Thursday 6 January 2022

Thursday Art Date With Rain -- "Snowman"

Welcome to Rain Frances' first Art Date of 2022!

We've got lots of snow in Edmonton but unfortunately, 
it's not wet enough to actually make a snowman for this post, 
so I've resorted to photos of My Rare One's 
vintage blow mold snowman instead! 

This dapper gentleman lives 
between her two garage doors, 
securely fastened in place by 
looped electrical wire around his neck 
which then goes inside the garage. 

It looks a bit like he's being garroted but 
I assure you all, he's fine. 

He lights up the back alley at night 
with his internal 100 watt lightbulb!

[These two photos © Debra She Who Seeks, December 2021]

As per usual, I'll pad out the rest of this post 
with LOLs and memes from the internet -- 
enjoy these goofy varieties of snowmen!


jaz@octoberfarm said...

hahahaha...i love the hay potter one!

Travel said...

I think the snow here would have rolled well, but not by me,

Marcia LaRue said...

Love the memes but the last two are the best of the lot!

Liz Hinds said...

My brain does that too. And what a great light to have to show you the way.

Bob said...

If we ever get snow in Smallville again, I'm'a do that Lazy Snowman. That's right up my alley!

Val Ewing said...

These are the best! Thank you for the laughs!

When you are over 60 and your doctor says to put ice on what hurts....yep!

Boud said...

Ha! That snow joke!

BootsandBraids said...

What would be fun, if the snow gets wet enough, is to try your hands at a Gnome Snowman :-)

Christine said...

Wonderful snowman post, love the memes.

bobbie said...

Thanks for the morning smiles!

Moving with Mitchell said...

And, again, you share the BEST laughs. Always appreciated.

Miss Val's Creations said...

Love the decorated lounge chair!

Leanna said...

The snowmen cartoons are funny as hell. Stem cells . . . lordy, lord. The mask too tight cartoon made me spew my tea. Thank the Goddess that I've learned to cover my laptop keyboard with a dish towel when I check your blog in the morning. So funny this morning. Thanks for the lift.

JM said...

While we aren't suppose (I say suppose, because I live in Ohio and weather changes on a dime), I have enjoyed the snow themed post today! I especially laughed loudly at the "nose job" snowman.

The Blog Fodder said...

Great snowman memes. Especially the tight mask

CAAC said...


It's beginning to snow in our part of east Tennessee. The forecast is for 1-3 inches of snow and we're suppose to dip down into the low teens. Brrr, I'm not looking forward to that!

It's been quite awhile since I've joined Rain's art date but here I am back it once again. Your snowman gif is cute and I love your vintage snowman Christmas decoration. He looks so happy. Your snowman humor gave me some chuckles. I enjoyed the visit. ;)

Have a doodletastic day. Stay warm and be well, my dear!

e said...

Love these, D! People are so clever.
Your Rare One's snowman is wonderful and so bright!

Ur-spo said...

how nice it would be to live again in a place with snow to make a snowman.
I hope someday to do just that.

Tundra Bunny said...

It's been cold and snowy here since Xmas and if we get any more snow, I'll be able to build a small snowman on my balcony! Loved the "too tight mask" and "lawn chair" snowman -- thanks for the belly laughs! said...

I'd be happy to run into that dapper cutie in a dark alley.
The snow covered Bernie/senior, though, that's prize worthy!

Sandy said...

Cute Snowman light! Some good meme's there, really laughed when I saw the one about the mask being too tight.

Lady M said...

Your little blow mold is so cute - I bet he looks festive lighting up the alley.

Parnassus said...

Hi Debra, Rudolph's got nothing on the Glowing Snowman of Edmonton!

Sue Bursztynski said...

Some delightful snowmen there, including the light-up one in your home. I do love the Harry Potter one, very clever!

Gillena Cox said...

Some nice ones Debra. Luv that snowman and snowdog 😊 Happy New Year


Susan Kane said...

Living in S. California desert, we can see snow if we drive 2 hours. Snow man on the bench with a red scarf is my cousin.

Rosemary said...

Your Rare One's vintage blow mold snowman is cute especially at night when it lights up your back alley for you.

DVArtist said...

Very nice snowmen. I cracked up on the video. Have a great day.

Busy Bee Suz said...

These are ALL GOLD! But I think the Snow Man plastic surgery really got me. :)
I love Your Rare One's vintage snowman--I'm glad he is safe and secure.

Joanne Noragon said...

Poor fellow with the rear head carrot.

Richard said...

Look! Stem cells! They were all great. Thank you.

Magaly Guerrero said...

I never knew anyone could be this cool while being garroted.

Also, the last image made me roar.

Bill Lisleman said...

The lounge chair does make a good snowman. Good post.

Mistress Maddie said...

I haven't seen a blow mold like that in years!!!

Last winter I was like a kid and made three snowmen and put them on the windowsill. The birds were not pleased.

EricaSta said...

Wow... what a funny sight of friendly snowmen and the snowdog. Thank you for sharing in this strong days - we need this. I enjoyed very much.

Happy New Year 🍀🍀🍀🍀

Laura Morrigan said...

How fabulous! I wish blow mould Halloween and Christmas things were easier to find in Australia!

Rommy said...

We just got snow this morning in the Philly 'burbs. My pupper is going to be an absolute brat and refuse to come in. He does this every first snowfall.

pam nash said...

Does Mr Snowman sit out all year? Or just during the winter. I have two similar ones though they're only about 20" tall, older than me, and a bit fragile. They usually sit inside.

NatureFootstep said...

lol, that is a really fun collection of snowmen :)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Pam Nash -- No, Mr Snowman only makes an appearance outside for about one month every winter around Christmas and New Years. Then he rests inside the garage for the other eleven months.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Great selection, Debra,. Loved all of them especially the "Brain Freeze", boy can I relate to that. Also love the owl snowman because I love owls :). Wishing you a wonderful and healthy New Year ...

Andrea @ From The Sol

This N That said...

Love the dog...and the snowman with the owl..We just had about 5 inches..Too powdery to make a snowman...
Have a fun weekend..

Frank said...

These are great; love the lounge-chair snowperson and the dog.

peppylady (Dora) said...

It been ages since I build a snow people
Coffee is on and stay safe

Richard said...

I don't know who to ask about this. When can i go back to just being an old gay dude?

David M. Gascoigne, said...

One day soon we will help Lily to build her first snowman. Can hardly wait!

Rain said...

I love your big Snowman Night Light!!! We just got about a foot and a half of snow and it's wet enough for snow people that's for sure...But then, it's supposed to rain tonight, crazy Maritime weather!! I love the lazy snowman and the snow dog!! ♥

Guillaume said...

Very funny.

Adam said...

We haven't gotten snow but pretty chilly weather. My dog was begging to come inside quicker than usual this week

yellowdoggranny said...

just hoping we won't have the weather we had last year..over 200 people in Texas died...bastard's in the 50's today and will be in the 70's later on in he week..lows are in 20's 30's but nothing we can't live with. I love the snowman with the doggie and the one with the bird on his shoulder..

Martha said...

HAHAHA! These were great. The brain freeze and the last one had me laughing out loud!

Magic Love Crow said...

Love your Rare One's snowman! Stem cells! LOL! Big Hugs!