I am beginning to think Blogger does this just to keep us all one step from the nut-house. I have not been on it much due to workload, but when I have.....it's been less than cooperative. Have they not learned....LEAVE IT ALONE IF IT WORKS???? Guess not. ;-)
They are excellent hackers. .they've been doing it with hairballs for generations! Plus, they love messing with lesser minds. .blogger was just asking for it!
Blogger is still messing up for me. It dumped my post tonight except for the title and 1 1/2 sentences. ARRRRGH! I think maybe getting the cat out didn't fix the problem- the photo is great. Johnina
Hmmm little precious probably has those emails from my ex-GF! This explains a lot!
should we let some dogs into the tubes?
well I'm glad someone figured it out!Good morning,,
I have always thought that an army of cats were the mastermind behind so many of our problems we like to complain about... interesting...
LOL! Actually, if blogger let the cats do their thing, it would run better .......... !!!!!!!!!!!
The way that my cats randomly attack things (and me) I'm not surprised that the Blogger issues are cat-related!
I am beginning to think Blogger does this just to keep us all one step from the nut-house.
I have not been on it much due to workload, but when I have.....it's been less than cooperative.
Have they not learned....LEAVE IT ALONE IF IT WORKS????
Guess not. ;-)
Yep...shulda known them LOLCats was behind the snafu!!
another catastrophe!
I don't trust cats, they're evil.
Finally some answers!
Well I can finally hold my head up again. I thought it was something I did!
LMAO!!! I love cats!!! :)
A lot of these issues could be avoided it they would just keep an eye on the cats.
blogger owner, google, like most too big organizations, keeps adding crap they want, but none of their members need... hence, constant fup ducks!
apparently they never heard of: if it ain't broke, DON'T fix it! GRRRRRR
what a pain in the ass blogger is..can't comment, no one can comment..bastids.
They are excellent hackers. .they've been doing it with hairballs for generations! Plus, they love messing with lesser minds. .blogger was just asking for it!
Well dear lady.....blogger has finally got straightened out....I hope you cat will be able to! LOL
thanks for the kind words,,
Blogger is still messing up for me. It dumped my post tonight except for the title and 1 1/2 sentences. ARRRRGH!
I think maybe getting the cat out didn't fix the problem- the photo is great.
YEAH, Blogger HAS been unacceptably glitchy for weeks now....
I tell you -- it's risking my friendship with it!
The cats are working on it. Unfortunately for us, it's nap time... or play time... or dinner time.
Damn...so that's what's been happening! What...weren't the cats getting enough attention already!?!?
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