Sunday 17 December 2023

Sunday Seven

With all my Christmas shopping done and no art classes to attend, I've had a lot of time on my hands this week, which explains the many TV/streaming items in this list, LOL --

AN OLD CHESTNUT UPDATED: for the first time in probably 20 years, I watched Toronto's Santa Claus parade on TV. Unlike the past, a real effort is now being made around inclusivity and diversity, with representation from indigenous, black, asian and other community groups. Even Pride Toronto had a float with diverse and same-sex families on it. Good progress!

FOOD FIGHT: one of the holiday-themed cooking competition shows I've been enjoying on the Food Network is Beat Bobby Flay: Holiday Throwdown. He always has good guests and serious competition is handled in a fun and light-hearted way.

GOBBLE GOBBLE: I noticed recently that the little baby turkey wattles at the base of my throat are now halfway up my neck and heading for my chin! Hellooooooooo, old ladydom.

ROSY-FINGERED DAWN: Edmonton has been having some spectacular sunrises lately. Here's a photo taken this week from my balcony --

TUNED IN FOR: the season finale of LEGO Masters. Ordinarily, this reality competition show would be the LAST kind of thing I'd watch on TV, but one pair of contestants were from my city of Edmonton -- a mother-and-son duo named Neena and Sam -- so I got hooked on watching to see how well they would do. They were a powerhouse team and made it to the finale! However (*sob*) they ultimately lost to another team. Oh well, they still did our city proud!

BAKING MARATHON: this weekend it's non-stop baking around here -- four different types of cookies plus mince tarts! Next week, I'm hosting a Christmas wine 'n cheese 'n cookies get-together, as well as giving out a select few Christmas tins of goodies to others. 

CULT CLASSIC REMAKE: I'm a fan of the 2010 movie Scott Pilgrim vs the World, where slacker Scott Pilgrim must battle his current girlfriend Ramona Flowers' "League of Seven Evil Exes" in ridiculously unlikely computer-game-style action sequences. Netflix has now made an anime series called Scott Pilgrim Takes Off with the original cast returning as voice actors to reprise their roles in a new version. I'm enjoying this fresh take on the original very much. Recommended! Here's a little taste of both --


Moving with Mitchell said...

Scott PilgrimS look so good! I'd never even heard of the 2010 classic. I have got to see then both. I'm not a fan of the TV competition shows except at times for Celebrity Bake-Off. Embrace your wattles! I have one area of saggy skin beneath my chin. Uncentered and unbalanced like the rest of me. It makes it look like my beard is longer there. So, I trim my beard to be shorter there and longer on the other side. It almost works I want cookies!

Marie Smith said...

We’ve been baking this weekend with the grandkids! Love those days!

NanaDiana said...

LOL about the turkey wattles. I get it....sadly!
I didn't realize you lived right in the city and had such a great view. I pictured you in an 'artist-y boho' place in the country.
I am baking in the next few days, too. I do have to pick up 4 more gifts but know what I am getting so it will be a quick in and out.
Happy Christmas to you, my friend. xo Diana

Travel said...

A fun week, and a pretty sunrise. I always love seeing Bobby get beat.

Liz Hinds said...

Sounds like a relaxing and enjoyable week. (My mind went blank then and I couldn't remember which came first the y or the j.)

Bob said...

How great that Toronto's parade showed that Christmas is for everyone who celebrates it!@

Boud said...

So Toronto the Good is getting Better. Good to know. I hope we'll see evidence of this industrious baking.

Pixie said...

I met Neena and Sam. We were at The Brickyard a little while ago, shopping for lego with Jack, and they were there.

I've never watched Scott Pilgrim vs The World, but it looks funny. I'll add it to my list.

It's nice to see Edmonton online. Have a wonderful week.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Pixie -- SO COOL that you met Neena and Sam! Sheesh, now I'm fangirling!

J. S. Vila said...

Beautiful photograph of your city, late in the afternoon. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy new year.

Old Lurker said...

Y'know, you're allowed to make art even outside of art classes. Might I suggest drawing Mitchell and SG in mismatched plaids?

I enjoyed the original Scott Pilgrim comic books, and didn't mind the live-action series. This new series looks good (I am a sucker for the Mortal Kombat theme music) but it is a shame I will never ever see anything on a streaming service, and that said streaming service will disappear the series within a year. I wonder if they still destroy Honest Ed's?

I hope you have a safe holiday party. Don't do anything I would do!

Mike said...


roentare said...

The sunset looks great. My whole week's diary would be just checking for a cloud break heading out to get landscape shots

Parnassus said...

You're retired! How on earth would you know what the sunrise looks like? You seem to be missing the whole point of retirement.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Parnassus (Jim) -- Hahahahaha! As an habitual early riser, I'm usually up by 5:00 or 6:00 a.m. at the latest. And here in wintertime Alberta, the sun doesn't rise until 8:00 a.m. so I've already got 2 or 3 hours under my belt by then.

Busy Bee Suz said...

The sunrise from your balcony is spectacular; worth waking up for!
Poor Bobby Flay--someone is always trying to beat him.
Yay for your shopping being done and your kitchen being busy with baking.
I had a good gobble giggle at your gobble gobble! Thank goodness beauty INSIDE is the most important, but your beauty for life radiates inside and out!

This N That said...

Turkey wattles!! You are in good company..Unavoidable, I think!!
Sunrises and sunsets are beautiful when it's cold...I rarely see a sun rise any more but the sunsets have been magnificent..
Glad you are all ready for Christmas..Enjoy.

Mistress Maddie said...

Great minds must think alike!!!! I too was baking mince tarts! Closer to Christmas eve I'm also trying my hand at plum pudding.

"little baby turkey wattles" had me laughing out loud Debs! My mother says she has them under her arms too.

Ur-spo said...

no one worries about those sorts of things anymore it's all taken care of by plastic surgeons in palm springs.

Kirk said...

Seven evil exes? I don't suppose Scott Pilgrim ever heard the phrase "There's other fish in the ocean."

Moving with Mitchell said...

Old Lurker:
Thankfully, Debra would have to imagine us in mismatched plaids.

River said...

I always thought turkey wattles began under the chin and progressed downwards to the base of the throat.

roughterrain crane said...

What a lovely dawn!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ River -- All I know is that mine are doing the opposite, LOL!

The Blog Fodder said...

Rosie Fingered Dawn. Everyone else wrote about sunrise

Adam said...

I'm impressed they got the original cast to return

Rommy said...

I'm going to say something potentially blasphemous. I didn't really like the original Scott Pilgrim movie. I thought he was horrible and Ramona and especially Knives could do so much better. It was only in the last bit of the film that I realized that was what the movie was trying to say, but it felt like they were trying to make the audience root for a really obnoxious character up until the moment he realizes he was indeed an ass. My husband convinced me to give the anime a try and so far I like it better.