Monday 1 July 2024

Happy Canada Day, eh?

I've had a restful and low-key Canada Day Long Weekend,
which suits me just fine! Here are some highlights --

I went to my neighbourhood open-air Farmers Market
and scored a big bag of peas in the pod.

I hate eating cooked peas and so never do,
but I love to feast on freshly-shelled raw peas!

Since the weather was so great,
I strolled around a nearby botanic garden
and enjoyed all the vibrant colours!

Just a few snaps of the best ones --

I also made a loaf of multigrain soda bread,
which is so delicious when toasted!

I hope that all my fellow Canuckians
enjoyed their holiday long weekend too!

[First image from internet; all other photos
© Debra She Who Seeks, 2024]