Friday 25 October 2024

And Now . . . HRH

Spooky Greetings
to you all, my devoted
legion of loyal fans.

Yes, 'tis I,

Her Royal Highness the Cat,

the only bright spot & saving grace
of yet another dreadfully dull post
from my sullen, ragamuffin human.

Sweet Goddess Bast,
if I see any more
orange & black,

I'm gonna puke!

So let's end this with a bit more

glitter & pizzazz

shall we?

(On second thought, I'm gonna puke
on the carpet anyway, just because
it's fun to annoy my human.)

Trick or Treat, Bitchez!
I'm outta here!


Bob said...

Well, this Cat Lady loved them all!

Jamie Ghione said...

Good ones. I like the cat on the broomstick with the wine glass and the cat photobombing, and the cats with the pumpkins.

Tom said...

...Debra, what a catastic collection.