Sunday 13 October 2024

A Timely Public Service Announcement


Travel said...

Give the girls a good feel, live a little longer.

Tom said...

...yep, check your pumpkins!!!

Kathy G said...

No lumpkins in my pumpkins :-)

Jamie Ghione said...

Thanks for sharing. I had a mammogram in March.

Lady M said...

Mine are less like ripe pumpkins and more like 6 month old pumpkins that have gone somewhat saggy and deflated.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Lady M -- Oh, I hear ya, sistah. Ditto!

Boud said...

The law now requires the mammo center to notify you of your breast composition, very reassuring, to cystic ladies like me. Yes, do check.

Ellen D. said...

I like the pumpkins one! My SIL just got a breast cancer ribbon tattoo.

Parnassus said...

Hello Debra, My grandmother had an operation for breast cancer and lived for over fifty more years (to age 101). Treating breast cancer promptly can have positive and impressive results.

Bob said...

Pumpkin Service Announcement

Leanna said...

I always have everything done the week of my birthday so I don't forget.

Gidget Blue Sky said...


Moving with Mitchell said...

I don’t have pumpkins. Pancakes maybe? But mine should be given a good feel regularly, too.

Mistress Maddie said...

Im proud to say that first picture is our state capital building....and is indeed pink for the month!!!!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Mistress Maddie -- Very cool!

Mary Kirkland said...

Absolutely. We don't want lumpkins in our pumpkins.