Monday 11 October 2021

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

And I'm thankful for all these LOLs!

Her Royal Highness the Cat
wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving too!


jaz@octoberfarm said...

hahahaha! happy thanksgiving!

Boud said...

Thanks for the lols! And I'm thankful for your blog. Happy Thanksgiving.

Busy Bee Suz said...

These are all too cute! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Bob said...

Our cats, if they thought they could get away with it, would have crawled on the table and into the Biscuit Basket.

Ol'Buzzard said...

Life is good
the Ol'Buzzard

Travel said...

Happy Thanksgiving, may your harvests always be bountiful, may the simple things in life always bring you great joy.

Parnassus said...

Hi Debra, I liked the raccoon one best. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, and I am ready for both holidays since I just found some cranberry steamed buns in the supermarket.

Valerie said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Forsythia said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Delightful cartoons. Should I tell you about the time our dog threw up a glob of white froth on Thanksgiving Day and I was thinking "Too much turkey. Emergency Vet Visit" ? That was before I found the empty mini-marshmallow bag under the buffet.

Rosemary said...

Hope that you both enjoyed a happy thanksgiving.

pam nash said...

And a happy Thanksgiving to you. I believe I will not allow the Demon Duo to see the biscuit warmer. It would give them too much of a challenge.

Mistress Maddie said...

If only more people understood the first one's message.

Happy Thanksgiving Debs!

Frank said...

Canadians get first dibs on turkeys...hope there won't be a shortage here in November.
Here people are fighting over whether this is Columbus Day or Indigenous Peoples Day. It won't be long before were making Thanksgiving a political football. Ugh.
Anyhow, enjoy the holiday!

bobbie said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Leanna said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you don't mind but i stole the kitty memes.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you. Because of lockdown and terrible planning on my part, all of our overdue check-ups and health stuff are going to fall between now and Christmas so I'm glad someone is celebrating something these days.

LL Cool Joe said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all Canadians!

Mike said...

HTG! 88% is me.

Moving with Mitchell said...

OK. You made me happy.

Tundra Bunny said...

Great line-up of memes this morning -- I really got good belly laughs from "Turkey Disposal", Duke and of course, the pumpkin pie graph!

Happy Thanksgiving to you, Debra, and to all of your blog followers!

Tasker Dunham said...

Our cat knows she's not allowed on the table, so we never see her on it. Only her fur in the morning.

jono said...

88%. Finally I am above average!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Omg I'm drearing Thanksgiving a little. Deep down I'd like to socially distance myself again but I think this one is gonna be a family reunion after all these months!
I do like turkey, though.


Bruce.desertrat said...

When I was a kid, we had a dog who was half miniature daschund and half chihuaua who got up on the table after thanksgiving dinner while we were in the living room watching something, and stuffed herself on leftover turkey until she looked like a football.

To this day we have no idea how she managed to get up there...

Lady M said...

Happy Canadian thanksgiving to you. I hope you have a big day planned. I love Duke and his Turkey impersonation. Wish I could find such a talented pet.

Joanne Noragon said...

I never had a cat that could pass up turkey. The biggest, bestest bird of all.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Hope your Thanksgiving was full of kindness and love.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Jenn said...

I made it with 1.5hrs left on Thanksgiving for some good LOL's. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving Canadians and get your stretchy pants ready for the leftovers.

Miss Val's Creations said...

Happy Thanksgiving! The cats are hysterical!

Liz Hinds said...

I am definitely an undo the trousers person. Getting ready to eat out on Sunday I put on trousers at first - and then decided a dress was much more accommodating!

Barbara said...

Haha. So cute. I love Thanksgiving. My favorite Holiday. I have to tell you I see Bees everywhere since following your blog. So much cuteness out there and I never noticed.

Rommy said...

Definitely a stretchy pants person here :D

This N That said...

Happy Thanksgiving..Glad HRH didn't miss out!! Love the turkey disposal..Mine would be a different color..

Adam said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you

Guillaume said...

Belated happy Thanksgiving. I could not celebrate yesterday, I was on the road for work. At home we sometimes celebrated with wine and cheese, sometimes with tourtière, never with turkey.

Anne Johnson said...

Happy Thanksgiving! And thanks for the mundane costumes. An inspired idea, I shall apply it to the upcoming festivities.

Magic Love Crow said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Rare One, Deb!! Thanks for the laughs! Big Hugs!

Kirk said...

Sorry to be a day late, but Happy Canadian Thanksgiving. The one with the racoons is my favorite, and it made my holiday--the U.S. version, too!

yellowdoggranny said...

I am pissed at myself..I forgot to post a Happy Thanksgiving to my beloved Canaderians..hope you had a great day..I got your gift and can't express my love for you ...thank you sooo much.

Ur-spo said...

I am thankful for knowing you.

Fundy Blue said...

I hope that you and your Rare One had a happy Canadian Thanksgiving. These funnies are great! Thanks for the laughs! My highlight on CT was more blood tests and finally learning what has been increasingly wrong with me since early summer: a hyperactive thyroid and likely Graves Disease. I should have had a big piece of pie, because my weight loss is increasing. 😁 I hopeI lose a lot more, before they slow down my thyroid ~ LOL!

e said...

Sorry I missed the actual holiday. I hope you had a lovely day and were surrounded by friends, family and delicious food.

This post was very cat-centric!

Bea said...

Happy belated Turkey Day, Debra!

Your kitty has quite the canines. -really dug the pic of her with mouth around the top of a gourd. :D

baili said...

oh that first one comes from my heart dear Debra :)))

absolutely beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy thanksgiving day to you and to all you love !
hugs and blessings!