I fully and freely admit that I am an old fogey
who accumulates spare change, rolls it and then
takes it to the bank for deposit into my account.
And I have My Own System™ for doing so.
Many years ago in a junk shop,
I found this hard plastic
container with a lid.
It is, in fact, a nesting container
with two other containers inside it.
Judging from their laughably small size
by today's junk food serving sizes,
by today's junk food serving sizes,
I'd estimate this set dates from the 1950s or 1960s.
As change accumulates, I separate it
into quarters, dimes and nickels in
the appropriate container.
About once a year (or two years if I'm lazy),
I roll the change and take it to the bank.
Usually there's 2 or 3 hundred
bucks worth by that point.
And not to brag or anything,
but I can roll change as fast as the wind!
If Canada had an Olympic Team for
Coin Rolling, I'd be on it.
My hotelier Grandma taught me the secrets
of speedy coin rolling when I was a kid.
I used to help her roll all the change from
the restaurant and beverage room cash registers.
While my vast wealth in spare change
accumulates over the year(s), I do,
of course, maintain a security system for it.
accumulates over the year(s), I do,
of course, maintain a security system for it.
It is guarded by The Mighty Thor himself!
Here he is doing his duty on my bookshelf.
Captain America and the Winter Soldier
are supposed to be providing backup security,
but they don't seem to be all that reliable.
Hey slackers!
Get back to work!
Canoodle on your OWN time!