Friday 23 August 2024

Guess Who I Met? Part Two

Debra She Who Seeks: My second blogging buddy meetup of 2024 was with Robyn Engel of Life by Chocolate! In June, Robyn came to Alberta from California to vacation at Banff National Park in the Canadian Rockies. We were able to meet beforehand in Calgary for dinner one evening.


DSWS: Okay, okay, calm down! I'll tell them. Does everyone remember the famous 2009 viral photo of the "Crasher Squirrel" who photobombed those tourists in Banff?

HRH: [interrupting excitedly] Well, I had the BRILLIANT IDEA  to recreate that photo with Robyn and my human at the restaurant! I just know MY VERSION will be a HUGE INTERNATIONAL VIRAL SENSATION too! Take a look --

DSWS: [sighing heavily] Yes, I'm sure it will. Anyway, Robyn and I had a delightful meetup and discussed all sorts of blogosphere goings-on. We've been following each other's blogs for many years, so there was a lot of ground to cover! Robyn is a talented author and poet who is now doing some stand-up as well, so I wanted to hear all about her current and future endeavours!

HRH: Yes, Robyn is a FASCINATING person! YOU, on the other hand, seemed intent on BORING the poor woman to death with your LONG-WINDED EXPLANATIONS of the Monarchy's role in Canada, the function of the Commonwealth, and how Canadian socialized medicine works. My gawd, I can't take you ANYWHERE.

DSWS: But . . . but . . . Robyn wanted to know about those things!

HRH: Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that. Thanks to your endless BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, I couldn't get a WORD IN EDGEWISE to discuss poetry with Robyn. She and I are both OUTSTANDING POETS, you know. Remember how I won her blog's poetry contest in 2018 with my POEM OF GENIUS?

DSWS: So what? I won the same contest on her blog in 2022!

HRH: Yeah, with a piece of LEWD DOGGEREL, you no-talent hack. Besides, I have it ON GOOD AUTHORITY that yours was just a PITY WIN.

DSWS: Why, you little . . . .


Moving with Mitchell said...

How great! But sometimes HRH’s honesty is painful... but still funny.

Tom said...'s good to meet up with friends.

Frank said...

Did I Welcome You Back? I've been busy being a political news junkie. And a week from now I'll be taking a long awaited vacation!

Boud said...

There's no arguing with HRH,better not try. That looks like a festive dinner you had.

Travel said...

Cats can be critical,

Bob said...

I would NEVER go up against HRH!!!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Hahaha HRH really has a temper, no?
And this looks like so much FUN!


Tasker Dunham said...

You really do have to try to be kinder to each other.

Old Lurker said...

Good timing to visit Banff before it burned. HRH might have wanted a few more takes on that viral photo.

The Happy Whisk said...

I love this shot of you both together. Love the smiles!!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Old Lurker -- Banff is still standing, it is Jasper that burned this summer. But that's not to say that wildfires couldn't hit Banff in the future.

Polly said...

LOL, well done HRH (sorry Debra). If I win the lottery I would love to visit Edmonton :-)

Toni said...

Sounds like a wonderful time and a true friendship. Love it!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Banff, is spectacular.

roentare said...

Your post is always cheery and full of kick!

Joanne Noragon said...

I've been off being a political junkie. How appropriate to return to HRH lecturing you.

Kathy G said...

Cats are so egotistic!

Lady M said...

What a fun summer!

Kirk said...

That squirrel photobomb may be famous, but it's the first time I've seen it. I luv it!

Alison said...

Its fun to meet the people you know online isn't it. I've had that pleasure too.

Liz Hinds said...

HRH, I think you are pushing your luck! Remember who buys your food! said...

Oh Debra, don't listen to HRH. I asked all of those questions about the British Commonwealth, socialized medicine and blah blah blah. I really did want to know, and your answers were interesting and informative. We did have quite a delightful time. I have to admit, however, that HRH's insertion in our photo works rather nicely. I hope she isn't reading this though. There's not much room left for her narcissistic self to grow.
Thank you for this very creative update.
I also encourage all your bloggies to visit Banff, Jasper (when it's restored), and you.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Rawknrobyn -- Thanks, Robyn, I try to listen to HRH as little as possible. Some days though, she's pretty inescapable! said...

PS, HRH, I do NOT give pitty wins. I might've possibly given a pity bang or two. I mean, no. No pity from me. DSWS's "nip and tuck" poem remains one of my favorite wins.
You do photograph well, though, sweets.

Her Royal Highness said...

@ Rawkynrobyn -- Yes, I DO photograph well, don't I? I don't know what the word "narcissistic" means, but I assume it must involve being DROP DEAD GORGEOUS! I think I'm going to try my hand at being a Supermodel next. FIRST WE TAKE MANHATTAN, THEN WE TAKE BERLIN. said...

HRH, hahaha. Oh honey, thank you for the laughter. Yes, that's the precise definition of "narcissistic." Manhattan first. Berlin second. Third? We'll reconvene and strategize. Perhaps it's Saturn.

Katerinas Blog said...

Must be super interesting to meet a blogger you've been reading for years!! I think it will be like knowing him!! The cat among you is very cute.. the squirrel is scary!!

Fundy Blue said...

What a great picture of you and Robyn, Debra! How fun that you were able to get together. We won't mention the photo bomber ~ Her head is big enough already!

Ur-spo said...

Good for you !!

baili said...

Sounds a lovely meetup dear Debra ♥️

This photo is incredible wow!
How nice she is writer and are outstanding painter so i can imagine how amazing time you guys had together :)

Yvonne said...

Okay... the end of this really made me laugh. Great post.

e said...

Oh that CAT! Her ego knows no bounds!
Looks like you and Robyn had a wonderful meet up!