Saturday 19 October 2024

Cheaper Than A Phone Plan

Don't stress about it!

Here's a couple of
adorable little demons
you could summon --


Bob said...

I am not really into Ouija boards but that one with the nipples seems fun ....

Parnassus said...

Hello Debra, I remember as kids we used to have a Ouija board, but I can't imagine where it came from. I think the only one I have at present is a tiny pocket-sized one about two inches wide that even comes with its own miniature planchette.

Marie Smith said...

lol. Cheaper than a phone plan for sure!

Deadpan Flook said...

I can confirm ghosts love pizza. That's what all those pizza boxes are in my's the flat ghost! Not me. Nope. (cough)

Kathy G said...

I hadn't thought about Ouija boards for years!