Friday 7 June 2024


THREE DOWN -- Los Angeles Kings, Vancouver Canucks, and Dallas Stars.

ONE TO GO -- Florida Panthers

The Stanley Cup Finals start tomorrow night. Work your magic again, Lucky T-shirt!



Mistress Maddie said...

There you go again.....tlaking about this cup thing????? Why ask? Can't they just go to a store and buy one?

Tasker Dunham said...

What is it? Is it important?

Bob said...

I'm with the Mistress on this one. A cup? It's looks hard to drink out of and must be a bitch to clean!

Old Lurker said...

I presume this post is part of TRANSLESBIGAYAPALOOZA? I am not sure how, unless the Pride shirt counts.

Travel said...

Good luck, play hard and fair. Bob should see the images of people drinking out of that Cup, taking it out for the day.

Kathy G said...

Fingers and toes crossed for you and the team.

BootsandBraids said...

The title of today's post gave it away. I didn't even have to read the post to know the cup being written about. Good luck! said...

Wowza, it's that time again. I've got my toes and fingers and hairs and everything crossed for Edmonton to bring it on home, SWS. Let's do it!
Let's do it quickly too; I'm holding my breath!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

is it important? my gawd!!!! it's canada and the stanley cup!!!!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I am going to let you do the sports thing because of course, I have no idea of what’s going on.
One thing, though. I think hockey players are hot???
I’ll see myself out.


Tundra Bunny said...


Kirk said...

If it makes you happy, Debra, then GO OILERS!

DB Stewart said...

Go, go, go Oilers! *revs chainsaw* haha

Guillaume said...

Still gutted about 2021. The Habs were so close.

Old Lurker said...

I have to admit that I kind of adore the gender dynamics whenever you post about sportsball.

Moving with Mitchell said...

What the heck are you going to do with a cup that big? I just don’t get it.

Marie Smith said...

Go Canada, go! The oilers got this!

Katerinas Blog said...

I hope they get the cup if they fight hard,
every fight deserves a reward!!

Fundy Blue said...

Yes! Yes! Yes! Go Oilers! Last night: 😭. Monday night: 🤞🥳

Liz Hinds said...

I thought I'd better find out who won and discovered it goes on for ages!!!

Liz Hinds said...

Was my comment saved before it went funny I wonder?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Liz Hinds -- Yes, your comment made it through! Sorry to you and anyone else who is having trouble leaving comments right now -- DAMN BLOGGER SOFTWARE!

And yes, the Stanley Cup is the most difficult of all professional sports championship trophies to win. The winning team must defeat four other teams by winning four out of seven games in four successive series. In other words, it takes 16 wins to get the Stanley Cup.

Lady M said...

Sending good karma your way! Hope you nail it!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Sending good vibes in your direction. I don't follow hockey, but I think the Panthers are still going strong.

baili said...

Best of luck for oilers

This N That said...

Lost track of where we are at this point! Is Hershey still in the running??? Oh I guess that's the Calder cup. Sorry!

This N That said...

Good luck to you. I think there is she bears are still in the running for the Calder cup.