Friday, 9 October 2020

Covid-19, Bats and Vampires, Oh My!

It's been a bad year for bats,
what with being blamed
for Covid-19 and all.

But still, bats much prefer being thought of 
as evil villains rather than little cutie-pies
so perhaps it's all for the best.

Be careful though!
Remember that any bat
may also be . . . 

Frankly, some vampires are not all THAT scary.

Vampires do tend to drive cool vehicles, though.

But they still have their issues.

But sometimes, you just have
to cheer for vampires!


Valerie said...

Love these! Count Fluffula is going to my sister!

Travel said...

I love that version of the Batmobile

Rosemary said...

I wonder if we ever know the real cause of Covid-19! If it was bats that were responsible then that should give rise to the question of just why are the Chinese people still using them for traditional medicine and not leaving them to live out their lives freely and in the wild as nature intended. I read recently that they are still capturing bats and taking them to the wet market in Wuhan.

Ol'Buzzard said...

It is not the bats fault. Who the fuck decided 'I think I'll eat a bat?'
Covid is the Bat's revenge.
the Ol'Buzzard

JFM said...

Woke up this morning and visited here right away...yes, I sleep through the night 🎃
How delightful a visit it was 🐈
Autumn and Halloween loving it 🍁☕🍂

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I AM THE DARKNESS! OMG I laughed so hard.
And it IS indeed the Batty season! Both you and Maddie are posting about bats!
I had to run to google to find out more about the Monster Mash, btw.


Parnassus said...

Hello Debra, The prison one! By the way, the next time I post something, notice that my blog favicon (small icon on the tab) is a bat.

Tundra Bunny said...

OMG -- Count Fluffula and "I Am The Darkness"...LMAO!!

I've handled little brown bats in northern Saskatchewan and they do like cuddles! Despite knowing that they're mammals, I was really surprised to find that their wings were like soft, warm, wrinkly skin! Which is even creepier in a way...LOL!

Jamie Ghione said...

Good ones. I had to share the Fluffula one.

Mistress Maddie said...

How timely Debs, since I just witnessed a baby bat!!! I love the Flitter Mouse tile!!!! And the Don Knotts, Knottsferatu made me spray my coffee, thank you.

Marie Smith said...

The last one is my favourite. I have wished for vampire power a few times myself.

Bob said...

I cannot see the cute in a bat, but ... I love their cars?

Mike said...

I don't like garlic so I'll remain Kalm.

yellowdoggranny said...

bats are really cute..till about 3 of them fly into and get tangled in your hair..and I speak from experience..who knew my deep voice could reach such a high register..
sorry I haven't been around..funerals catching up and just tard..missed ya.

Bea said...

My surname is a homonym of 'bats'. :D

Also: bats look like wee foxes with wings. I lurve them.

DVArtist said...

These are good ones. I have a friend who works for the Bat Conservatory she has some adorable photos of bats. Enjoy your day.

Bill Lisleman said...

Dracula Frankenstein one had me thinking about the multiple identity thefts. Different body parts I guess.

Fundy Blue said...

Yah, I definitely cheered for the vampire in the last funny! These are great fun, Debra. The little darkness one is darling. I don't have your knack for commentary on funnies. That's something I'm going to have to work on. Happy Thanksgiving!

anne marie in philly said...

count fluffula!

Lady M said...

That's a great bunch of memes - love count Fluffy Butt or whatever his name is. That bat that gives cuddles is too cute!

Laura said...

that bat car is awesome! count fluffula! so cute!
love, kisses & magical wishes!

Joanne Noragon said...

Fluffula is the coolest cat.

Brian Joseph said...

Vampires seen to be very “in” these days, especially in popular literature. The trend seems to be towards more charming as opposed to monstrous. On the other hand I am reading Stephen King’s Doctor Sleep. There are some pretty horrendous vampire like creatures in that book.

Bob Johns said...

They do the Monster Mash (Plants Face in Palm)

baili said...

haha i enjoyed each of it so much dear Debra :)

never saw such cute poses of a bat lol

i think causes of covid were political ,just guessing

Moving with Mitchell said...

Loved the cuddles, but ... oh, the Monster Mash was a graveyard smash.

Guillaume said...

Great ones.

This N That said...

Monster Mash..LOL
Cool Bus..

pam nash said...

Cuddly bats??? No, doesn't work. Darkness - yes! Also mosquito eaters - even better than cuddly or darkness!

Forsythia said...

Bats are beautiful. They are important pollinators. True, they got a bad rap this year, but what's remarkable is that bats carry all kinds of viruses but never get sick. Scientists would like to know why.

Bruce.desertrat said...


roughterrain crane said...

This bat has cute black eyes beyond my image about this animal.
Darkness is terrible, but it might make us more thoughtful and grateful.

Martha said...

HAHA! Loved these :)

Magaly Guerrero said...

Bwahahaha! Love them all, especially the darkness and perfect skin. The last one made me smirk.

Ur-spo said...

I adore bats!
I used to have a bat house at my old place.

Suz said...

Laughing at the garlic bread issue; the horror!
I think baby bats are adorable...grown ones,

RO said...

Oh no, bats are definitely not my friend.(lol) While we were in the Air Force a friend played a serious prank tied to a bat, and it's still crystal clear in my head right now.(lol) Hope you're doing well and sending some long distance hugs, RO

Kirk said...

Don't go into Mayberry after dark.

Adam said...

‘Tis the spooky season

Liz Hinds said...

aww, those little bats!
And while perfect skin and immortality are good they're not as good as garlic bread.

Sue Bursztynski said...

Who knew bats could be so cute?

The Captain said...

Best thing in Chester Zoo is the bat cave.

Magic Love Crow said...

I love Monster Mash and the last one! Go get him girl!!!