Wednesday 19 June 2024

Let Slip the Dogs of Pride

This month's DOGS post is taking
a decidedly RAINBOW turn!

Well, now that CATS have snuck into this post, it's time to
WRAP THIS UP and go have a  FEW DRINKS instead --
the proverbial HAIR OF THE DOG, dontcha know!


Tom said...

...thanks for the smiles.

Boud said...

Wonderful! I love WeRateDogs even more now!

Bob said...

The leather Dachshund is hilarious ... as are the Tom of Finland cats and dogs.

NanaDiana said...

LOL- I love dogs-gay or not! I got a chuckle out of the weiner dog with the bondage outfit. I am not sure where Scruffy stands but he keeps ripping the arms/legs off his animals so he can 'have his way' with them....He might have been some kind of serial killer in another life-not sure.

Have a wonderful day, my friend. xo Diana

Mistress Maddie said...

Buster approved of this message and post. He thought you'd like to know that.

And the Puppy Ally meme was too cute and the retort back in the comments very funny!!!!!!

Travel said...

Woof, Woof, Meow!

Lady M said...

That rainbow nose is too cute.

Pixie said...


Frank said...

Woof. Our dogs always helped us celebrate pride with rainbow collars or bandannas. We miss our Benni still. Happy Pride to all.

Moving with Mitchell said...

Even Dudo liked this... although he was relieved to see some cats.

Jamie Ghione said...

Love these!

Busy Bee Suz said...

These are all very cute!

Kirk said...

All those times a dog held a leather leash in his mouth wanting me to take him for a walk. I feel compromised!

Marie Smith said...

Pups with PRIDE. Love it.

e said...

Oh my Goddess! Best dog post EVER! Mwah!!!

Tundra Bunny said...

Great post today -- looks like a fun pet pawty! And what kind of sick SOB would hate on an ally puppy or any puppy for that matter?!

This N That said...

Pride pups !! Cute post....Corgay !!! LOL

Guillaume said...

No mention of Sparky the gay dog from South Park?

DB Stewart said...

Corgay, lol.

Joanne Noragon said...

roentare said...

The last one really rocks

peppylady (Dora) said...

Love the little doggys.

angela said...

They’re all adorable
Happy pride month said...

You fit an abundance of cuteness into one post.
I appreciate it.

Mr. Shife said...

These are fabulous. I love them all, Debra. Happy Pride!! If you need another photo, might I suggest a beautiful basset,

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Mr. Shife -- Thanks for the fab link! Yes, Dean the Bassett is adorable!

baili said...

Fun and sweet 🤗

Fundy Blue said...

What I love about dogs is they don't discriminate ~ They just love unconditionally. Cute post, Debra!

Bracken Crafts- 100 garments said...

This brightened my day!