Monday 3 June 2024

It's JUNE So You Know What THAT Means!

It's time again for --


My annual, month-long, one-person 
BLOGFEST celebrating everything QUEER!



Travel said...

I look forward to each day.

Tom said...

...have a colorful Joyous June.

Bob said...

Let the Pride begin!

Old Lurker said...

Nice try, Debs. But we are not so easily hypnotized by your possums.

And here I was thinking that this was going to be celebrating what everybody else celebrates on the first of May, except one month later because the last frost date is so much later in Edmonton.

Mistress Maddie said...

I love this time of year. Time to piss off and make the right wing Evilvangelicals off and make them uncomfortable for a whole month!!!!!

Marie Smith said...

May the rainbow shine all month!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Happy pride!

Let the Gayification begin!!


Leanna said...

WOOT!!! Let the party begin! I love a good Pride Fest.

Hena Tayeb said...


e said...

Yes! It's TransLesbiGayaPalooza again! Best time of year!
Love the graphic with the 'heart hands'. And the flag pin - might have to search for one of those!

Happy Pride, Debra!

Polly said...


Guillaume said...

For me June is the month of our Fête nationale. But happy Gay Pride month all the same.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Happy Pride!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i love when you do this though it should be all year long. but, we are on the way!

angela said...

Be fabulous 🌈

Bea said...

Happy Pride, Debra! x

Mike said...

I need my own color in that heart.

Joanne Noragon said...

Hooray for Pride Month. Hell, hooray for Pride.

Kirk said...

Look forward to it. I participated in a Pride march just this past weekend.

Tundra Bunny said...

And so it begins.... again. Happy Translesbigayapalooza to you and yours, Debra!

Frank said...

Some bigots are saying that we don't deserve a day, much less a month. But my question is: how did we ever pull it off to actually get a whole month? Pretty fabulous.

yellowdoggranny said...

yeah, yeah, yeah...but about the Edmond game. No one understood why I was rooting for them...congratulations..

LA Paylor said...

You're my kinda person... acceptance, respect and celebrating the differences!

Fundy Blue said...

Bring it on, Debra! I always learn something ~ thank you! I'm sorry I don't know as much as I should ~ I had to google SJW. But now I know ~ love it!

baili said...

Hugs and best wishes ❤