Friday 12 July 2024

Friday Face OFF -- Cardinal

For this week's Friday Face OFF link party
of art featuring faces, hosted by Nicole of

Here's a cartoony little cardinal
on a snowy pine bough
that I did in watercolours
at an art journal workshop.

I have never seen one of these birds
in real life because, alas, they
don't come this far north.

But how amazing it would be
to see that bright splash of red
set against fresh white snow
in a winter wonderland!

Let me know if you've seen one!

[Art & Photo of Art © Debra She Who Seeks, 2023-24]


Jennifer said...

Seen one? I see several every single day! They're super common here. The males are flashy with their bright red feathers, but the females are beautiful too. Their subtle colors are just as pretty, in my opinion.

Rosemary said...

I too have only seen them courtesy other Canadian blogs - have you got it on your "bucket list"?

Mistress Maddie said...

Frame that, and put a price....I want that!!! First off, it's beautiful, and I love birds and cardinals. When one appears in your garden it means someone passed on is thinking about you.

It would also make a very nice stationary sets for cards.

Mistress Maddie said... you know we gets tons of carinal here. We currently have a family of little ones who just fledged.

Tom said...

...I just saw a cardinal outside my window.

Frank said...

We had Cardinals in Connecticut (and Northeast United States) but there are none here in New Mexico as far as I can tell - I've never seen one here. The males are brighter in color and really stand out against the snowy background of winter.

Bob said...

We get lots of them in Spring and early Summer and they are gorgeous.

I love your watercolor version.

Marie Smith said...

Cardinals are here on the island but I’ve never seen one. Great drawing.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

If ever you make it to southern Ontario let me know and I will show you a cardinal. Guaranteed!

Ellen D. said...

We have lots of cardinals here in Illinois. In fact, it is our state bird! They are beautiful all year long.

Old Lurker said...

I am sure that there are other opportunities to see red splashes in the snow where you live.

I like your cardinal even though he is giving us the side eye. But art journal? That sounds like an intriguing habit. I hope you are art journaling regularly so you have more material for the blog?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Old Lurker -- Alas, the only red splashes on snow we see here in Edmonton is if someone gets knifed on the street. And in yet another "alas," I'm only a sporadic art journaler at the best of times. I'm not driven enough to do it every day or even every week or month.

Christine said...

Beautiful art Debra!

Parnassus said...

Hello Debra, If you want to see cardinals, just come to Ohio. Not only do we have plenty, it is our official state bird!

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely creation and poem about the cardinal ~ They come frequently to our bird feeder here in MA ~ hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Iris Flavia said...

Cute sketch, but no, haven´t seen one for real, either - anyhows, happy Friday!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Very nice.
And for someone who has never seen a cardinal live that's very accurate!
I did not know they were not found often up North...


My name is Erika. said...

It might be the bleak mid-winter, but it's a fabulous piece. And since it's too hot for me today, I'd love a bit of cold. Have a fantastic weekend.

Busy Bee Suz said...

He is a beaut! You did a wonderful job at capturing his lovely face.
We have several families of them at our house in Florida, but I never tire of seeing them. ;)

Moving with Mitchell said...

I grew up with cardinals (they grew up faster than I). We had loads of feeders in our gardens in Connecticut. The cardinals were amazing to see flaming brightly in the snow. Charming watercolor.

DVArtist said...

When I lived in AZ. I saw them all the time, like you, they don't come this far North. It is a beautiful painting. Thank you for joining FFO and have a very nice weekend.

sirkkis said...

Very well painted, Debra. We don't have them here. I've made a card of it and there was a story about the name and it was connected to the churches, but I can't remember more of it...
Happy PPF ♥️🐞

Mike said...

Lots of cardinals here. They like to attack their reflections in windows.

bruce.desertrat said...

@Frank It's odd they don't show up in New Mexico, we see them all the time here in southern Az.

Eclecticity said...

Well done. I don't see cardinals very often.

Barbara Anne said...

We have cardinal pairs come to our front porch for water. They are breathtaking in a snow-covered evergreen.


peppylady (Dora) said...

I haven't seen a cardinal in the wild. I'm right below British Columbia.

roentare said...

It has that poster rendition. Looks gorgeous!

angela said...

I’ve never seen one. Nor do we get snow.
I fear I’m missing out in life
Yours looks lovely

Guillaume said...

I don't think I have ever seen one in real life. Cardinals are, to me at least, the birds of Christmas cards and puzzles.

Kirk said...

I Have seen one so they must make it as far north as Lake Erie.

Another great drawing.

LA Paylor said...

they were our year long birds in Maryland.

Lady M said...

Cardinals are very common in the eastern US but not out west. It might be that you are to far west for their liking. I have seen thousands. They are lovely birds.

Fundy Blue said...

What a beautiful painting of the cardinal and the snowy spruce or fir branch, Debra! I have been fortunate to see many gorgeous cardinals in real life. They always fill my heart with joy!

Karen said...

Commonly seen in Ottawa. They have a very annoying voice.

Ur-spo said...

when I lived in MI I would so enjoy the blood red bird against the gray white of winter.

Sassybear said...

We see them here often and they are very beautiful. My Mom loves them, so we get her Cardinal related items every year for Christmas. Cardinals in snow are beautiful holiday images, and I love setting up her house for Christmas with all her Cardinal images.

e said...

I love your cardinal on the snowy branch! His topknot is such a pointy triangle!

I've never seen one live. They aren't native this far west. My daughter was thrilled to see them when she lived in the mid-west. Our state bird is the Western Meadowlark who has a beautiful call.

Divers and Sundry said...

We get these on our patio, and they are always striking -especially in the snow.

Soma @ said...

It is stunning Debra! I am so glad you shared.


baili said...

this is gorgeous art dear Debra even you haven't seen the beauty itself

it's probably because you live in the city
i have lived in village and i have seen many pretty birds during winters but can't be sure among them it was cardinal too but i remember blue and red colors birds among many others