Wednesday, 6 November 2024

Captain America's New Gig

Goodbye, Captain America.
Hello, Captain Hydra.

My condolences to all Democrats today.


Bohemian said...

Yeah, Democracy may have Died at the Hands of our own Citizenry Today... I've Grieving and in Mourning as we speak.

Anonymous said...

Everyone whether Republican or Democrat, will benefit if Trump is able to put an end to these awful wars in Gaza and Ukraine.

Guillaume said...

Yup. That was America's last election.

Marcia LaRue said...

Thank you, Debra!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Anonymous -- Trump will do so by deserting and betraying his allies, as he has also done in past conflicts, and will do in the future with NATO.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Guillaume -- Well, America's last legitimate election. Future ones will be manipulated "elections" like his pal Putin has in Russia.

Tasker Dunham said...

Misinformation will abound.

Anonymous said...

How? This is unimaginable. I told my daughter last night “Aren’t you glad you do not live in America, if you need, you will have medical care and the doctors will not be trying to decide if they save your life or worry if they will go to jail trying to save your life”. I shed tears for this outcome and for the people so blind to this man and his sidekicks.

Frank said...

Thanks for your support and sympathy. We will RESIST.

Jamie Ghione said...

We're in trouble. It's going to be a long four years :(

roentare said...

That is quite a good analogy

Contrary Guy said...

When you get outside the cities and suburbs and into the "country", America can be a really dark place.

e said...

So sickening. I could barely get out of bed this morning. It's worse the second time. I underestimated the hatred, misogyny, intolerance and outright stupidity of my fellow 'mericans. My apologies to the whole world.

angela said...

Here down under. We just can’t comprehend it. I just hope it ends well. For all of us

Lady M said...

I do not know what these people think Trump will accomplish other than enriching himself and his friends and attempting to set up a dictatorship. So much for patriotic values.

Mike said...


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

This is accurate.
Americans have played themselves, no matter how much warning they got. Welcome to fascism, pals.


Tom said...

...this is a sad day with many more to come!

Tundra Bunny said...

Jeebus, what a sickening turn of events. I'm grateful to be Canadian today, but I can't help but feel that Canada and other NATO allies and G7 countries are now squarely in the GOP/Trumpian crosshairs. I fervently hope that this time, the demonstrative stupidity of the American electorate will bite them HARD in their collective ass, instead of wreaking collateral damage to other democratic countries in the world!

Pixie said...

The cartoon hit the nail on the head. I'm feeling angry and sad today.

Mary Kirkland said...

I was in shock this morning when I woke up.

marcy said...

on behalf of educated americans who saw the light and voted for her, thank you for your thoughts

Bob said...

Sad day, bad day, but I hope we remember how we're feeling right now and take that action forward.

Marie Smith said...

There are no words…

Fundy Blue said...

I'm doing my best not to fall into despair. Unfortunately, I think Americans are in for a rude awakening and a very rough ride. I hope I'm wrong. We shall see. Meanwhile I'm moving forward with my life, and I will continue to stand up for what I believe in. On a positive note, voters in Colorado preserved the right to abortion in our state constitution and lifted a 40-year old ban on using government money to pay for abortions. We also passed an amendment to our state constitution to recognize same sex marriages and to repeal the state's constitutional definition of marriage as "a union of one man and a woman." These were two extremely important constitutional amendments to me. Overall, I was very happy with the election results in our state, county, and city. One day at a time. Hugs to you, Debra!

Morgaine Pendragon said...

I can't even put how I feel into words. I'd cry if I could, but they won't come. Today, I'm grieving :(

Joanne Noragon said...

Hang onto hope. Keep the idea of decency alive.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Awful. About who going to the White House.

roughterrain crane said...

Hope is a good thing.

Gidget Blue Sky said...


Mr. Shife said...

Thank you for the condolences. Definitely going to need them. Take care and appreciate you.

Moving with Mitchell said...

I don’t even think any of us are prepared for what’s to come.

DB Stewart said...

There's nothing to add. It's insane.

Ur-spo said...


Diana Studer said...

Didn't find it because I searched for Trump. Politics it is.