Sunday 3 December 2023

Sunday Seven

A roundup of this week's excitement --

FELLOW CANUCKIAN BOOMERS: will recognize this week's banner as being from the classic but controversial 1960s CBC current affairs program This Hour Has Seven Days, with legendary Canadian journalists Laurier LaPierre and Patrick Watson. I wasn't even 10 years old when this show was on, but I loved it! It kickstarted my lifelong interest in Canadian politics.

I CELEBRATED "NOIRVEMBER:" by watching the 1946 film noir classic The Big Sleep. Lots of smart-ass quips from Bogie and Bacall as they confronted "a corrupt labyrinth of gamblers, blackmailers, pornographers, hired thugs and murderers" (as one reviewer summed up the impossibly convoluted plot).

STARTED REGISTERING: for a new bunch of art classes in early 2024.

COFFEE CATCH-UP: met a friend at Second Cup for a delightful couple hours of conversation.

DON'T WORRY, I'M NOT PLANNING ON GOING ANYWHERE ANYTIME SOON: to accompany my updated will, enduring power of attorney and personal directive documents, I met with a funeral home this week and bought a preplanned end of life package. Immediate cremation, no funeral.

ASHES TO ASHES, DUST TO DUST: also obtained formal City of Edmonton approval to be scattered in due course at a Memorial Scattering Garden in a nearby cemetery where I once went on a Halloween ghost tour. It's a charming place. But every time I drive by that cemetery now, you know what I'm thinking about. 

WHAT I DID FOR NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH: wrote my own obit -- but it's a very short novel, only four paragraphs long! I've always been a succinct writer. Picked out a decent photo to accompany it as well. No, NOT this one --


Old Lurker said...

Six-eyes! Six-eyes!

You are so good at being a grownup. Signing up for art classes in advance? Getting your end of life affairs in order? I am in awe. When do you even find time to look for memes?

Bob said...

I kinda like that last photo ....

Moving with Mitchell said...

We did all that end-of-life planning in the States, but need to do it all over again for Spain. And all we do is say we need to do it.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

getting your life in order. i love it! i beg my husband weekly to do this but at age 80, he is not mature enough to handle it.

Travel said...

We have an appointment with a lawyer on Wednesday to update estate plans (I am not licensed in the state we live in, and I will never live again in the state I am licensed in.) Someplace in the drafts, is a blog post to be posted after I die.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Thanks for making me giggle with that photo...can you imagine using something like that for your END?
My friend, you are doing everything we all need to do, but I've never thought about writing my own Obit. I suppose if you want something done right...

Pixie said...

Well it appears you are ready for anything. Well done. I've decided to retire next year, even though it terrifies me. I always worry about money, despite leading a comfortable life. I'm guessing it comes from generations of poverty.
My husband's not on board with it, I guess he'll need to climb on board. I need to do this.

krayolakris said...

A timely reminder to Get It Done. Have been intending to get those matters sorted for years now.

Boud said...

I did all this many years ago, and named my son with durable p of a and executor if he survived his dad, my original p if a and executor, which he did. He has all the instructions about my death, simple cremation, all that. He went through it for his dad, along with me, so I think I'm set. I don't think, strictly speaking, I need to redo any of this. Also he's my named beneficiary on investments which don't go through probate.

I did all this in my sixties, while I was sure I still could! And here we are twenty years later, still competent and vertical..

You're very wise and kind, too, not to leave a mess for others to deal with.

Marcia LaRue said...

This year I updated my Will, my Power of Attorney was already good, and I have my no-frills cremation all set up and paid for! The funeral home had an info dinner here where I live, and any resident of the building who attended the dinner got $100 off the price of their service.
I paid the full price ($1,800), so my son and daughter in law will have that $100 to pay for death certificates and whatever needs to be taken care of!
At 80 ... who knows when I will hit my expiration date? I am relieved to have it all set up!

Cleora Borealis said...

I have instructed my hubby to put my ashes in a biodegradable baggie and chuck me into the Pacific at Pebble Beach. I've gotta be in a bag so hubby doesn't get blowback a la Donnie's ashes in "The Big Lebowski" (although that would be hilarious)! I just like the idea of me crashing against the rocks and spitting into the faces of rich a-holes for all eternity!! Soothes me!! 🤭

Marie Smith said...

Thanks for the reminder about the will etc. Ours need updating.

Bill Lisleman said...

Memorial Scattering Garden - that's a great idea. I need to see if we have any of those around here in the US.

Mistress Maddie said...

Some say it's morbid to plan your death. but no I. Much like you I plan to be cremated and have my ashes scattered over my maternal grandmother's grave, where my mother's ashes will be spread also. All my worldly belongings to be sold, along with all stock, and monies be donated to the Sheldrick Trust for preservation for elephants.

And if you, yes, I would use that photo!!!!! Your adorable Debs.

Tundra Bunny said...

I think you SHOULD use that filtered photo in your obit -- leave 'em laughing!

roentare said...

Reading your diaries put me to shame. I am just waiting for sunset each day for a sunset snap lol

angela said...

Wow. Very organised indeed
I’ve got money put aside for a funeral. Is that organised enough?
Not sure. But then again I’ll be dead and I won’t have to worry about it lol

Mike said...

I need to do the burial stuff too. One of these days...

BootsandBraids said...

"preplanned end of life package. Immediate cremation, no funeral". What a great idea. I've told family members that's what I want, but never thought to set it up myself. Going to do research, find such a package for myself.

Richard said...

I look forward to your new art classes. I always enjoy your art.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I like CBC.

Mike said...

Water cremation...

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Mike -- Thanks for that interesting link. I've never heard of aquamation before.

Joanne Noragon said...

Thanks, but I'm still leaving cremation arrangements up to the kids.

Old Lurker said...

Who would have thought your Sunday Seven would turn into a public service announcement? We should all listen to our Auntie Debra.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Old Lurker -- I have the best commenters in the blogosphere! They always go above and beyond in their responses.

Kirk said...

I want the same kind of end-of-life arraignment that King Tut had, if I only could get it at a discount.

River said...

I signed up long ago for my body to go to the medical university so wannabe doctors can slice and dice and learn. I should check that is still valid because maybe I'd like to be tossed out at the forensics body farm instead.

miruspeg said...

Well lots of food for thought in this post Debra, I haven't figured out where I would like my ashes scattered maybe in the ocean or in a rain forest.
Keep well my friend.
Big hugs
Peggy xxxx

Liz Hinds said...

I read The Big Sleep recently and heard it in Bogart's voice. No funeral? A pre-funeral party so everyone can say how wonderful you are to your face is what i think I would like.

Liz Hinds said...

Unless no-one came . . .

Alison said...

That coffee sign rings true! And good for you, adulting away with your End of Life plan. I remember freaking out as a teenager when I found out my parents had bought burial plots for themselves. I assumed something was wrong with them, but its just good financial sense and it takes a lot of pressure off relatives when the time comes if you've made the arrangements already.

Rain said...

I definitely think that should be your obit photo lol...oh boy you're reminding me I need to get the end of life stuff taken care of...The Big Sleep is one of my favourites.

Jeanie said...

Bogie and Bacall. I'm not sure you can beat them. And that's a good one! Sounds like a busy week. I need to update my estate stuff too. thanks for the reminder!

e said...

You are a woman who gets things done! I salute you!
I've written my obituary but done none of the practical things. I have discussed my end of life wishes with my daughter and as my sole beneficiary she will have enough money to get it done. Yes, of course I should make it official and legal... but maybe not today.

Hena Tayeb said...

So many people would say you are being morbid but I think you are being realistic. M and I also have had our wills made. Those art classes sound exciting. Enjoy. said...

But this one's a great photo, and I'm sure HRH approves.

I've visited several Canadian cemeteries, all very nice. I'm glad you're not planning on going anywhere outside of human form anytime soon. We love you too much.

Richard said...

It is the Grasshopper and the Ant again. If you would have seen the grief that my caregiver was surviving. He died suddenly, a heart attack right there in his wheelchair. Now, I don't know the situation, I don't usually hang out with them. I think she was telling the truth. Because there is always the Life insurance and that is what they are fighting about.
What makes it worse is they are divided on religion and money.

I didn't even know the guy. I am pretty sure that I would have been just a cog or tool in his life. Just another guy.

But when this caregiver comes crying to you, saying my husband is dead what can I do? My sister-in-law is taking all the money and me and my son are going to die!

That's what you get.

So, that was Friday.
Today is Tuesday. Another distraught woman shows up. She had a bruise on her face. It looked like a black eye. She said she fell on some rocks. I have fallen on rocks. That is not how it looks. I am way out of my place here. I do not know what to do. I asked if we should call the police. She said no.
I am an old gay radical leftist. I can't be having these random sisters showing up with battered faces and dead husbands. Now they are asking me! I hope that I will be better prepared, in case it happens again. I will call the cops, but only as a last resort. It turns out she just wanted to talk and have a cry.

baili said...

Watching old movies can be therapeutic indeed: )
Good to have coffee with friends always.
The last part of post makes me little sad and more happy actually because despite death is inescapable fate it's thought makes heart sad .
Happy to learn that how practical mindset you guys have there.i love such attitude where death thought is not bad or avoidable but embraced and executed positivity. Very nice you finalised things regarding farewell my friend ❤

Adam said...

7 days does look like a television show of integrity

The Blog Fodder said...

Great movie.
Cremation is the way to leave, make a complete ash of yourself one more time. One thing I have stipulated at whatever celebration is held is "Do NOT sing How Great thou Art". It is sung at every funeral I have ever been at. Enough.