Sunday, 29 December 2024

December Dogs

Because December is the time of
peace, love and goodwill 
towards all, HRH the Cat says she
will not interfere with this month's post.

Yeah, I didn't believe it either.


Marie Smith said...

These are a great way to start the day…thank you!

Liam Ryan said...

Indeed. Made me smile and chuckle.
Thanks Debra :)

Tom said...

...we were at a Christmas party and a dog took a block of cheese for itself!

Bob said...

The Canine Witness Protection Program is sort of true.
Years back my parents had a home with a large pond in the backyard and every year ducks would visit and their German Shepard would run down and watch them from the edge of the pond.
One day as they sat in their deck, my parents saw a duck paddle out from behind a bush followed by six baby ducks. And right after the last baby duck, was their dog, paddling behind.
Afraid their dog might unknowingly hurt the ducklings my father whistled for the dog, who turned back to shore.
All the baby ducklings turned and followed the dog! Even Mama Duck!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Bob -- Hahahaha, clearly the dog had found his peeps (so to speak)!

Jamie Ghione said...

Love the Canine Witness Protection one!

Boud said...

Great fun, especially the choices.

Frank said...

Our dog Benni (RIP) would begin to get excited when we got to the exit sign we used to take for his favorite dog park. And that was at least 5 miles from the park. Occasionally I would turn off to go to the recycling center first and Benni could make me feel like a mean parent.

Travel said...

I always asked my sister about her dog, before I asked about her kids.

Lady M said...

Chihuahua's are something - I have met 2 sweet ones and lots of naughty nasty ones.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Ironically, having been involved with animals all my life, I have no inclination to have a domestic pet. Dogs are doubtless wonderful companions, with intelligence and personality to spare.

Jeanie said...

Oh, that opening photo -- fantastic! And I loved the closer, too!

Marcia LaRue said...

I chuckled at every one of these! My old Pug ... he did love his meals and insisted on a sprinkling of grated Parmesan on top! Spoiled? Hey ... !!!

Cleora Borealis said...

😹😆 I knew it! I knew HRH couldn't hold back and give doggos their day!! HRH Rocks!! 😻🤘

Pixie said...

Too funny. Thanks for the laughs this morning.

Ur-spo said...

It's a dog's life.

Mistress Maddie said...

The witness protection program had me laughing out loud!!!! And the dachshund with the spoon in pretty funny too.

The cheese is true. Buster and Sophie both go nuts when the cheese comes out. I wonder if they aren't part mice?

Kathy G said...

Youngest Son has a chihuahua and a chihuahua mix. They're more hyper than aggressive, although even that is mellowing as they age.

roentare said...

Very funny memes. Thank you

Barbara said...

These are hilarious. Buddy, the chihuahua, wanted to know why I was laughing so hard.

Tundra Bunny said...

These dog memes are all great LOLs.... and as always, HRH has to have the last ass!

Moving with Mitchell said...

The HRH lie cracked me up.

Mary Kirkland said...

I understand all of these. lol

bruce.desertrat said...

Ah yes...the choices I have made...current denizens: our old retriever mix, orange with increasing white fir, double-coated, tan nutt, shortgaired, thankfully, and our newest, a pure white, double-coated husky. we get fur drifts in the house when they blow their coats!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ bruce,desertrat -- They both sound like delightful (if hairy) companions!

angela said...

Some very funny and clever ones there. I’ve learnt to not be drinking coffee while reading your posts lol

Breenlantern said...

I feel triggered...


Kirk said...

I take it Chihuahuas are good learners.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Good doggies!

DB Stewart said...

Captures the cat shade perfectly, haha. said...

Chihuahuas - that one really got me in a funny bone tickly way.
I'm thinking dog memes are at least as good as cat memes, though we won't tell HRH this.

Liz Hinds said...

That spoon is a brilliant idea! We've been dog-sitting Toby and he's an escaper. Will try that next time. If nothing else he might be too embarrassed to attempt it.

Janie Junebug said...

i am princeeeeesssss is one of the experts on leaving cheese out, but she is also of the opinion that everything should be left out. When I adopted her, I had forgotten what it was like to have a tall dog in the house and was accustomed to setting out my morning medication in the kitchen. After her first night with us, I awoke to discover my meds were gone. So if Princess had allergies or suffered from depression, I'm sure she felt better. And it is chihuahuas.


DVArtist said...

I'm having puppy fever right now. LOL Love all of these. Wishing you all the best for 2025.

This N That said...

Loved the Wiener dog with the spoon..very creative..Happy New Year Deb..All the best to you in 2025!!

Polly said...

Oh, I love these, I can relate to all of them, they made me smile, which isn't happening very much at the moment. HRH - she just couldn't resist it could she😃

Polly said...

Forgot to say Happy New Year

baili said...

haha hilarious all

e said...

I have had many dogs over the years and cats too. I am currently pet-free and it's not so bad. But, now that I have grown out my hair, there are still drifts all over the floors!

Busy Bee Suz said...

These all made me smile, but the list of aggressive dog breeds made me chuckle: Chihuahuas!! 🤣

Fundy Blue said...

Brilliant and funny!