Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Yup, Getting Older


Tom said...

...does this really apply to you???

Jamie Ghione said...

Laughing at the Wonder Woman one. And the favorite pharmacy. I choose to get my RXs at the Safeway pharmacy since I get most of my groceries at that store.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Tom -- Increasingly, yes!

Granny Annie said...

Oh these are all great...or maybe not since they all apply to ME! LOL

Moving with Mitchell said...

Genius life hack! And, yes, I DID make my parents ashtrays. Hadn’t thought about how strange that would be now.

Bob said...

That life hack is perfection.

Marie Smith said...

That’s what I need…a cat!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Moving with Mitchell -- You KNOW that I immediately thought of Dudo and Moose when I found this meme!

Val Ewing said...

It get's dark out and we start looking at the time ... can we go to bed yet? Yup!
The Life Hack is awesome.

Anonymous said...

These are great. We got a kitty 7 weeks ago and he already knows what cupboard has the food, and what time it is. Wonder Woman looks like she’s been through something challenging but she’s not giving up. Jayne in Ontario.

Travel said...

If it is after 9:00 PM, it is my bedtime if I want it to be. I wonder who took the picture of me trying decide if I was really ready to get out of bed in the morning?

Kathy G said...

I don't use a clock to tell me if it's bedtime. Instead I use the meteorologist and his five-day forecast on the 9:00 news. :-)

Ellen D. said...

I'm chuckling at these and realizing many apply to me! :)

baili said...

bhahahahah you made me laugh so hard
yea truth is so bitter but when you present it it hits so sweetly hahah love you Debra

Boud said...

I swear by my heron eggs!

Ol'Buzzard said...

I can relate to everything, except Wonder Woman - perhaps Stupor Man.
the Ol'Buzzard

Leanna said...

Oh my Goddess!! All of these memes so closely relate to me that it's frightening. I didn't realize I was that old.

Parnassus said...

Hi Debra, Well, here is one reason to want a heron egg:

Also, look at this antique lithograph of heron eggs:


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

A Heron Egg? I'm dying.
And the brain fog is real, Debs. I swear.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Parnassus (Jim) -- Thanks, as always, for those informative links!

Cleora Borealis said...

🤣 I literally just bought myself a t-shirt that says "What Did I Come In Here For?" Now, when I look puzzled, anyone else in the room can start shouting out "keys, pen, a cookie?" Even if I still can't remember, I still get a cookie out of it! 🍪

Frank said...

When you call your best friend all excited to tell them “Had to call you just to let you know…nothing hurts!”

Mary Kirkland said...

Oh funny, those are great. said...

Thank you for the humor. The cat medicine-reminder strategy would definitely work, but it's not for the faint of heart. I say this because if I did it with my five cats, they would remind me an hour too early and then they would keep reminding me every ten seconds until the proper time arrived. Other than that, it would work well.

bobbie said...

You and me both, girl!!!

roentare said...

I am starting to feel this strongly

DB Stewart said...

I definitely sit on the bed like that, lol. You curate memes so well!

Lady M said...

That cat trick is absolutely brilliant - now if only I had a cat.

Joanne Noragon said...

The cat timer is perfectly true.

Ur-spo said...

That does it. 2025 is my year for anorexia and an eyelid job.

Tundra Bunny said...

So that's why you wanted me to get a cat despite my being horribly allergic?!

Kirk said...

Yes, I'm old enough to remember making ashtrays. Along the same lines, there was also candy cigarettes.

angela said...

I’d like to add you know your old when you pass a toilet and think oh yes I may as well go lol

Mike said...

Ah, brain fog. It's just like... it's... well crap.

Mike said...

I was sure I'd left a comment about brain fog. Maybe not.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Mike -- Very droll, sir.

e said...

These were painfully accurate! And some were laugh out loud funny. We might as well laugh!

Mr. Shife said...

I can relate to all of those except the cat one because I don't have a Mr. Whiskers in my life. Thanks for making me feel my age today, Debra. And the laughs too.

This N That said...

I love the getting my leg through the underwear without losing my balance. Too true!

The Blog Fodder said...

I got heron eggs, cataracts, arthritic knees and neuropathy in both lower legs. I guess I am old too.

Anonymous said...

Codex: These are very funny. I have put the can opener in the fridge and then could not find it. I expect these moments will increase with age. As I get older the cats get younger.

Fundy Blue said...

OMG! Hilarious, Debra! You're right about cats, and they'd be a whole lot more fun than Alexa reminding us to take our pills. That frog is so Terry sitting on the edge of bed in the morning ~ LOL! Happy weekend to you!

Richard said...

Oh for shit sakes. Why on earth would I need a heron egg?

How do we know said...

As usual, these are fantastic!! Had me cracking up!

Liz Hinds said...

I can get brain fog halfway through a thought let alone a sentence.