counter to appease you.

Hena Tayeb said...

That bath mat looks cool!

Noa said...

jajajajaja He amado esta entrada.

Marie Smith said...

The cat with the bloody mat is downright scary! Lol.

Linda said...

Thank you HRH. Always a good visit.

Tundra Bunny said...

Oh HRH, where's the claws-out cattitude we all have come to expect from you? Your tepid Halloween post this year suggests that Satan has finally declawed you... or are you just in your dotage now?

Her Royal Highness said...

@ Tundra Bunny -- Sorry to DISAPPOINT you, but that's what you get for being TOO CHEAP TO SUBSCRIBE to my SUPER-DUPER TOP QUALITY POSTS like everyone else. THEY'RE all rolling in the aisles, I assure you. You get WHAT YOU PAY FOR in this life, little rabbit. And NO, I am NOT in my DOTAGE now, although MY HUMAN is fast approaching hers. said...

Haha - "beautiful idiot." Oy vey.
Thank you, Debra, for this precious idiocy.

roentare said...

Dark and mysterious. Perfect theme for Cat's version of Halloween!

Adam said...

Very cute

Took Alex to Halloween at the zoo, pictures arrive 8am tomorrow. Who will we be?

Old Lurker said...

@HRH: Oh! You have a premium subscription tier? Please share the link with us so we can refrain from subscribing.

Her Royal Highness said...

@ Old Lurker -- Oh, ME-OW!

Bill Lisleman said...

That mat is amazing. Good thing there is not under me.

River said...

Love the bath mat and the Leave Me Alone potion.

yellowdoggranny said...

ooh i love that mat...and I loooooove Oct...and was 66...and was wonderful..actually put the heater on in the Rogue..

Kirk said...

Is that cat winking?

Moving with Mitchell said...

I understand the Leave Me Alone potion.

Miss Val's Creations said...

Fun! I love the idea of that bath mat for a guest bathroom. That would be a great prank for a laugh!

DVArtist said...

Love these. Too funny. Have a great day.

Dasha Rainy said...

I love cats and yours are so funny. Happy Halloween night 😉🤗

Best NGO in Delhi said...

Dark and mysterious. Perfect theme for Cat's version of Halloween! Great

baili said...

cats like bats are quite mysterious creature to me as well ,from the stories of my grandma and mom i felt bit uncomfortable around them
last one is great

Janie Junebug said...

I like the murderous cat with his bloody mat. Your Royal Highness, have you been in touch with King Charles? He needs some cats.


Her Royal Highness said...

@ Janie Junebug -- Yes, I have attempted to contact my cousin King Charles, but for some mysterious reason he is not returning my calls. THE NERVE!

Guillaume said...

All great ones.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Happy Halloween HRH!!

CraveCute said...

Love all the black cats! Guy Noir approves! Happy Halloween!

Breenlantern said...

I loves me some witty kitty humor.


Richard said...

I am not excited for Halloween. I used to love it, and i stil do, but ever since this holiday got kidnapped and sold to the people who want to tell us how we should paint our pumpkins,

I am keeping quiet. Who knows? Maybe they will knock on my door and call me a libtard?

Anyway, i keep it.

Ur-spo said...

Boo !

Bracken Crafts- 100 garments said...

I want one of those bath mats!
Never saw them before but am searching now for one.

Fundy Blue said...

You never fail at Halloween, HRHTC! Creature of the Night is such a cutie! These are all great!