Sunday 28 July 2024

Toodles For Now, Dahlings

I'll be back in time for
August's Full Moon post
in three weeks!


Tom said...

...have a blast.

Moving with Mitchell said...

Have a great time. You look mahvelous!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

have fun!!!

Marie Smith said...

Have a lovely break!

Kathy G said...

Have a good one.

Travel said...

Miss you already!

Bob said...

Enjoy the time away!

Pixie said...

Have a wonderful vacation.

Yvonne said...


Cleora Borealis said...

Have fun, we love you and we'll be here when you return! Now, I'm off to find a source for those shades...gotta get me that!! 😎

Ellen D. said...

Enjoy your break! :)

Rosemary said...

If you are going away, have a good time. If you are staying at home enjoy your break.

Old Lurker said...

Remember to use protection!

Birdie said...

Well, hello old blogging friend. I am so glad you are still around. Well, not around because you are away but still blogging. After a 5 year break I am back. Enjoy your vacation and see you in August!

Leanna said...

I love those sunglasses!
Be careful and have a wonderful time.

Bea said...

Bon voyage!

Tundra Bunny said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again, don't forget your bail money and have a good break!

roentare said...

A cool blast. Have fun!

Ur-spo said...

I too wait your return.

Joanne Noragon said...


Lady M said...

Have a fab time - I can't wait to hear all about it.

Kirk said...

You'll be missed.

Mike said...

You shouldn't announce you're going on vacation on social media. You should just stop posting, let us wonder if you died, and then surprise us when you get back!

Alison said...

Happy Holidays!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Have fun!
And you MUST look in my archive when you come back. I posted about a document today that you'd love!


e said...

Enjoy the break! We'll be happy to see the August Full Moon.

Katerinas Blog said...

Happy Holidays Debra! We are waiting for the August full moon! Have a great time!

This N That said...


Ol'Buzzard said...

You're leaving, while I am just coming back? Now I will have no one to comment on my post.
Hurry back
the Ol'Buzzard said...

Hope your time away goes swimmingly. We'll keep the light on, and you'll be missed.

Hena Tayeb said...


Guillaume said...

C' ya!

Mr. Shife said...

Enjoy your time away, Debra. Take care and talk soon.

Richard said...

I lost the moccasins! Maybe they are around here somewhere. I hope so. I don't know where anything is, because I had to drop everything to face an emergency. Living here in USA is a big Trump style emergency.
We are panic all of the time. I lost my possessions including those nice moccasins. But I don't care, because we know how to make new shoes.

Sandy said...

Have a great vacation. LOVE the shades. Don't forget your sun screen.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Three weeks sound nice.
Be Happy.
Coffee is on.

yellowdoggranny said...

just let you know I was still reading.

Sandy said...

Waving hi as I make my blog rounds. Hope you're still having an awesome vacay!

The Happy Whisk said...

OMG! This is so cute! Happy Blogger Break!

baili said...

Love ♥️

Fundy Blue said...

Enjoy, Debra! The August full moon is a blue supermoon. I have it on my calendar.