Monday 27 April 2020

Who Doesn't Love Pizza?

But even pizza is not without CONTROVERSY.



Elderberry-Rob said...

love this post, thank you

anne marie in philly said...

I LOVE HAWAIIAN PIZZA (ham & pineapple)!

I also love shrimp & pineapple pizza.

call it a weakness...

pepperoni peesha, meat lovers peesha, chicken parm peesha - YUM!

DEZMOND said...

I fully agree on pineapple pizza and all other fruity crap pizza ideas! I even hate olives on them.

Moving with Mitchell said...

Sorry. I have been known to enjoy a good Hawaiian pizza. And have you ever had one with the addition of bananas (only Canary Island bananas, though)?!? I am so craving pizza right now. One of the first things I'll have when our favorite Italian restaurant, Primavera, reopens. Theirs are out of this world.

jaz@octoberfarm said...


Travel said...

I prefer salty cheesy flavors, but then we could create a dessert pizza with chocolate and pineapple.

Sue Bursztynski said...

I make my own pizza with a bit of flour, yeast and water, and put on whatever toppings I want. I’ve never had pizza with pineapple, but there are far worse things on so-called “gourmet” pizza - shudder!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love pizza so this was fun. But really, who doesn't love pizza? (weirdos) Years ago I loved Hawaiian pizza, but I believe I was mostly voted out each time, so I've got used to NOT having pineapple on my pizza, but I'm not against it.

Bob said...


Whoosh. That felt good.

Lady M said...

I love pineapple - I used to love it on pizza with ham. But now I am a vegan, so no more ham. Other toppings I love are artichokes, olives, basil, hot pepper flakes, bell peppers, onion, mushrooms, and whole tomatoes. I also make my own crust and sauce! Pizza is a comfort food and his lordship and I try to eat it once every few weeks. I have to make two though, one with regular cheese and one with vegan cheese like stuff.

mxtodis123 said...

My favorite food. Don't have as much of it as I'd like because of the sodium. Pineapple chicken? Don't think so.

Bathwater said...

I went out and picked up two small pizzas Sunday. One to eat and one to save. The second one didn't make it into the save column. I eat that one too.

Mike said...

I would just as soon not have pineapple on pizza but it wouldn't stop me from eating it. Not much would stop me from eating pizza except... anchovies. Whoever thought of anchovies on pizza had to be sadistic.

Mistress Maddie said...

Nope can't do it!!!!!!! Not right!!!! Expresses sorrow to dear friend Anne Marie. But pineapple belongs on a cake or in my drink.

But the cat gif with the dogs had me laughing to hard I almost wet myself Debs!!!!!!

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Pineapple on pizza is just wrong! So so wrong. It would be like making cabbage and onion flavored ice cream. Rumor has it that it was created in Canada, I say that's internet propaganda!

Anonymous said...

Fresh pineapple should be eaten by itself, or mixed into a rum cocktail. Hot pineapple? No thank you.

WD-40 said...

Pineapple and ham - yum! (But, then, I like eggplant on pizza - just not with the pineapple and ham.)

bobbie said...

I've never had a ham/PA pizza... I guess I'm kind of a purist. When hubby makes his world famous homemade pizza it is sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms only ~

Marie Smith said...

I don’t see the problem with pineapple on pizza. I like it!

e said...

I love pizza! And, I love pineapple on pizza! It's not my fave, but it's at least second or third in the favorite column. Yum! Now I want PIZZA!!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Sooo-this-is-me -- Yes, I've heard that too! I personally like pineapple on pizza, so I'm singing "O Canada" right now.

Leanna said...

Whoever came up with pineapple on pizza should have been shot on the spot. It's all kinds of wrong.

Bea said...

Garlic and anchovies is my jam. (As the kids say, don't @ me.)

Parnassus said...

No pineapple. Those who do will have to listen to this song by Annette Funicello:


^.^ said...

Cauliflower flower crust pizza with everything … yum:) Love, cat.

^.^ said...

The Best Table In The House meme and the "holy" pizza box … too cute!!!

Polly said...

I love pizza, Aldi do some scrummy ones in their special range, or whatever it's called. Yes to ham and pineapple.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Parnassus (Jim) -- Now THAT was "cruel and unusual punishment" as forbidden by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I'll never put pineapple on my pizza again!

Joanne Noragon said...

Pineapple is OK.
Love the kitty whose tongue hangs out over pizza.

Brian Joseph said...

I really love pizza. The memes are great . Though I just had dinner, I am very hungry now.

Tundra Bunny said...

I LOVE pineapple and mozzarella thin-crust pizzas, but then it is a Canadian invention and I am nothing if not Canadian! I don't understand the visceral rejection of pineapple by some pizza consumers, especially since tomatoes are technically fruit...

The cat's paw in the pizza box hole gave me a good laugh -- thanks!

The Happy Whisk said...

Hahahaha. You know my answer. PINEAPPLE ON!! I love it. said...

I'm with Happy Whisk; put lots of pineapple -- in fact, a whole pineapple-- on my pizza. And make sure there aren't any holes for the cat to sneak any. Good stuff. Thanks for the yummy post.

Professor Chaos said...

Pineapple on pizza is delicious. People get mad because its not "authentic " or whatever. But try it, it's really good. If you like pineapple on ham, you'll like it on pizza.

Susan Kane said...

I also agree that pineapple on pizza is delicious. The sweetness keeps saltiness down. Basically, I love pizza, even with anchovies.

Guillaume said...

Pineapple does NOT belong to a pizza.

Frank said...

Some of the garbage some "restaurants" try to pass off as "pizza" should be just given another name, especially if the dough/crust is a cross between Wonder bread and a pretzel.

As an Italian-American (living in New Mexico) I am appalled by such toppings as green chili,(do they really HAVE TO PUT IT ON EVERYTHING?) turkey, bacon, smoked ham, pineapple, chicken, barbecue sauce?, avocado, etc.

Magic Love Crow said...

I love pineapple!! And, I love that cat with his tongue sticking out! LOL! Big Hugs!

Rommy said...

My Darling Youngest likes Hawaiian pizza. I'll pass on it. :D

Martha said...

I LOVE pizza. I could survive on it. And I'd eat it with pineapple on if I had to. I could just scrape off the pineapple if need be and have it as a side :)

pam nash said...

I don't much like pineapple on anything. On pizza?? That's just not only wrong but I'm pretty sure bad for you. Btw - I'm thinking the pic of kitty paw through one of the pizza box holes - is one of the Demon Duo!

The Blog Fodder said...

The two years we were back in Canada, we were 1 block from the best local pizza joint ever and enjoyed at least one per week. I miss good pizza.

DVArtist said...

Yuck on pineapple pizza.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Did I just read shrimp and pineapple pizza? Why do people do things like that!

The Captain said...

Ok, controversial I know but I hate pizza. Actually it's cheese I don't like but that's pretty much the glue.

CraveCute said...

Always funny! The cat paw after the pizza,lol! Made my spouse eat cauliflower crust pizza the other day. He was not pleased, but it was pizza so...

yellowdoggranny said...

I'm a sausage and green olive kinda gal..

Ur-spo said...

Oh these are good!

I too like hawallan pizza which surprises me as I don't much care for pineapple in general.

baili said...

good to know about use of hole in pizza box lol
all are so good :)))

Fundy Blue said...

I stand for pineapple on pizza, if it's Hawaiian pizza! I love Hawaiian pizza!