Rue of Rue and Hyssop and Inannasstar of Ramblings of a Domestic Goddess have both given me a Best Blog Comments Award! I am truly appreciative of this -- thanks so much, you lovely bloggin' gals! I have a few comments about comments, so to speak, but first -- the rules of this award.
1. Link back to the blog/blogger who nominated you.
2. Paste the picture of the award into your post.
3. Nominate other bloggers who you think deliver great comments to your blog.
4. Email/post/tweet or do whatever you need to do to inform these bloggers that they have been nominated.
When I first started reading blogs three or four years ago, I was a classic lurker. I never left comments. In fact, I didn't even know how. But once I started my own blog, I soon realized how important comments are. They let you know that someone is actually reading your stuff. You're not just babbling to yourself in cyberspace!
It's hard when you first start blogging and no one leaves comments. I still remember the thrill of receiving my first one! OMG, someone out there had actually read my blathering! Squeeeee!
So now I make a point of trying to leave a comment on many posts that I read. And I'm always grateful for each and every comment that is left on my blog. Thank you all very much! I enjoy reading them immensely.
For this award, I'd like to nominate four bloggers who often leave comments on my blog that make me laugh out loud at their quirky wit. Check out their blogs if you like writers with an extra-good sense of humour!
Corey James at Madtexter
Jackiesue at Yellowdog Granny
Eternally Distracted at Eternally Distracted
Elly at Bugginword